Change in time spent visiting and experiences of green space following restrictions on movement during the COVID-19 pandemic: a nationally representative cross-sectional study … H Burnett, JR Olsen, N Nicholls, R Mitchell BMJ Open 11 (3), e044067, 2021 | 168 | 2021 |
Epidemiology of molluscum contagiosum in children: a systematic review JR Olsen, J Gallacher, V Piguet, NA Francis Family practice 31 (2), 130-136, 2014 | 149 | 2014 |
Quality of Life impact of childhood skin conditions measured using the Children's Dermatology Life Quality Index (CDLQI): a meta‐analysis JR Olsen, J Gallacher, AY Finlay, V Piguet, NA Francis Br J Dermatol 2016 (174), 853–861, 2015 | 143 | 2015 |
Do ‘environmental bads’ such as alcohol, fast food, tobacco, and gambling outlets cluster and co-locate in more deprived areas in Glasgow City, Scotland? L Macdonald, JR Olsen, NK Shortt, A Ellaway Health & Place 51, 224-231, 2018 | 133 | 2018 |
Time to resolution and effect on quality of life of molluscum contagiosum in children in the UK: a prospective community cohort study JR Olsen, J Gallacher, AY Finlay, V Piguet, NA Francis The Lancet Infectious Diseases 15 (2), 190-195, 2015 | 95 | 2015 |
Are urban landscapes associated with reported life satisfaction and inequalities in life satisfaction at the city level? A cross-sectional study of 66 European cities JR Olsen, N Nicholls, R Mitchell Social Science & Medicine 226, 263-274, 2019 | 75 | 2019 |
Green Space Visits and Barriers to Visiting during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Three-Wave Nationally Representative Cross-Sectional Study of UK Adults H Burnett, JR Olsen, R Mitchell Land 11 (4), 503, 2022 | 42 | 2022 |
Molluscum contagiosum and associations with atopic eczema in children: a retrospective longitudinal study in primary care JR Olsen, V Piguet, J Gallacher, NA Francis Br J Gen Pract 66 (642), e53 - e58, 2015 | 41 | 2015 |
Population levels of, and inequalities in, active travel: A national, cross-sectional study of adults in Scotland JR Olsen, R Mitchell, N Mutrie, L Foley, D Ogilvie Preventive Medicine Reports 8, 129-134, 2017 | 39 | 2017 |
Children's mobility and environmental exposures in urban landscapes: A cross-sectional study of 10–11 year old Scottish children JR Olsen, R Mitchell, P McCrorie, A Ellaway Social Science & Medicine 224, 11-22, 2019 | 31 | 2019 |
Active commute to school: does distance from school or walkability of the home neighbourhood matter? A national cross-sectional study of children aged 10–11 years, Scotland, UK L Macdonald, P McCrorie, N Nicholls, JR Olsen BMJ open 9 (12), e033628, 2019 | 30 | 2019 |
Exposure to unhealthy product advertising: Spatial proximity analysis to schools and socio-economic inequalities in daily exposure measured using Scottish Children's individual … JR Olsen, C Patterson, FM Caryl, T Robertson, SJ Mooney, AG Rundle, ... Health & Place 68, 102535, 2021 | 24 | 2021 |
Effects of new urban motorway infrastructure on road traffic accidents in the local area: a retrospective longitudinal study in Scotland JR Olsen, R Mitchell, DF Mackay, DK Humphreys, D Ogilvie J Epidemiol Community Health 70 (11), 1088-1095, 2016 | 20 | 2016 |
Effect of a new motorway on social-spatial patterning of road traffic accidents: A retrospective longitudinal natural experimental study JR Olsen, R Mitchell, D Ogilvie, M74 Study Team PloS one 12 (9), e0184047, 2017 | 19 | 2017 |
Nationwide equity assessment of the 20-min neighbourhood in the scottish context: A socio-spatial proximity analysis of residential locations JR Olsen, L Thornton, G Tregonning, R Mitchell Social Science & Medicine 315, 115502, 2022 | 17 | 2022 |
Changes over time in population level transport satisfaction and mode of travel: A 13 year repeat cross-sectional study, UK JR Olsen, L Macdonald, A Ellaway Journal of Transport & Health 6, 366-378, 2017 | 17 | 2017 |
Neighbourhood natural space and the narrowing of socioeconomic inequality in children's social, emotional, and behavioural wellbeing P McCrorie, JR Olsen, FM Caryl, N Nicholls, R Mitchell Wellbeing, Space and Society 2, 100051, 2021 | 15 | 2021 |
Are Changes in Neighbourhood Perceptions Associated with Changes in Self-Rated Mental Health in Adults? A 13-Year Repeat Cross-Sectional Study, UK JR Olsen, R Dundas, A Ellaway International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14 (12), 1473, 2017 | 15 | 2017 |
Development and validation of the Molluscum Contagiosum Diagnostic Tool for Parents: diagnostic accuracy study in primary care JR Olsen, J Gallacher, V Piguet, NA Francis British Journal of General Practice 64 (625), e471-e476, 2014 | 14 | 2014 |
Which urban land covers/uses are associated with residents’ mortality? A cross-sectional, ecological, pan-European study of 233 cities JR Olsen, N Nicholls, G Moon, J Pearce, N Shortt, R Mitchell BMJ open 9 (11), e033623, 2019 | 13 | 2019 |