Metodologi penelitian kualitatif A Anggito, J Setiawan CV Jejak (Jejak Publisher), 2018 | 10815 | 2018 |
Marketing 3.0: From products to customers to the human spirit P Kotler, H Kartajaya, I Setiawan Marketing wisdom, 139-156, 2018 | 3594 | 2018 |
Metodologi penelitian SH Sahir Penerbit KBM Indonesia, 2021 | 2560 | 2021 |
Media pembelajaran inovatif dan pengembangannya N Suryani, A Setiawan, A Putria Remaja rosdakarya, 2019 | 1677 | 2019 |
Matriarchal Society in The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd TI Setri, DB Setiawan Linguist. Lit. J 1 (1), 28-33, 2020 | 1669 | 2020 |
Penerapan Metode Web Engineering Menggunakan Laravel 5 Dalam Pengembangan Penjualan Toko Online Hijapedia Berbasis Website Di Cikarang Bekasi A Mulyanto, W Setiawan Jurnal Informatika SIMANTIK 5 (2), 69-74, 2020 | 1598 | 2020 |
Pengembangan alat ukur batas kapasitas tas sekolah anak berbasis mikrokontroler P Oktarin, NU Putri, R Setiawan | 1329 | 2020 |
Sistem Pengendali Air Tower Rumah Tangga Berbasis Android MO Prasetio, A Setiawan, RD Gunawan, Z Abidin | 1234 | 2020 |
Pengaruh ukuran perusahaan, umur perusahaan, profitabilitas, leverage, dan pertumbuhan penjualan terhadap tax avoidance IAR Dewinta, PE Setiawan E-Jurnal Akuntansi Universitas Udayana 14 (3), 1584-1613, 2016 | 1089 | 2016 |
Belajar dan pembelajaran DC Sutianah, S Pd, M Pd Penerbit Qiara Media, 2022 | 1002 | 2022 |
Permata,“Sistem Informasi Pemesanan Jasa Percetakan Berbasis Web (Pada CV Mitra Jaya),” W Setiawan, AD Putra J. Inform. dan Rekayasa 4 (1), 113-118, 2023 | 979 | 2023 |
Type I and II endometrial cancers: have they different risk factors? VW Setiawan, HP Yang, MC Pike, SE McCann, H Yu, YB Xiang, A Wolk, ... Journal of Clinical Oncology 31 (20), 2607-2618, 2013 | 975 | 2013 |
Role of translocator protein density, a marker of neuroinflammation, in the brain during major depressive episodes E Setiawan, AA Wilson, R Mizrahi, PM Rusjan, L Miler, G Rajkowska, ... JAMA psychiatry 72 (3), 268-275, 2015 | 955 | 2015 |
Genetic analyses of diverse populations improves discovery for complex traits GL Wojcik, M Graff, KK Nishimura, R Tao, J Haessler, CR Gignoux, ... Nature 570 (7762), 514-518, 2019 | 938 | 2019 |
Sistem Informasi Manajemen Presensi Siswa Berbasis Mobile Study Kasus SMA N 1 Sungkai Utara Lampung Utara RP Setiawan, M Muhaqiqin J. Teknol. dan Sist. Inf 2 (3), 119-124, 2021 | 786 | 2021 |
Acceptance of a COVID-19 vaccine in Southeast Asia: a cross-sectional study in Indonesia H Harapan, AL Wagner, A Yufika, W Winardi, S Anwar, AK Gan, ... Frontiers in public health 8, 381, 2020 | 780 | 2020 |
Dampak perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi terhadap budaya D Setiawan JURNAL SIMBOLIKA Research and Learning in Communication Study 4 (1), 62-72, 2018 | 723 | 2018 |
Industry 4.0 based sustainable circular economy approach for smart waste management system to achieve sustainable development goals: A case study of Indonesia YA Fatimah, K Govindan, R Murniningsih, A Setiawan Journal of cleaner production 269, 122263, 2020 | 694 | 2020 |
Stromal estrogen receptors mediate mitogenic effects of estradiol on uterine epithelium PS Cooke, DL Buchanan, P Young, T Setiawan, J Brody, KS Korach, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94 (12), 6535-6540, 1997 | 670 | 1997 |
Sistem Monitoring Keberadaan Posisi Mobil Berbasis Gps Dan Penyadap Suara Menggunkan Smartphone A Setiawan, AT Prastowo, D Darwis, JZPA No, L Ratu, B Lampung J. Tek. dan Sist. Komput.(JTIKOM, vol. 3, no. 1, p, 2022 | 665 | 2022 |