Enumerative approaches to combinatorial optimization T Ibaraki Annals of Operations Research 11, 1987 | 248 | 1987 |
An optimal algorithm for scanning all spanning trees of undirected graphs A Shioura, A Tamura, T Uno SIAM Journal on Computing 26 (3), 678-692, 1997 | 166 | 1997 |
A revision of Minty's algorithm for finding a maximum weight stable set of a claw-free graph D Nakamura, A Tamura Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan 44 (2), 194-204, 2001 | 147 | 2001 |
Designing matching mechanisms under general distributional constraints M Goto, F Kojima, R Kurata, A Tamura, M Yokoo Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Economics and Computation …, 2015 | 93 | 2015 |
Designing matching mechanisms under constraints: An approach from discrete convex analysis F Kojima, A Tamura, M Yokoo Journal of Economic Theory 176, 803-833, 2018 | 87 | 2018 |
New characterizations of M-convex functions and their applications to economic equilibrium models with indivisibilities K Murota, A Tamura Discrete Applied Mathematics 131 (2), 495-512, 2003 | 87 | 2003 |
応用数理計画ハンドブック 久保, 田村, 松井知己 (No Title), 2002 | 78 | 2002 |
The rooted tree embedding problem into points in the plane Y Ikebe, MA Perles, A Tamura, S Tokunaga Discrete & Computational Geometry 11, 51-63, 1994 | 73 | 1994 |
A two-sided discrete-concave market with possibly bounded side payments: An approach by discrete convex analysis S Fujishige, A Tamura Mathematics of Operations Research 32 (1), 136-155, 2007 | 70 | 2007 |
Discrete fixed point theorem reconsidered T Iimura, K Murota, A Tamura Journal of Mathematical Economics 41 (8), 1030-1036, 2005 | 69 | 2005 |
Gross substitutes condition and discrete concavity for multi-unit valuations: a survey A Shioura, A Tamura Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan 58 (1), 61-103, 2015 | 68 | 2015 |
最適化法 田村明久, 村松正和 | 49 | 2002 |
Trading networks with bilateral contracts T Fleiner, Z Jankó, A Tamura, A Teytelboym arXiv preprint arXiv:1510.01210, 2015 | 47 | 2015 |
Efficiently scanning all spanning trees of an undirected graph A Shioura, A Tamura Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan 38 (3), 331-344, 1995 | 47 | 1995 |
A general two-sided matching market with discrete concave utility functions S Fujishige, A Tamura Discrete Applied Mathematics 154 (6), 950-970, 2006 | 46 | 2006 |
On circuit valuation of matroids K Murota, A Tamura Advances in Applied Mathematics 26 (3), 192-225, 2001 | 45 | 2001 |
Application of M-convex submodular flow problem to mathematical economics K Murota, A Tamura Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 20 (3), 257-277, 2003 | 44 | 2003 |
EP theorems and linear complementarity problems K Fukuda, M Namiki, A Tamura Discrete Applied Mathematics 84 (1-3), 107-119, 1998 | 40 | 1998 |
Transformation from arbitrary matchings to stable matchings A Tamura Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 62 (2), 310-323, 1993 | 40 | 1993 |
Combinatorial face enumeration in arrangements and oriented matroids K Fukuda, S Saito, A Tamura Discrete applied mathematics 31 (2), 141-149, 1991 | 35 | 1991 |