Optimal control of AVR system with tree seed algorithm-based PID controller E Köse IEEE access 8, 89457-89467, 2020 | 123 | 2020 |
Parameter optimization of PI controller by PSO for optimal controlling of a buck converter's output G Mühürcü, E Kose, A Muhurcu, A Kuyumcu 2017 International Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing Symposium …, 2017 | 21 | 2017 |
Sliding mode control based on genetic algorithm for WSCC systems include of SVC E Köse, K Abaci, H Kizmaz, S Aksoy, MA Yalçin Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika 19 (4), 25-28, 2013 | 19 | 2013 |
Modeling and analysis of mechanical systems with PID and sliding mode control E Köse, K Abaci, S Aksoy National Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, 179-183, 2010 | 18* | 2010 |
The effect of different dwell times at a constant pelletization pressure of 6 GPa on superconducting properties of Bi1.8Sr2Ca1.1Cu2.1Oy ceramics ME Aytekin, B Özkurt, KB Sugözü, E Köse, İ Sugözü Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 27, 8068-8073, 2016 | 17 | 2016 |
Controller design by using non-linear control methods for satellite chaotic system E Köse Electrical Engineering 99, 763-773, 2017 | 14 | 2017 |
Control of SVC based on the sliding mode control method E Köse, H Kizmaz, K Abaci, S Aksoy Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 22 (3), 605-619, 2014 | 14 | 2014 |
Kimyasal Araştırma Laboratuvarı Risk Değerlendirmesi İçin İki Farklı Metodun İstatistiksel Analizi D USANMAZ, K Ercan Uluslararası Mühendislik Araştırma ve Geliştirme Dergisi 12 (2), 337-347, 2020 | 12 | 2020 |
A novel balanced arithmetic optimization algorithm-optimized controller for enhanced voltage regulation S Ekinci, H Çetin, D Izci, E Köse Mathematics 11 (23), 4810, 2023 | 11 | 2023 |
Feedforward-compensated PI controller design for air–fuel ratio system control using enhanced weighted mean of vectors algorithm D Izci, E Köse, S Ekinci Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 48 (9), 12205-12217, 2023 | 11 | 2023 |
The control of brushless DC motor for electric vehicle by using chaotic synchronization method E Kose, A Muhurcu Studies in Informatics and Control 27 (4), 403-412, 2018 | 11 | 2018 |
Realization of a digital chaotic oscillator by using a low cost microcontroller E Köse, A Mühürcü Engineering Review: Međunarodni časopis namijenjen publiciranju originalnih …, 2017 | 9 | 2017 |
The control of a non-linear chaotic system using genetic and particle swarm based on optimization algorithms E Kose, A Muhurcu International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering …, 2016 | 9 | 2016 |
Gürültü Önleyici Akustik Malzemelerin Performans Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi HM Öz, K Ercan Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 1-10, 2020 | 8 | 2020 |
Comparative controlling of the Lorenz chaotic system using the SMC and APP methods E Köse, A Mühürcü Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2018 (1), 9612749, 2018 | 8 | 2018 |
PLC Kontrollü Kurutucu Konveyör Tasarımı O KÜÇÜKATAY, K Ercan, Z YILDIZ Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi 36 (1), 249-260, 2021 | 7 | 2021 |
Analysis of precautions taken for protection from X-rays in a hospital in Gaziantep in the context of workplace health and safety A Yıldız, E Köse, ÖC Demirtaş Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences 15 (4), 100453, 2022 | 6 | 2022 |
Time-delay AVR System Analysis Using PSO-based PID Controller K Ercan, S Coşkun Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 981-991, 2020 | 6* | 2020 |
Fotovoltaik sistemlerin sıcaklığa bağlı enerji verimliliği performansının analiz edilmesi E Köse Dünya Multidisipliner Araştırmalar Dergisi 2018 (2), 39-53, 2018 | 6 | 2018 |
Kayma Kipli Kontrolde Farklı Erişim Alt Yaklaşımlarının Analizleri E Köse, K Abacı, S Aksoy 6th International Advanced Technologies Symposium (IATS11), 2011 | 6 | 2011 |