Warming up to user-generated content E Lee U. Ill. L. Rev., 1459, 2008 | 243 | 2008 |
Decoding the DMCA safe harbors E Lee Colum. JL & Arts 32, 233, 2008 | 129 | 2008 |
Technological fair use E Lee S. Cal. L. Rev. 83, 797, 2009 | 122 | 2009 |
Rules and standards for cyberspace E Lee Notre Dame L. Rev. 77, 1275, 2001 | 111 | 2001 |
The public's domain: The evolution of legal restraints on the government's power to control public access through secrecy or intellectual property E Lee Hastings Lj 55, 91, 2003 | 110 | 2003 |
Recognizing rights in real time: The role of Google in the EU right to be forgotten E Lee UCDL Rev. 49, 1017, 2015 | 79 | 2015 |
Digital originality E Lee Vand. J. Ent. & Tech. L. 14, 919, 2011 | 77 | 2011 |
Freedom of the Press 2.0 E Lee Ga. L. Rev. 42, 309, 2007 | 77 | 2007 |
The New Canon: Using or Misusing Foreign Law to Decide Domestic Intellectual Property Claims E Lee Harv. Int'l LJ 46, 1, 2005 | 53 | 2005 |
Fair Use Avoidance in Music Cases E Lee BCL Rev. 59, 1873, 2018 | 48 | 2018 |
Measuring TRIPs compliance and defiance: The WTO compliance scorecard E Lee J. Intell. Prop. L. 18, 401, 2010 | 42 | 2010 |
Patent trolls: moral panics, motions in limine, and patent reform E Lee Stan. Tech. L. Rev. 19, 113, 2015 | 40 | 2015 |
Moderating Content Moderation: A Framework for Nonpartisanship in Online Governance E Lee Am. UL Rev. 70, 913, 2020 | 38 | 2020 |
Copyright, Death and Taxes E Lee Wake Forest L. Rev. 47, 1, 2012 | 32 | 2012 |
The right to be forgotten v. free speech E Lee ISJLP 12, 85, 2015 | 28 | 2015 |
The ethics of innovation: P2p software developers and designing substantial noninfringing uses under the sony doctrine E Lee Journal of Business Ethics 62, 147-162, 2005 | 28 | 2005 |
Warming Up to User-Generated Content, 2008 U E Lee University of Illinois Law Review 5, 1459 at 1479, 2008 | 26 | 2008 |
NFTs as Decentralized Intellectual Property E Lee University of Illinois Law Review 2023, 2023 | 25 | 2023 |
The bored ape business model: Decentralized collaboration via blockchain and nfts E Lee Available at SSRN 3963881, 2021 | 20 | 2021 |
Research handbook on intellectual property exhaustion and parallel imports I Calboli, E Lee Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016 | 19 | 2016 |