Validating Safety in Human–Robot Collaboration: Standards and New Perspectives M Valori, A Scibilia, I Fassi, J Saenz, R Behrens, S Herbster, C Bidard, ... Robotics 10 (2), 65, 2021 | 86 | 2021 |
Safety assessment of rehabilitation robots: A review identifying safety skills and current knowledge gaps J Bessler, GB Prange-Lasonder, L Schaake, JF Saenz, C Bidard, I Fassi, ... Frontiers in Robotics and AI 8, 33, 2021 | 79 | 2021 |
Micro-robotic handling solutions for PCB (re-) Manufacturing S Ruggeri, G Fontana, V Basile, M Valori, I Fassi Procedia Manufacturing 11, 441-448, 2017 | 33 | 2017 |
UT hand I: A lock-based underactuated hand prosthesis B Peerdeman, M Valori, D Brouwer, E Hekman, S Misra, S Stramigioli Mechanism and machine theory 78, 307-323, 2014 | 31 | 2014 |
Artificial neural networks for feedback control of a human elbow hydraulic prosthesis V Bevilacqua, M Dotoli, MM Foglia, F Acciani, G Tattoli, M Valori Neurocomputing 137, 3-11, 2014 | 21 | 2014 |
Study about the Influence of powder mixed water based fluid on micro-EDM process F Modica, V Marrocco, M Valori, F Viganò, M Annoni, I Fassi Procedia CIRP 68, 789-795, 2018 | 20 | 2018 |
Analysis of interlaboratory safety related tests in power and force limited collaborative robots A Scibilia, M Valori, N Pedrocchi, I Fassi, S Herbster, R Behrens, J Saenz, ... IEEE access 9, 80873-80882, 2021 | 19 | 2021 |
A modular mobile robotic architecture for defects detection and repair in narrow tunnels of CFRP aeronautic components SP Negri, V Basile, M Valori, B Gambino, I Fassi, LM Tosatti Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 55, 109-128, 2019 | 17 | 2019 |
Low-cost mini-invasive microwave needle applicator for cancer thermal ablation: Feasibility investigation V Portosi, AM Loconsole, M Valori, V Marrocco, I Fassi, F Bonelli, ... IEEE Sensors Journal 21 (13), 14027-14034, 2021 | 11 | 2021 |
An online toolkit for applications featuring collaborative robots across different domains J Saenz, J Bessler-Etten, M Valori, GB Prange-Lasonder, I Fassi, C Bidard, ... IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 53 (4), 657-667, 2022 | 10 | 2022 |
COVR Toolkit–Supporting safety of interactive robotics applications J Saenz, I Fassi, GB Prange-Lasonder, M Valori, C Bidard, AB Lassen, ... 2021 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS), 1-6, 2021 | 8 | 2021 |
Feasibility investigation of low-cost microwave needle applicator for thermal ablation cancer therapy V Portosi, AM Loconsole, M Valori, V Marrocco, F Bonelli, G Pascazio, ... 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications …, 2020 | 8 | 2020 |
Physical ergonomics monitoring in human–robot collaboration: A standard-based approach for hand-guiding applications E Monari, G Avallone, M Valori, L Agostini, Y Chen, E Palazzi, R Vertechy Machines 12 (4), 231, 2024 | 7 | 2024 |
Rapid Fabrication of POM Flexure Hinges via a Combined Injection Molding and Stereolithography Approach M Valori, R Surace, V Basile, L Luzi, R Vertechy, I Fassi Proceedings of the ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical …, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |
Considerations on the Dynamics of Biofidelic Sensors in the Assessment of Human–Robot Impacts S Samarathunga, M Valori, R Faglia, I Fassi, G Legnani Machines 12 (1), 26, 2023 | 4 | 2023 |
Numerical and experimental study on protective film removal towards the automation of flexible electronics assembly V Basile, G Fontana, F Modica, M Valori, L Rebaioli, S Ruggeri, SP Negri, ... The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 122 (11 …, 2022 | 4 | 2022 |
Towards the Automated Coverlay Assembly in FPCB Manufacturing: Concept and Preliminary Tests M Valori, V Basile, SP Negri, P Scalmati, C Renghini, I Fassi Smart Technologies for Precision Assembly: 9th IFIP WG 5.5 International …, 2021 | 4 | 2021 |
A high performance wire device for an elbow prosthesis M Foglia, M Valori 2012 4th IEEE RAS & EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and …, 2012 | 4 | 2012 |
Laser-powder bed fusion molds without post-processing for micro-injection molding of mini/micro-products R Surace, V Errico, M Valori, I Fassi, SL Campanelli The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 127 (1), 677-688, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
Assembly of film coverlays: development of a configurable gripper for process automation M Valori, V Basile, S Ruggeri, G Fontana, SP Negri, JAM Alberola, I Fassi Procedia Manufacturing 55, 80-87, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |