Phase change materials (PCM) for cooling applications in buildings: A review F Souayfane, F Fardoun, PH Biwole Energy and buildings 129, 396-431, 2016 | 824 | 2016 |
Influence of fin size and distribution on solid-liquid phase change in a rectangular enclosure PH Biwole, D Groulx, F Souayfane, T Chiu International Journal of Thermal Sciences 124, 433-446, 2018 | 148 | 2018 |
Energy performance and economic analysis of a TIM-PCM wall under different climates F Souayfane, PH Biwole, F Fardoun, P Achard Energy 169, 1274-1291, 2019 | 110 | 2019 |
Thermal behavior of a translucent superinsulated latent heat energy storage wall in summertime F Souayfane, PH Biwole, F Fardoun Applied Energy 217, 390-408, 2018 | 64 | 2018 |
Melting of a phase change material in presence of natural convection and radiation: A simplified model F Souayfane, PH Biwole, F Fardoun Applied Thermal Engineering 130, 660-671, 2018 | 54 | 2018 |
On the behavior of renewable energy systems in buildings of three Saudi cities: winter variabilities and extremes are critical F Souayfane, RM Lima, H Dahrouj, HP Dasari, I Hoteit, O Knio Journal of Building Engineering 70, 106408, 2023 | 13 | 2023 |
A weather-clustering and energy-thermal comfort optimization methodology for indoor cooling in subtropical desert climates F Souayfane, RM Lima, H Dahrouj, O Knio Journal of Building Engineering 51, 104327, 2022 | 10 | 2022 |
Different mathematical models of convection during phase change F Souayfane, F Fardoun, PH Biwole 2016 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energies for Developing …, 2016 | 6 | 2016 |
Modèle simplifié pour la prise en compte de la convection naturelle dans la modélisation du changement de phase solide-liquide F Souayfane, F Fardoun, PH Biwole XIIIème Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Québécois sur la Thermique des …, 2017 | 4 | 2017 |
On Including Weather Extremes in the Design and Operation of Renewable Power Systems RP de Lima, F Souayfane, J Riera, H Dahrouj, O Knio 2024 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2024 | | 2024 |
Towards a sustainable KAUST campus: a design strategy for a resilient renewable energy system F Souayfane, R Lima, A Katoua, O Knio | | 2024 |
Application of PCMs for Enhancing Energy Efficiency and Indoor Comfort in Buildings F Souayfane, PH Biwolé, F Fardoun Latent Heat-Based Thermal Energy Storage Systems, 129-155, 2020 | | 2020 |
Development of a simplified model for phase change in presence of natural convection and radiation: application to a novel heat storage translucent superinsulated wall F Souayfane COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019); Université Libanaise, 2018 | | 2018 |
Modèle simplifié de changement de phase en présence de convection et rayonnement: application à un mur translucide associant superisolation et stockage d'énergie thermiques F Souayfane Université Côte d'Azur (ComUE), 2018 | | 2018 |
Melting of a phase change material in presence of natural convection and radiation: A simplified model for engineering applications F Souayfane, PH Biwole, F Fardoun 3rd Thermal and fluid engineering conference (TFEC), 2018 | | 2018 |
Convection and Radiation During Melting of a Phase Change Material: A Simplified Model for Engineering Applications F Souayfane, F Fardoun, PH Biwole Forum Doctoral 2017-Ecole doctorale science et technologie, 2017 | | 2017 |
Matériaux à changements de phase (MCP) pour le confort d'été F Souayfane, PH Biwole, F Fardoun Séminaire des doctorants GTE, 2017 | | 2017 |
Simplified Model Taking into Account the Natural Convection during Melting of PCM F Souayfane, PH Biwole, F Fardoun Colloque des doctorants Laboratoire Jean-Alexandre Dieudonné (LJAD), 2017 | | 2017 |
Forum doctoral 2017 F SOUAYFANE, F FARDOUN, PH BIWOLE | | |