Precision agriculture technologies positively contributing to GHG emissions mitigation, farm productivity and economics A Balafoutis, B Beck, S Fountas, J Vangeyte, T Van der Wal, I Soto, ... Sustainability 9 (8), 1339, 2017 | 707 | 2017 |
Exploring the adoption of precision agricultural technologies: A cross regional study of EU farmers AP Barnes, I Soto, V Eory, B Beck, A Balafoutis, B Sánchez, J Vangeyte, ... Land use policy 80, 163-174, 2019 | 496 | 2019 |
Farmers’ perceptions of climate change: identifying types JJ Hyland, DL Jones, KA Parkhill, AP Barnes, AP Williams Agriculture and Human Values 33, 323-339, 2016 | 248 | 2016 |
A typology of dairy farmer perceptions towards climate change AP Barnes, L Toma Climatic Change 112, 507-522, 2012 | 229 | 2012 |
Developing greenhouse gas marginal abatement cost curves for agricultural emissions from crops and soils in the UK M MacLeod, D Moran, V Eory, RM Rees, A Barnes, CFE Topp, B Ball, ... Agricultural Systems 103, 198-209, 2010 | 208 | 2010 |
Which factors influence farmers' intentions to adopt nutrient management planning? A Daxini, C O'Donoghue, M Ryan, C Buckley, AP Barnes, K Daly Journal of environmental management 224, 350-360, 2018 | 201 | 2018 |
Understanding farmers’ intentions to follow a nutrient management plan using the theory of planned behaviour A Daxini, M Ryan, C O’Donoghue, AP Barnes Land Use Policy 85, 428-437, 2019 | 189 | 2019 |
Integrated farm management for sustainable agriculture: Lessons for knowledge exchange and policy DC Rose, WJ Sutherland, AP Barnes, F Borthwick, C Ffoulkes, C Hall, ... Land use policy 81, 834-842, 2019 | 180 | 2019 |
Marginal abatement cost curves for UK agricultural greenhouse gas emissions D Moran, M Macleod, E Wall, V Eory, A McVittie, A Barnes, R Rees, ... Journal of Agricultural Economics 62 (1), 93-118, 2011 | 180 | 2011 |
The influence of diversification on long-term viability of the agricultural sector AP Barnes, H Hansson, G Manevska-Tasevska, SS Shrestha, ... Land use policy 49, 404-412, 2015 | 179 | 2015 |
Farmers and climate change: A cross-national comparison of beliefs and risk perceptions in high-income countries LS Prokopy, JG Arbuckle, AP Barnes, VR Haden, A Hogan, MT Niles, ... Environmental management 56, 492-504, 2015 | 162 | 2015 |
Influencing incentives for precision agricultural technologies within European arable farming systems AP Barnes, I Soto, V Eory, B Beck, AT Balafoutis, B Sánchez, J Vangeyte, ... Environmental science & policy 93, 66-74, 2019 | 161 | 2019 |
North–South divide: contrasting impacts of climate change on crop yields in Scotland and England MH Butterworth, MA Semenov, A Barnes, D Moran, JS West, BDL Fitt Journal of the Royal Society Interface 7 (42), 123-130, 2010 | 147 | 2010 |
Does multi-functionality affect technical efficiency? A non-parametric analysis of the Scottish dairy industry AP Barnes Journal of environmental management 80 (4), 287-294, 2006 | 140 | 2006 |
Refining perception-based farmer typologies with the analysis of past census data EE Guillem, AP Barnes, MDA Rounsevell, A Renwick Journal of environmental management 110, 226-235, 2012 | 135 | 2012 |
Greenhouse gas emissions and the technical efficiency of dairy farmers OK Shortall, AP Barnes Ecological Indicators 29, 478-488, 2013 | 131 | 2013 |
Comparing a ‘budge’to a ‘nudge’: Farmer responses to voluntary and compulsory compliance in a water quality management regime AP Barnes, L Toma, J Willock, C Hall Journal of Rural Studies 32, 448-459, 2013 | 121 | 2013 |
UK marginal abatement cost curves for the agriculture and land use, land-use change and forestry sectors out to 2022, with qualitative analysis of options to 2050: Final Report … D Moran, M MacLeod, E Wall, V Eory, G Pajot, R Matthews, A McVittie, ... | 119 | 2008 |
Utilising a farmer typology to understand farmer behaviour towards water quality management: Nitrate Vulnerable Zones in Scotland AP Barnes, J Willock, L Toma, C Hall Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 54 (4), 477-494, 2011 | 117 | 2011 |
Food system resilience: concepts, issues, and challenges M Zurek, J Ingram, A Sanderson Bellamy, C Goold, C Lyon, P Alexander, ... Annual Review of Environment and Resources 47 (1), 511-534, 2022 | 112 | 2022 |