עקוב אחר
Dubravko Škorput
Dubravko Škorput
Izvanredni profesor, Sveučilište u Zagrebu Agronomski fakultet
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין agr.unizg.hr
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
Genetic diversity and population structure of six autochthonous pig breeds from Croatia, Serbia, and Slovenia
M Zorc, D Škorput, K Gvozdanović, P Margeta, D Karolyi, Z Luković, ...
Genetics selection evolution 54 (1), 30, 2022
Genetic parameters for litter size in Black Slavonian pigs
D Skorput
Spanish journal of agricultural research 12 (1), 89-97, 2014
Variability of birth weight and growth of piglets in highly prolific sows
D Škorput, Z Dujmović, D Karolyi, Z Luković
Journal of Central European Agriculture 19 (4), 823-828, 2018
Estimation of genetic parameters and genetic trends for reproductive traits in Saanen goats
A Kasap, B Mioč, D Škorput, V Pavić, Z Antunović
Acta Veterinaria (Beograd) 63 (2/3), 269-277, 2013
Turopolje pig (Turopoljska svinja)
D Karolyi, Z Luković, K Salajpal, D Škorput, I Vnučec, Ž Mahnet, V Klišanić, ...
European Local Pig Breeds-Diversity and Performance. A study of project TREASURE, 2019
Revitalizacija uzgoja banijske šare svinje
K Salajpal, S Menčik, D Šalamon, D Karolyi, V Klišanić, Ž Mahnet, ...
Genetic diversity of the Banija spotted pig breed using microsatellite markers
D Šalamon, P Margeta, V Klišanić, S Menčik, D Karolyi, Ž Mahnet, ...
Journal of Central European Agriculture 20 (1), 36-42, 2019
Pig welfare at different production systems
Z Luković, D Škorput, D Karolyi
Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium 170, 2017
Reproductive parameters in a Banija Spotted pig breed population during breed revitalization
S Menčik, V Klišanić, M Špehar, Ž Mahnet, D Škorput, Z Luković, D Karolyi, ...
Veterinarski arhiv 89 (2), 183-199, 2019
Partition of genetic trends by origin in Landrace and Large-White pigs
D Škorput, G Gorjanc, A Kasap, Z Luković
animal 9 (10), 1605-1609, 2015
Factors influencing litter size in pigs.
Z Luković, D Škorput
Cabi Reviews, 1-9, 2015
Upravljanje farmom visokoplodnih krmača
D Škorput, Z Luković
Xi. savjetovannje uzgajivača svinja Hrvatske, 19-26, 2015
Utjecaj genotipa i spola svinja na proizvodni kalo i osnovni kemijski sastav dalmatinskog pršuta
I Kos, A Kaić, I Širić, Z Luković, D Škorput, A Matić
Zbornik radova 49. hrvatskog i 9. međunarodnog simpozija poljoprivrede. XLIX …, 2014
Estimation of variance components for litter size in the first and later parities in improved Jezersko-Solcava sheep
D Škorput, A Kasap, G Gorjanc
Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus 76 (4), 337-340, 2011
Carcass quality of crossbred pigs with Pietrain as a terminal sire
A Kaić, D Škorput, Z Luković
Italian Journal of Animal Science 8 (sup3), 252-254, 2009
Connectedness between contemporary groups in Black Slavonian pig
D Škorput, M Špehar, Z Luković
Livestock science 216, 6-8, 2018
Morphological and reproductive traits of Turopolje pig breeding sows
D Karolyi, Z Luković, D Škorput, Ž Mahnet, V Klišanić, I Vnučec, K Salajpal, ...
9th International Symposium on the Mediterranean Pig, 2016
Veličina legla u krmača na obiteljskim gospodarstvima u republici Hrvatskoj
M Tretinjak, D Škorput, M Đikić, Z Luković
Stočarstvo: Časopis za unapređenje stočarstva 63 (3), 175-186, 2009
Estimation of population differentiation using pedigree and molecular data in Black Slavonian pig
K Gvozdanović, D Škorput, ID Kušec, K Salajpal, G Kušec
Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica 23 (5), 2020
Čimbenici plodnosti krmača banijske šare svinje
D Škorput, I Torček, S Menčik, Ž Mahnet, V Klišanić, D Karolyi, ...
Zbornik radova 55, 389-392, 2020
המערכת אינה יכולה לבצע את הפעולה כעת. נסה שוב מאוחר יותר.
מאמרים 1–20