עקוב אחר
Teresa Naab
Teresa Naab
Professor of Digital Communication, University of Mannheim, Germany
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין uni-mannheim.de - דף הבית
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
Studies of user-generated content: A systematic review
TK Naab, A Sehl
Journalism, 2016
Free to expose corruption: The impact of media freedom, internet access and governmental online service delivery on corruption
C Starke, TK Naab, H Scherer
International Journal of Communication 10, 2016
Reporting mobile social media use: How survey and experience sampling measures differ
TK Naab, V Karnowski, D Schlütz
Communication Methods and Measures 13 (2), 126-147, 2019
Flagging uncivil user comments: Effects of intervention information, type of victim, and response comments on bystander behavior
TK Naab, A Kalch, TGK Meitz
New Media & Society, http://nms.sagepub.com/content/early/201, 2016
Comments and credibility: how critical user comments decrease perceived news article credibility
TK Naab, D Heinbach, M Ziegele, MT Grasberger
Journalism studies 21 (6), 783-801, 2020
Lonely together? Identifying the determinants of collective corrective action against uncivil comments
M Ziegele, TK Naab, P Jost
New Media & Society 22 (5), 731-751, 2020
Replying, disliking, flagging: How users engage with uncivil and impolite comments on news sites
A Kalch, TK Naab
SCM Studies in Communication and Media 6 (4), 395-419, 2017
Habitual initiation of media use and a response-frequency measure for its examination
TK Naab, A Schnauber
Media Psychology 19 (1), 126-155, 2016
The process of forming a mobile media habit: Results of a longitudinal study in a real-world setting
A Schnauber-Stockmann, TK Naab
Media Psychology 22 (5), 714-742, 2019
Gewohnheiten und Rituale der Fernsehnutzung
T Naab
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2012
Who is responsible for interventions against problematic comments? Comparing user attitudes in Germany and the United States
MJ Riedl, TK Naab, GM Masullo, P Jost, M Ziegele
Policy & Internet 13 (3), 433-451, 2021
Klicken oder tippen? Eine Analyse verschiedener Interventionsstrategien in unzivilen Online-Diskussionen auf Facebook
P Jost, M Ziegele, TK Naab
Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 30, 1-25, 2020
Messen im Zeitverlauf
H Scherer, TK Naab
Handbuch standardisierte Erhebungsverfahren in der …, 2013
Uncivil user comments increase users’ intention to engage in corrective actions and their support for authoritative restrictive actions
TK Naab, T Naab, J Brandmeier
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 98 (2), 566-588, 2021
Nutzung von Werbung: Selektion und Vermeidung persuasiver Inhalte
TK Naab, D Schlütz
G. Siegert, W. Wirth, P. Weber & J. Lieschka (Hrsg.), Handbuch …, 2016
The Relevance of People's Attitudes Towards Freedom of Expression in a Changing Media Environment
TK Naab
ESSACHESS – Journal for Communication Studies 5 (1), 45-67, 2012
Money does matter
H Scherer, TK Naab
T. Hartmann (Ed.): Media choice: A theoretical and empirical overview, 70-83, 2009
Aufräumen im Trollhaus: Zum Einfluss von Community-Managern und Aktionsgruppen in Kommentarspalten
M Ziegele, P Jost, D Frieß, TK Naab
Gender-related differences in online comment sections: Findings from a large-scale content analysis of commenting behavior
C Küchler, A Stoll, M Ziegele, TK Naab
Social Science Computer Review 41 (3), 728-747, 2023
Measurement issues and the relationship between media freedom and corruption
LB Becker, TK Naab, C English, T Vlad
Journalism Research and Education Section, International Association for …, 2013
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