Linking positive emotions and academic performance: The mediated role of academic psychological capital and academic engagement M Carmona-Halty, M Salanova, S Llorens, WB Schaufeli Current Psychology 40 (6), 2938-2947, 2021 | 268 | 2021 |
The utrecht work engagement scale for students (UWES–9S): factorial validity, reliability, and measurement invariance in a chilean sample of undergraduate university students MA Carmona-Halty, WB Schaufeli, M Salanova Frontiers in Psychology 10, 1017, 2019 | 257 | 2019 |
How psychological capital mediates between study–related positive emotions and academic performance M Carmona–Halty, M Salanova, S Llorens, WB Schaufeli Journal of Happiness Studies 20, 605-617, 2019 | 239 | 2019 |
Good relationships, good performance: the mediating role of psychological capital–a three-wave study among students M Carmona-Halty, WB Schaufeli, M Salanova Frontiers in psychology 10, 306, 2019 | 124 | 2019 |
Estandarización de la Escala Wechsler de Inteligencia para Adultos: cuarta edición en Chile R Rosas, M Tenorio, M Pizarro, P Cumsille, A Bosch, S Arancibia, ... Psykhe (Santiago) 23 (1), 1-18, 2014 | 97 | 2014 |
Adaptation and validation to Spanish of the Psychological Capital Questionnaire–12 (PCQ–12) in academic contexts IM Martínez, I Meneghel, M Carmona-Halty, CM Youssef-Morgan Current Psychology 40 (7), 3409-3416, 2021 | 79 | 2021 |
Satisfaction of basic psychological needs leads to better academic performance via increased psychological capital: A three-wave longitudinal study among high school students M Carmona-Halty, WB Schaufeli, S Llorens, M Salanova Frontiers in psychology 10, 2113, 2019 | 74 | 2019 |
The strengthening starts at home: Parent–child relationships, psychological capital, and academic performance–a longitudinal mediation analysis M Carmona-Halty, M Salanova, WB Schaufeli Current Psychology 41 (6), 3788-3796, 2022 | 50 | 2022 |
Percepción de amenaza exogrupal, contacto intergrupal y prejuicio afectivo hacia colectivos migrantes latinoamericanos residentes en Chile M Carmona-Halty, M Navas, P Rojas-Paz Interciencia 43 (1), 23-27, 2018 | 39 | 2018 |
Rasgos de personalidad, necesidad de cognición y satisfacción vital en estudiantes universitarios chilenos MA Carmona-Halty, PP Rojas-Paz Universitas Psychologica 13 (1), 83-93, 2014 | 38 | 2014 |
Análisis psicométrico del Gratitude Questionnaire 6 (GQ-6) en población chilena MA Carmona-Halty, M Marín-Gutierrez, F Belmar-Saavedra Universitas Psychologica 14 (3), 881-888, 2015 | 31 | 2015 |
School Burnout Inventory: Factorial Validity, Reliability, and Measurement Invariance in a Chilean Sample of High School Students M Carmona-Halty, P Mena-Chamorro, G Sepúlveda-Páez, ... Measurement in Health Psychology, 2022 | 24 | 2022 |
Rumination in posttraumatic stress and growth after a natural disaster: a model from northern Chile 2014 earthquakes F Leal-Soto, M Carmona-Halty, R Ferrer-Urbina European journal of psychotraumatology 7 (1), 31638, 2016 | 24 | 2016 |
Análisis psicométrico de la Escala de Personalidad Resistente (EPR) adaptada a estudiantes universitarios chilenos M Carmona-Halty, EG Hernández, B Moreno-Jiménez Interciencia 42 (5), 286-292, 2017 | 15 | 2017 |
Análisis psicométrico de la Escala de Percepción de Amenaza Exogrupal (EPAE) en una muestra chilena M Carmona-Halty, M Navas Interciencia 41 (11), 788-794, 2016 | 14 | 2016 |
WORK ENGAGEMENT, TEACHING PRACTICES WITH MOTIVATIONAL EFFECTS, AND LEARNING-ORIENTED CLASSROOM MOTIVATIONAL CLIMATE. F Leal-Sotoi, M Carmona-Halty, J Dávila-Ramírez, Y Valdivia Revista Interamericana de Psicología 52 (2), 2018 | 13 | 2018 |
Flourishing Scale: Adaptation and evidence of validity in a Chilean high school context M Carmona-Halty, M Marín-Gutierrez, P Mena-Chamorro, ... Frontiers in Psychology 13, 795452, 2022 | 12 | 2022 |
Escala de experiencias positivas y negativas (SPANE): Adaptación y validación en un contexto escolar chileno M Carmona-Halty, JM Villegas-Robertson Interciencia 43 (5), 317-321, 2018 | 11 | 2018 |
El capital psicológico predice el bienestar y desempeño en estudiantes secundarios chilenos M Carmona-Halty, JM Villegas-Robertson Revista Interamericana de Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology 52 …, 2018 | 10 | 2018 |