Ocean wave sources of seismic noise F Ardhuin, E Stutzmann, M Schimmel, A Mangeney Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 116 (C9), 2011 | 437 | 2011 |
Spreading of a granular mass on a horizontal plane E Lajeunesse, A Mangeney-Castelnau, JP Vilotte Physics of fluids 16 (7), 2371-2381, 2004 | 434 | 2004 |
Erosion and mobility in granular collapse over sloping beds A Mangeney, O Roche, O Hungr, N Mangold, G Faccanoni, A Lucas Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 115 (F3), 2010 | 343 | 2010 |
Frictional velocity-weakening in landslides on Earth and on other planetary bodies A Lucas, A Mangeney, JP Ampuero Nature communications 5 (1), 3417, 2014 | 336 | 2014 |
An Automatic Kurtosis‐Based P‐ and S‐Phase Picker Designed for Local Seismic Networks C Baillard, WC Crawford, V Ballu, C Hibert, A Mangeney Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 104 (1), 394-409, 2014 | 285 | 2014 |
Numerical modeling of avalanches based on Saint Venant equations using a kinetic scheme A Mangeney‐Castelnau, JP Vilotte, MO Bristeau, B Perthame, F Bouchut, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 108 (B11), 2003 | 254 | 2003 |
Granular and particle-laden flows: from laboratory experiments to field observations R Delannay, A Valance, A Mangeney, O Roche, P Richard Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50 (5), 053001, 2017 | 239 | 2017 |
On the use of Saint Venant equations to simulate the spreading of a granular mass A Mangeney‐Castelnau, F Bouchut, JP Vilotte, E Lajeunesse, A Aubertin, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 110 (B9), 2005 | 238 | 2005 |
A new Savage–Hutter type model for submarine avalanches and generated tsunami ED Fernández-Nieto, F Bouchut, D Bresch, MJC Diaz, A Mangeney Journal of Computational Physics 227 (16), 7720-7754, 2008 | 228 | 2008 |
A new model of Saint Venant and Savage–Hutter type for gravity driven shallow water flows F Bouchut, A Mangeney-Castelnau, B Perthame, JP Vilotte Comptes rendus mathematique 336 (6), 531-536, 2003 | 219 | 2003 |
Numerical modeling of self‐channeling granular flows and of their levee‐channel deposits A Mangeney, F Bouchut, N Thomas, JP Vilotte, MO Bristeau Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 112 (F2), 2007 | 215 | 2007 |
Slope instabilities in Dolomieu crater, Réunion Island: From seismic signals to rockfall characteristics C Hibert, A Mangeney, G Grandjean, NM Shapiro Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 116 (F4), 2011 | 199 | 2011 |
The resolved layer of a collisionless, high β, supercritical, quasi‐perpendicular shock wave: 1. Rankine‐Hugoniot geometry, currents, and stationarity JD Scudder, A Mangeney, C Lacombe, CC Harvey, TL Aggson, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 91 (A10), 11019-11052, 1986 | 178 | 1986 |
A Roe-type scheme for two-phase shallow granular flows over variable topography M Pelanti, F Bouchut, A Mangeney ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 42 (5), 851-885, 2008 | 176 | 2008 |
Viscoplastic modeling of granular column collapse with pressure-dependent rheology IR Ionescu, A Mangeney, F Bouchut, O Roche Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 219, 1-18, 2015 | 175 | 2015 |
Analytical solution for testing debris avalanche numerical models A Mangeney, P Heinrich, R Roche Pure and Applied Geophysics 157, 1081-1096, 2000 | 172 | 2000 |
Results of back-analysis of the propagation of rock avalanches as a function of the assumed rheology M Pirulli, A Mangeney Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 41, 59-84, 2008 | 167 | 2008 |
Fundamental changes of granular flow dynamics, deposition, and erosion processes at high slope angles: insights from laboratory experiments M Farin, A Mangeney, O Roche Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 119 (3), 504-532, 2014 | 157 | 2014 |
Avalanche mobility induced by the presence of an erodible bed and associated entrainment A Mangeney, LS Tsimring, D Volfson, IS Aranson, F Bouchut Geophysical Research Letters 34 (22), 2007 | 154 | 2007 |
Automated identification, location, and volume estimation of rockfalls at Piton de la Fournaise volcano C Hibert, A Mangeney, G Grandjean, C Baillard, D Rivet, NM Shapiro, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 119 (5), 1082-1105, 2014 | 152 | 2014 |