The natural number bias and magnitude representation in fraction comparison by expert mathematicians A Obersteiner, W Van Dooren, J Van Hoof, L Verschaffel Learning and Instruction 28, 64-72, 2013 | 252 | 2013 |
Eye-tracking methodology in mathematics education research: A systematic literature review AR Strohmaier, KJ MacKay, A Obersteiner, KM Reiss Educational Studies in Mathematics 104, 147-200, 2020 | 235 | 2020 |
How training on exact or approximate mental representations of number can enhance first-grade students’ basic number processing and arithmetic skills A Obersteiner, K Reiss, S Ufer Learning and Instruction 23, 125-135, 2013 | 201 | 2013 |
Facilitating diagnostic competences in simulations: A conceptual framework and a research agenda for medical and teacher education. N Heitzman, T Seidel, A Opitz, A Hetmanek, C Wecker, M Fischer, S Ufer, ... Frontline Learning Research 7 (4), 1-24, 2019 | 194 | 2019 |
Measuring fraction comparison strategies with eye-tracking A Obersteiner, C Tumpek Zdm 48, 255-266, 2016 | 103 | 2016 |
Systematizing professional knowledge of medical doctors and teachers: Development of an interdisciplinary framework in the context of diagnostic competences C Förtsch, D Sommerhoff, F Fischer, MR Fischer, R Girwidz, A Obersteiner, ... Education Sciences 8 (4), 207, 2018 | 78 | 2018 |
Who can escape the natural number bias in rational number tasks? A study involving students and experts A Obersteiner, JV Hoof, L Verschaffel, WV Dooren British Journal of Psychology 107 (3), 537-555, 2016 | 64 | 2016 |
Arithmetic tasks in different formats and their influence on behavior and brain oxygenation as assessed with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS): a study involving primary and … T Dresler, A Obersteiner, M Schecklmann, ACM Vogel, AC Ehlis, ... Journal of neural transmission 116, 1689-1700, 2009 | 58 | 2009 |
Understanding fractions: Integrating results from mathematics education, cognitive psychology, and neuroscience A Obersteiner, T Dresler, SM Bieck, K Moeller Constructing number: Merging perspectives from psychology and mathematics …, 2019 | 55 | 2019 |
Mathematikunterricht in Deutschland: Befunde aus PISA 2012 A Schiepe-Tiska, K Reiss, A Obersteiner, JH Heine, T Seidel, M Prenzel PISA 2012: Fortschritte und Herausforderungen in Deutschland, 2013 | 53 | 2013 |
Forging a new path for Educational Neuroscience: An international young-researcher perspective on combining neuroscience and educational practices HL Pincham, AA Matejko, A Obersteiner, C Killikelly, KP Abrahao, ... Trends in Neuroscience and Education 3 (1), 28-31, 2014 | 51 | 2014 |
Bringing brain imaging to the school to assess arithmetic problem solving: chances and limitations in combining educational and neuroscientific research A Obersteiner, T Dresler, K Reiss, ACM Vogel, R Pekrun, AJ Fallgatter Zdm 42, 541-554, 2010 | 43 | 2010 |
Analyzing prospective mathematics teachers’ diagnostic processes in a simulated environment A Wildgans-Lang, S Scheuerer, A Obersteiner, F Fischer, K Reiss ZDM 52, 241-254, 2020 | 42 | 2020 |
Formal and informal learning environments: Using games to support early numeracy H Gasteiger, A Obersteiner, K Reiss Describing and studying domain-specific serious games, 231-250, 2015 | 37 | 2015 |
Complex fraction comparisons and the natural number bias: The role of benchmarks A Obersteiner, MW Alibali, V Marupudi Learning and Instruction 67, 101307, 2020 | 34 | 2020 |
The interplay between the natural number bias and fraction magnitude processing in low-achieving students F Reinhold, A Obersteiner, S Hoch, SI Hofer, K Reiss Frontiers in Education 5, 29, 2020 | 32 | 2020 |
Primary school children’s strategies in solving contingency table problems: the role of intuition and inhibition A Obersteiner, M Bernhard, K Reiss ZDM 47, 825-836, 2015 | 29 | 2015 |
Whole number thinking, learning and development: Neuro-cognitive, cognitive and developmental approaches J Mulligan, L Verschaffel, A Baccaglini-Frank, A Coles, P Gould, S He, ... Building the Foundation: Whole Numbers in the Primary Grades: The 23rd ICMI …, 2018 | 25 | 2018 |
Expert Mathematicians' Strategies for Comparing the Numerical Values of Fractions--Evidence from Eye Movements. A Obersteiner, G Moll, JT Beitlich, C Cui, M Schmidt, T Khmelivska, ... North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of …, 2014 | 25 | 2014 |
Do first graders make efficient use of external number representations? The case of the twenty-frame A Obersteiner, K Reiss, S Ufer, K Luwel, L Verschaffel Cognition and Instruction 32 (4), 353-373, 2014 | 23 | 2014 |