Antecedents and consequences of innovation and business strategy on performance and competitive advantage of SMEs SD Lestari, FM Leon, S Widyastuti, NA Brabo, AHPK Putra The journal of Asian finance, economics and business 7 (6), 365-378, 2020 | 310 | 2020 |
Reflective Model of Brand Awareness on Repurchase Intention and Customer Satisfaction I Gunawan Bata, R Sri, T Hasmin, M Abdul Razak, ... Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 7 (9), 427–438, 2020 | 298 | 2020 |
Pemasaran digital dan perilaku konsumen A Rumondang, AHP Kusuma, A Sudirman, S Sitorus, J Simarmata, ... Yayasan Kita Menulis, 2020 | 294 | 2020 |
Digital marketing: komunikasi bisnis menjadi lebih mudah DH Saputra, DU Sutiksno, AHP Kusuma, R Romindo, D Wahyuni, ... Yayasan Kita Menulis, 2020 | 241 | 2020 |
The Application of SERVQUAL Distribution In Measuring Customer Satisfaction of Retails Company M Haming, I Murdifin, AZ Syaiful, AHPK Putra 유통과학연구 17, 25-34, 2019 | 195 | 2019 |
How Digital Technology Driven Millennial Consumer Behaviour in Indonesia I Asmara, T Hasmin, L Ansir, HPKP Aditya, A Aan Journal Distribution Science 17 (8), 25-34, 2019 | 160 | 2019 |
E-Commerce: Implementasi, Strategi dan Inovasinya R Romindo, A Rumondang, M Muttaqin, DH Saputra, DW Purba, ... Yayasan Kita Menulis, 2019 | 159 | 2019 |
Brand Management: Esensi, Posisi dan Strategi AHP Kusuma, A Sudirman, A Purnomo, S Aisyah, SH Sahir, ... Brand Management: Esensi, Posisi dan Strategi. Yayasan Kita Menulis, 0 | 131* | |
The Mediating Role of Customer Trust on The Relationships of Celebrity Endorsement And E-WOM to Instagram Purchase Intention F Ahmad, BI Gunawan, R Heru Kreshna, L Setyani Dwi, ... Jurnal Minds: Manajemen Ide dan Inspirasi 8 (1), 107 - 126, 2021 | 122 | 2021 |
What Millennial Workers Want? Turnover or Intention to Stay in Company M Mappamiring, A Muhammad, HPKP Aditya Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 7 (5), 237-248, 2020 | 120 | 2020 |
Relationship of TQM on Managerial Perfomance: Evidence From Property Sector in Indonesia F Ahmad, M Zainuddin, I Gunawan Bata, P Aditya Halim Perdana Kusuma Journal of Distribution Science 18 (1), 47-57, 2020 | 117 | 2020 |
Menulis Artikel Ilmiah untuk Publikasi D Napitupulu, AP Windarto, A Wanto, J Simarmata, A Purnomo, ... Yayasan Kita Menulis, 2020 | 116 | 2020 |
Perilaku Konsumen Di Era Digital NT Nainggolan, M Munandar, A Sudarso, LE Nainggolan, F Fuadi, ... Yayasan Kita Menulis, 2020 | 115 | 2020 |
Structural Model of Developing Human Resources Performance: Empirical Study of Indonesia States Owned Enterprises S HAERANI, W HAKIM, AHPK PUTRA The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business (JAFEB) 7 (3), 211-221, 2020 | 113 | 2020 |
E-Business: Implementasi, Strategi dan Inovasinya A Hasibuan, J Jamaludin, Y Yuliana, A Sudirman, A Wirapraja, ... Yayasan Kita Menulis, 2020 | 111 | 2020 |
Moving From Traditional to Society 5.0: Case study by Online Transportation Business HPKP Aditya, R Mashur, F Gunawan, Bata Ilyas, M Ashoer, M Hidayat Journal Distribution Science 17 (9), 93-102, 2019 | 111 | 2019 |
The effect of firm size, debt, current ratio, and investment opportunity set on earnings quality: an empirical study in Indonesia R Hasanuddin, D Darman, MY Taufan, A Salim, M Muslim, AHPK Putra The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 8 (6), 179-188, 2021 | 103 | 2021 |
Loyalitas pasien rumah sakit pemerintah: ditinjau dari perspektif kualitas layanan, citra, nilai dan kepuasan S Hasan, AHPK Putra Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia 18 (3), 184-196, 2018 | 96 | 2018 |
Antecedents and consequence of brand management: empirical study of Apple’s brand product M Razak, M Hidayat, A Launtu, AHPK Putra, S Bahasoan Journal of Asia Business Studies, 2020 | 89 | 2020 |
Total quality management as the key of the company to gain the comrtitiveness, performance achievement and consumer satisfaction R Ramlawati International Review of Management and Marketing 8 (4), 60-69, 2018 | 87 | 2018 |