A review of machining monitoring systems based on artificial intelligence process models JV Abellan-Nebot, F Romero Subirón The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 47, 237-257, 2010 | 521 | 2010 |
Project-based collaborative engineering learning to develop Industry 4.0 skills within a PLM framework C Vila, D Ugarte, J Ríos, JV Abellán Procedia manufacturing 13, 1269-1276, 2017 | 109 | 2017 |
State space modeling of variation propagation in multistation machining processes considering machining-induced variations JV Abellan-Nebot, J Liu, FR Subirón, J Shi | 77 | 2012 |
Quality prediction and compensation in multi-station machining processes using sensor-based fixtures JV Abellan-Nebot, J Liu, FR Subirón Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 28 (2), 208-219, 2012 | 75 | 2012 |
Study of face milling of hardened AISI D3 steel with a special design of carbide tools HR Siller, C Vila, CA Rodríguez, JV Abellán The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 40, 12-25, 2009 | 70 | 2009 |
An approach to sustainable product lifecycle management (Green PLM) C Vila, JV Abellán-Nebot, JC Albiñana, G Hernández Procedia engineering 132, 585-592, 2015 | 68 | 2015 |
Modeling workflow activities for collaborative process planning with product lifecycle management tools HR Siller, A Estruch, C Vila, JV Abellan, F Romero Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 19, 689-700, 2008 | 56 | 2008 |
Adaptive control optimization in micro-milling of hardened steels—evaluation of optimization approaches R Coppel, JV Abellan-Nebot, HR Siller, CA Rodriguez, F Guedea The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 84, 2219-2238, 2016 | 47 | 2016 |
Adaptive control optimization of cutting parameters for high quality machining operations based on neural networks and search algorithms JV Abellan, F Romero, HR Siller, A Estruch, C Vila Advances in robotics, automation and control, 472-493, 2008 | 44 | 2008 |
Manufacturing variation models in multi-station machining systems JV Abellán-Nebot, F Romero Subirón, J Serrano Mira The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 64, 63-83, 2013 | 40 | 2013 |
Sustainable machining of molds for tile industry by minimum quantity lubrication JV Abellan-Nebot, MO Rogero Journal of Cleaner Production 240, 118082, 2019 | 34 | 2019 |
Project-based experience through real manufacturing activities in mechanical engineering JV Abellán-Nebot International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education 48 (1), 55-78, 2020 | 30 | 2020 |
Study of different cutting strategies for sustainable machining of hardened steels C Vila, JV Abellán-Nebot, HR Siller-Carrillo Procedia Engineering 132, 1120-1127, 2015 | 30 | 2015 |
Process-oriented tolerancing using the extended stream of variation model JV Abellán-Nebot, J Liu, FR Subirón Computers in Industry 64 (5), 485-498, 2013 | 30 | 2013 |
Variation propagation modelling for multi-station machining processes with fixtures based on locating surfaces JV Abellán, J Liu International Journal of Production Research 51 (15), 4667-4681, 2013 | 28 | 2013 |
Design of multi-station manufacturing processes by integrating the stream-of-variation model and shop-floor data JV Abellan-Nebot, J Liu, FR Subiron Journal of Manufacturing Systems 30 (2), 70-82, 2011 | 25 | 2011 |
Adaptive control optimisation system for minimising production cost in hard milling operations JA Silva, JV Abellán-Nebot, HR Siller, F Guedea-Elizalde International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 27 (4), 348-360, 2014 | 23 | 2014 |
An experimental study of process variables in turning operations of Ti–6Al–4V and Cr–Co spherical prostheses JV Abellán-Nebot, HR Siller, C Vila, CA Rodríguez The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 63, 887-902, 2012 | 23 | 2012 |
Use of additive manufacturing to obtain moulds to thermoform tactile graphics for people with visual impairment J Serrano-Mira, J Gual-Ortí, G Bruscas-Bellido, JV Abellán-Nebot Procedia Manufacturing 13, 810-817, 2017 | 22 | 2017 |
Collaborative product development experience in a senior Integrated manufacturing course C Vila, JV Abellan-Nebot, AM Estruch, HR Siller International Journal of Engineering Education 25 (5), 886-899, 2009 | 20 | 2009 |