עקוב אחר
Dedek Andrian
Dedek Andrian
Universitas Islam Riau
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין student.uny.ac.id
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
The Instrument Development to Evaluate Local Curriculum in Indonesia.
D Andrian, B Kartowagiran, S Hadi
International Journal of Instruction 11 (4), 921-934, 2018
Pengembangan media interaktif menggunakan adobe flash CS6 profesional pada materi relasi dan fungsi
I Muhammad, F Yolanda, D Andrian, S Rezeki
Journal of Authentic Research on Mathematics Education (JARME) 4 (1), 128-140, 2022
Pengaruh pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar, sikap sosial, dan motivasi belajar
D Andrian, A Wahyuni, S Ramadhan, FRE Novilanti
Inomatika 2 (1), 65-75, 2020
Evaluation model for evaluating vocational skills programs on local content curriculum in Indonesia: Impact of educational system in Indonesia
S Hadı, D Andrıan, B Kartowagıran
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 19 (82), 45-62, 2019
The Development of Instrument for Assessing Students' Affective Domain Using Self-and Peer-Assessment Models.
A Setiawan, D Mardapi, D Andrian
International Journal of Instruction 12 (3), 425-438, 2019
Mathematics and Cultures: A New Concept in Maintaining Cultures through the Development of Learning Devices.
S Rezeki, D Andrian, Y Safitri
International Journal of Instruction 14 (3), 375-392, 2021
The Increasing of Math Adversity Quotient in Mathematics Cooperative Learning through Metacognitive.
MZ Amir, E Nurdin, MP Azmi, D Andrian
International journal of instruction 14 (4), 841-856, 2021
The sustainability concept of Riau cultures through development of mathematics learning devices based on Riau folklore at elementary schools
S Rezeki, D Andrian, A Wahyuni, H Nurkholisah
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1538 (1), 012066, 2020
D., Azmi, MP, Amir, Z., & Nurdin, E.(2019). Development of a definition maps-based plane geometry module to improve the student teachers’ mathematical reasoning ability
A Risnawati
International Journal of Instruction 12 (3), 541-560, 0
Metodologi dan Aplikasi Statistik
D Andrian, SW Asta, A Setiawan
The Internationalization Dynamics of Character Based Education Pandemic
DC Sari, A Setiawan, Y Shiozaki, K Rajab, A Yasid, FMD Sham, AH bin Ali, ...
Tamansiswa International Journal in Education and Science (TIJES) 3 (1), 1-8, 2021
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Prisma Berbasis Macromedia Flash Dengan Desain Pembelajaran Assure
D Maclinton, D Andrian
Inovasi Matematika (Inomatika) 4 (1), 83-97, 2022
Development of a Definition Maps-Based Plane Geometry Module to Improve the Student Teachers' Mathematical Reasoning Ability.
D Andrian, MP Azmi, Z Amir, E Nurdin
International Journal of Instruction 12 (3), 541-560, 2019
Aplikasi metodologi Dan statistik penelitian
A Setiawan, D Andrian, SW Asta
Nuha Medika, 2019
Augmented reality for cultivating computational thinking skills in mathematics completed with literature review, bibliometrics, and experiments for students
LM Angraini, A Susilawati, MS Noto, R Wahyuni, D Andrian
Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology 9 (1), 225-260, 2024
Developing an instrument to evaluate the influential factors of the success of local curriculum
D Andrian
REID (Research and Evaluation in Education) 5 (1), 8, 2019
Development Instrument to Increase Students' Geometry Ability Based on Van Hiele Level Integrated with Riau Malay Culture
A Wahyuni, LA Effendi, LM Angraini, D Andrian
Jurnal Penelitian Dan Evaluasi Pendidikan 24 (2), 208-217, 2020
Digital Learning Media Integrated with Malay Culture to Improve Students’ Numeration Ability and Motivation
D Andrian
Mosharafa: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika 12 (2), 301-314, 2023
An Instrument Development to Evaluate Teachers' Involvement in Planning the Schools' Budgeting at Elementary Schools of Yogyakarta Province.
S Hadi, S Maisaroh, A Hidayat, D Andrian
International Journal of Instruction 15 (2), 1087-1100, 2022
The effectiveness of macromedia flash digital media in improving students’ mathematics reasoning
M Yunus, M Abrory, D Andrian, D Maclinton
Mathematics Research and Education Journal 6 (1), 14-20, 2022
המערכת אינה יכולה לבצע את הפעולה כעת. נסה שוב מאוחר יותר.
מאמרים 1–20