עקוב אחר
Ioannis Exarchos
Ioannis Exarchos
Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין stanford.edu - דף הבית
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
Fast and feature-complete differentiable physics for articulated rigid bodies with contact
K Werling, D Omens, J Lee, I Exarchos, CK Liu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.16021, 2021
Stochastic optimal control via forward and backward stochastic differential equations and importance sampling
I Exarchos, EA Theodorou
Automatica 87, 159-165, 2018
Learning deep stochastic optimal control policies using forward-backward sdes
MA Pereira, Z Wang, I Exarchos, EA Theodorou
Robotics: science and systems, 2019
On the suicidal pedestrian differential game
I Exarchos, P Tsiotras, M Pachter
Dynamic Games and Applications 5, 297-317, 2015
Safe optimal control using stochastic barrier functions and deep forward-backward sdes
M Pereira, Z Wang, I Exarchos, E Theodorou
Conference on Robot Learning, 1783-1801, 2021
Stochastic L1-optimal control via forward and backward sampling
I Exarchos, EA Theodorou, P Tsiotras
Systems & Control Letters 118, 101-108, 2018
Policy transfer via kinematic domain randomization and adaptation
I Exarchos, Y Jiang, W Yu, CK Liu
2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 45-51, 2021
UAV collision avoidance based on the solution of the suicidal pedestrian differential game
I Exarchos, P Tsiotras, M Pachter
AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 2100, 2016
Supervised and unsupervised machine learning for automated scoring of sleep–wake and cataplexy in a mouse model of narcolepsy
I Exarchos, AA Rogers, LM Aiani, RE Gross, GD Clifford, NP Pedersen, ...
Sleep 43 (5), zsz272, 2020
Stochastic differential games: A sampling approach via FBSDEs
I Exarchos, E Theodorou, P Tsiotras
Dynamic Games and Applications 9, 486-505, 2019
An asymmetric version of the two car pursuit-evasion game
I Exarchos, P Tsiotras
53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 4272-4277, 2014
Deep forward-backward sdes for min-max control
Z Wang, K Lee, MA Pereira, I Exarchos, EA Theodorou
2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 6807-6814, 2019
Learning optimal control via forward and backward stochastic differential equations
I Exarchos, EA Theodorou
2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 2155-2161, 2016
Task-specific design optimization and fabrication for inflated-beam soft robots with growable discrete joints
I Exarchos, K Wang, BH Do, F Stroppa, MM Coad, AM Okamura, CK Liu
2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 7145-7151, 2022
Game-theoretic and risk-sensitive stochastic optimal control via forward and backward stochastic differential equations
I Exarchos, EA Theodorou, P Tsiotras
2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 6154-6160, 2016
Optimizing neuromodulation based on surrogate neural states for seizure suppression in a rat temporal lobe epilepsy model
SE Park, MJ Connolly, I Exarchos, A Fernandez, M Ghetiya, CA Gutekunst, ...
Journal of neural engineering 17 (4), 046009, 2020
Optimal thrust profile for planetary soft landing under stochastic disturbances
I Exarchos, EA Theodorou, P Tsiotras
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 42 (1), 209-216, 2019
Large-scale multi-agent deep fbsdes
T Chen, ZO Wang, I Exarchos, E Theodorou
International Conference on Machine Learning, 1740-1748, 2021
NOVAS: Non-convex Optimization via Adaptive Stochastic Search for End-to-End Learning and Control
I Exarchos, MA Pereira, Z Wang, EA Theodorou
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2021, 2021
Stochastic Optimal Control-A Forward and Backward Sampling Approach
I Exarchos
PhD thesis, 2017
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