Observation of many-body localization of interacting fermions in a quasi-random optical lattice M Schreiber, SS Hodgman, P Bordia, HP Lüschen, MH Fischer, R Vosk, ... Science, aaa7432, 2015 | 1955 | 2015 |
Coupling identical one-dimensional many-body localized systems P Bordia, HP Lüschen, SS Hodgman, M Schreiber, I Bloch, U Schneider Physical review letters 116 (14), 140401, 2016 | 435 | 2016 |
Negative absolute temperature for motional degrees of freedom S Braun, JP Ronzheimer, M Schreiber, SS Hodgman, T Rom, I Bloch, ... Science 339 (6115), 52-55, 2013 | 356 | 2013 |
Expansion dynamics of interacting bosons in homogeneous lattices in one and two dimensions JP Ronzheimer, M Schreiber, S Braun, SS Hodgman, S Langer, ... Physical review letters 110 (20), 205301, 2013 | 355 | 2013 |
Signatures of many-body localization in a controlled open quantum system HP Lüschen, P Bordia, SS Hodgman, M Schreiber, S Sarkar, AJ Daley, ... Physical Review X 7 (1), 011034, 2017 | 333 | 2017 |
Single-particle mobility edge in a one-dimensional quasiperiodic optical lattice HP Lüschen, S Scherg, T Kohlert, M Schreiber, P Bordia, X Li, SD Sarma, ... Physical review letters 120 (16), 160404, 2018 | 302 | 2018 |
Exploring the Single-Particle Mobility Edge in a One-Dimensional Quasiperiodic Optical Lattice HP Lüschen, S Scherg, T Kohlert, M Schreiber, P Bordia, X Li, SD Sarma, ... arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.03478, 2017 | 302* | 2017 |
Emergence of coherence and the dynamics of quantum phase transitions S Braun, M Friesdorf, SS Hodgman, M Schreiber, JP Ronzheimer, A Riera, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201408861, 2015 | 236 | 2015 |
Dynamical Quasicondensation of Hard-Core Bosons at Finite Momenta L Vidmar, JP Ronzheimer, M Schreiber, S Braun, SS Hodgman, S Langer, ... arXiv preprint arXiv:1505.05150, 2015 | 101 | 2015 |
Single spontaneous photon as a coherent beamsplitter for an atomic matter-wave J Tomkovič, M Schreiber, J Welte, M Kiffner, J Schmiedmayer, ... Nature Physics 7 (5), 379, 2011 | 24 | 2011 |
Experimentelle Realisierung eines Delayed Choice Experiments mit metastabilen Argonatomen M Schreiber Master’s thesis, Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, University of Heidelberg, 2008 | 2 | 2008 |