עקוב אחר
ade zuhrotun
ade zuhrotun
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין unpad.ac.id
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
Pharmacological Activities of Soursop (Annona muricata Lin.)
M Mutakin, R Fauziati, FN Fadhilah, A Zuhrotun, R Amalia, YE Hadisaputri
Molecules 27 (4), 1201, 2022
Analisis kandungan minyak atsiri dan uji aktivitas antiinflamasi ekstrak rimpang kencur (Kaempferia galanga L.)
AN Hasanah, F Nazaruddin, E Febrina, A Zuhrotun
Jurnal Matematika & Sains 16 (3), 147-152, 2011
Design-expert software sebagai alat optimasi formulasi sediaan farmasi
IR Hidayat, A Zuhrotun, I Sopyan
Majalah Farmasetika 6 (1), 99-120, 2021
Biosynthesis of gold and silver nanoparticles using phytochemical compounds
A Zuhrotun, DJ Oktaviani, AN Hasanah
Molecules 28 (7), 3240, 2023
Bahan Alami Penyembuh Luka
DJ Oktaviani, S Widiyastuti, DA Maharani, AN Amalia, AM Ishak, ...
Majalah Farmasetika 4 (3), 45-56, 2019
Aktivitas Antidiabetes Ekstrak Etanol Biji Buah Alpukat (Persea americana Mill.) Bentuk Bulat
A Zuhrotun
Karya Ilmiah, 2007
Uji toksisitas infusa acalypha siamensis dengan metode brine shrimp lethality test (bslt)
SF Jelita, GW Setyowati, M Ferdinand
Farmaka 18 (1), 14-22, 2020
Apoptosis induced in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells by 2′,4′-dihydroxy-6-methoxy-3,5-dimethylchalcone isolated from Eugenia aquea Burm f. leaves
A Subarnas, A Diantini, R Abdulah, A Zuhrotun, YE Hadisaputri, ...
Oncology letters 9 (5), 2303-2306, 2015
Antiproliferative activity of primates-consumed plants against MCF-7 human breast cancer cell lines
A Subarnas, A Diantini, R Abdulah, A Zuhrotun, C Yamazaki, ...
E3 J Med Res 1 (4), 038-43, 2012
Aktivitas Tanaman Lidah Buaya (Aloe Vera Linn) Sebagai Penyembuh Luka
H Ananda, A Zuhrotun
Farmaka 15 (2), 82-89, 2017
Magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers: an update on their use in the separation of active compounds from natural products
MD Ariani, A Zuhrotun, P Manesiotis, AN Hasanah
Polymers 14 (7), 1389, 2022
Subchronic toxicity of ethanol extract of Syzygium polyanthum (Wight) Walp. leaves on wistar rat
SA Sumiwi, A Zuhrotun, R Hendriani, M Rizal, J Levita, S Megantara
The Indonesian Biomedical Journal 11 (1), 30-5, 2019
Molecular characterization of antitumor effects of the rhizome extract from Curcuma zedoaria on human esophageal carcinoma cells
YE Hadisaputri, T Miyazaki, S Suzuki, N Kubo, A Zuhrotun, T Yokobori, ...
International Journal of Oncology 47 (6), 2255-2263, 2015
Evaluation of antibacterial activity of Indonesian varieties sweet potato leaves extract from cilembu against Shigella dysenteriae ATCC 13313
Asian J. Pharm. Clin. Res 10 (2), 2017
Apoptosis-mediated antiproliferative activity of friedolanostane triterpenoid isolated from the leaves of Garcinia celebica against MCF-7 human breast cancer cell lines
A Subarnas, A Diantini, R Abdulah, A Zuhrotun, PA Nugraha, ...
Biomedical Reports 4 (1), 79-82, 2016
Caspase Cascade Activation During Apoptotic Cell Death of Human Lung Carcinoma Cells A549 Induced by Marine Sponge Callyspongia aerizusa
YE Hadisaputri, R Andika, I Sopyan, A Zuhrotun, R Maharani, R Rachmat, ...
Drug design, development and therapy, 1357-1368, 2021
Bakteri utama penyebab kejadian luar biasa keracunan pangan
M Apriliansyah, A Zuhrotun, D Astrini
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 11 (3), 239-255, 2022
Review: Bahan Alami Penyembuh Luka. Farmasetika. Com (Online), 4 (3), 44
DJ Oktaviani, S Widiyastuti, DA Maharani, AN Amalia, AM Ishak, ...
Isolation of bioactive compound of Michelia champaca L. bark and its activity test using mechanism-based yeast bioassay
A Zuhrotun, AG Suganda, KR Wirasutisna, MS Wibowo
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 9 (5), 158-161, 2016
Antifibrotic effect of the ethyl acetate fraction of ciplukan (Physalis angulata Linn.) in rat liver fibrosis induced by CCI4
E Rohmawaty, AM Rosdianto, HA Usman, WAM Saragih, A Zuhrotun, ...
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 11 (12), 175-182, 2021
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מאמרים 1–20