The unholy trinity: taxonomy, species delimitation and DNA barcoding R DeSalle, MG Egan, M Siddall Philosophical transactions of the royal society B: Biological sciences 360 …, 2005 | 1228 | 2005 |
The carcinogenicity of human papillomavirus types reflects viral evolution M Schiffman, R Herrero, R DeSalle, A Hildesheim, S Wacholder, ... Virology 337 (1), 76-84, 2005 | 784 | 2005 |
Taking race out of human genetics M Yudell, D Roberts, R DeSalle, S Tishkoff Science 351 (6273), 564-565, 2016 | 679 | 2016 |
Multiple sources of character information and the phylogeny of Hawaiian drosophilids RH Baker, R DeSalle Systematic biology 46 (4), 654-673, 1997 | 674 | 1997 |
Tempo and mode of sequence evolution in mitochondrial DNA of HawaiianDrosophila R DeSalle, T Freedman, EM Prager, AC Wilson Journal of Molecular evolution 26, 157-164, 1987 | 661 | 1987 |
Oil palm genome sequence reveals divergence of interfertile species in Old and New worlds R Singh, M Ong-Abdullah, ETL Low, MAA Manaf, R Rosli, R Nookiah, ... Nature 500 (7462), 335-339, 2013 | 642 | 2013 |
The expansion of conservation genetics R DeSalle, G Amato Conservation genetics in the age of genomics, 1-24, 2009 | 553 | 2009 |
Diagnosing units of conservation management AP Vogler, ROB Desalle Conservation Biology 8 (2), 354-363, 1994 | 475 | 1994 |
DNA sequences from a fossil termite in Oligo-Miocene amber and their phylogenetic implications R DeSalle, J Gatesy, W Wheeler, D Grimaldi Science 257 (5078), 1933-1936, 1992 | 464 | 1992 |
Integrating DNA barcode data and taxonomic practice: determination, discovery, and description PZ Goldstein, R DeSalle Bioessays 33 (2), 135-147, 2011 | 437 | 2011 |
Alignment-ambiguous nucleotide sites and the exclusion of systematic data J Gatesy, R DeSalle, W Wheeler Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 2 (2), 152-157, 1993 | 418 | 1993 |
Class-level relationships in the phylum Cnidaria: evidence from mitochondrial genome structure. D Bridge, CW Cunningham, B Schierwater, ROB Desalle, LW Buss Proceedings of the National academy of Sciences 89 (18), 8750-8753, 1992 | 411 | 1992 |
Character-based DNA barcoding allows discrimination of genera, species and populations in Odonata J Rach, R DeSalle, IN Sarkar, B Schierwater, H Hadrys Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 275 (1632), 237-247, 2008 | 389 | 2008 |
Phylogeny of the Acipenseriformes: cytogenetic and molecular approaches VJ Birstein, R Hanner, R DeSalle Sturgeon biodiversity and conservation, 127-155, 1997 | 384 | 1997 |
Punctuated bursts in human male demography inferred from 1,244 worldwide Y-chromosome sequences GD Poznik, Y Xue, FL Mendez, TF Willems, A Massaia, MA Wilson Sayres, ... Nature genetics 48 (6), 593-599, 2016 | 378 | 2016 |
Patterns of mitochondrial versus nuclear DNA sequence divergence among nymphalid butterflies: the utility of wingless as a source of characters for phylogenetic … AVZ Brower, R DeSalle Insect molecular biology 7 (1), 73-82, 1998 | 374 | 1998 |
Class-level relationships in the phylum Cnidaria: molecular and morphological evidence. D Bridge, CW Cunningham, R DeSalle, LW Buss Molecular Biology and Evolution 12 (4), 679-689, 1995 | 347 | 1995 |
Assessing the relative contribution of molecular and morphological characters in simultaneous analysis trees RH Baker, X Yu, R DeSalle Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 9 (3), 427-436, 1998 | 344 | 1998 |
Evolution and phylogenetic information content of the ITS-1 region in the tiger beetle Cicindela dorsalis. AP Vogler, R DeSalle Molecular Biology and Evolution 11 (3), 393-405, 1994 | 333 | 1994 |
Concatenated analysis sheds light on early metazoan evolution and fuels a modern “urmetazoon” hypothesis B Schierwater, M Eitel, W Jakob, HJ Osigus, H Hadrys, SL Dellaporta, ... PLoS biology 7 (1), e1000020, 2009 | 327 | 2009 |