Influence of brand signature, brand awareness, brand attitude, brand reputation on hotel industry’s brand performance P Foroudi International journal of hospitality management 76, 271-285, 2019 | 712 | 2019 |
Marketing innovation: A consequence of competitiveness S Gupta, NK Malhotra, M Czinkota, P Foroudi Journal of business research 69 (12), 5671-5681, 2016 | 463 | 2016 |
Linking corporate logo, corporate image, and reputation: An examination of consumer perceptions in the financial setting P Foroudi, TC Melewar, S Gupta Journal of Business Research 67 (11), 2269-2281, 2014 | 450 | 2014 |
Perceptional components of brand equity: Configuring the Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Paths to brand loyalty and brand purchase intention P Foroudi, Z Jin, S Gupta, MM Foroudi, PJ Kitchen Journal of business research 89, 462-474, 2018 | 427 | 2018 |
Investigating the effects of smart technology on customer dynamics and customer experience P Foroudi, S Gupta, U Sivarajah, A Broderick Computers in Human Behavior 80, 271-282, 2018 | 417 | 2018 |
Influence of national culture and balanced organizational culture on the hotel industry’s performance A Nazarian, P Atkinson, P Foroudi International Journal of Hospitality Management 63, 22-32, 2017 | 377 | 2017 |
Influence of innovation capability and customer experience on reputation and loyalty P Foroudi, Z Jin, S Gupta, TC Melewar, MM Foroudi Journal of business research 69 (11), 4882-4889, 2016 | 374 | 2016 |
Mediating effect of intrinsic motivation on the relationship between Islamic work ethic, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment in banking sector A Gheitani, S Imani, N Seyyedamiri, P Foroudi International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management …, 2019 | 318 | 2019 |
Examining the effects of celebrity trust on advertising credibility, brand credibility and corporate credibility S Hussain, TC Melewar, CV Priporas, P Foroudi, C Dennis Journal of Business Research 109, 472-488, 2020 | 311* | 2020 |
Integrating identity, strategy and communications for trust, loyalty and commitment TC Melewar, P Foroudi, S Gupta, PJ Kitchen, MM Foroudi European Journal of Marketing 51 (3), 572-604, 2017 | 307 | 2017 |
The impact of brand value on brand competitiveness S Gupta, D Gallear, J Rudd, P Foroudi Journal of Business Research 112, 210-222, 2020 | 297 | 2020 |
Enhancing university brand image and reputation through customer value co-creation behaviour P Foroudi, Q Yu, S Gupta, MM Foroudi Technological Forecasting and Social Change 138, 218-227, 2019 | 266 | 2019 |
Digital technology and marketing management capability: achieving growth in SMEs P Foroudi, S Gupta, A Nazarian, M Duda Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 20 (2), 230-246, 2017 | 247 | 2017 |
IMC antecedents and the consequences of planned brand identity in higher education P Foroudi, K Dinnie, PJ Kitchen, TC Melewar, MM Foroudi European Journal of Marketing 51 (3), 528-550, 2017 | 239 | 2017 |
A framework of place branding, place image, and place reputation: Antecedents and moderators P Foroudi, S Gupta, P Kitchen, MM Foroudi, B Nguyen Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 19 (2), 241-264, 2016 | 238 | 2016 |
Digital transformation and tourist experience co-design: Big social data for planning cultural tourism MT Cuomo, D Tortora, P Foroudi, A Giordano, G Festa, G Metallo Technological Forecasting and Social Change 162, 120345, 2021 | 217 | 2021 |
Intellectual evolution of social innovation: A bibliometric analysis and avenues for future research trends P Foroudi, TN Akarsu, R Marvi, J Balakrishnan Industrial Marketing Management 93, 446-465, 2021 | 211 | 2021 |
The gloom of the COVID-19 shock in the hospitality industry: A study of consumer risk perception and adaptive belief in the dark cloud of a pandemic P Foroudi, SAH Tabaghdehi, R Marvi International Journal of Hospitality Management 92, 102717, 2021 | 209 | 2021 |
Promising the dream: Changing destination image of London through the effect of website place P Foroudi, TN Akarsu, E Ageeva, MM Foroudi, C Dennis, TC Melewar Journal of Business Research 83, 97-110, 2018 | 204 | 2018 |
Eco-innovation for environment and waste prevention S Sumrin, S Gupta, Y Asaad, Y Wang, S Bhattacharya, P Foroudi Journal of business research 122, 627-639, 2021 | 136 | 2021 |