Relationships among emotional and material rewards, job satisfaction, burnout, affective commitment, job performance, and turnover intention in the hotel industry B Koo, J Yu, BL Chua, S Lee, H Han Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism 21 (4), 371-401, 2020 | 323 | 2020 |
Impacts of cruise service quality and price on vacationers’ cruise experience: Moderating role of price sensitivity BL Chua, S Lee, B Goh, H Han International Journal of Hospitality Management 44, 131-145, 2015 | 310 | 2015 |
Impact of health risk perception on avoidance of international travel in the wake of a pandemic BL Chua, A Al-Ansi, MJ Lee, H Han Current Issues in Tourism 24 (7), 985-1002, 2021 | 303 | 2021 |
Drivers of brand loyalty in the chain coffee shop industry H Han, HN Nguyen, H Song, BL Chua, S Lee, W Kim International Journal of Hospitality Management 72, 86-97, 2018 | 275 | 2018 |
The post-coronavirus world in the international tourism industry: Application of the theory of planned behavior to safer destination choices in the case of US outbound tourism H Han, A Al-Ansi, BL Chua, B Tariq, A Radic, S Park International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (18), 6485, 2020 | 236 | 2020 |
Investigating the structural relationships between food image, food satisfaction, culinary quality, and behavioral intentions: The case of Malaysia CGQ Chi, BL Chua, M Othman, SA Karim International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration 14 (2), 99-120, 2013 | 232 | 2013 |
Experience, brand prestige, perceived value (functional, hedonic, social, and financial), and loyalty among GROCERANT customers S Kim, S Ham, H Moon, BL Chua, H Han International Journal of Hospitality Management 77, 169-177, 2019 | 206 | 2019 |
Impact of core-product and service-encounter quality, attitude, image, trust and love on repurchase: Full-service vs low-cost carriers in South Korea H Han, J Yu, BL Chua, S Lee, W Kim International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 31 (4), 1588-1608, 2019 | 172 | 2019 |
Role of airline food quality, price reasonableness, image, satisfaction, and attachment in building re-flying intention H Han, KS Lee, BL Chua, S Lee, W Kim International Journal of Hospitality Management 80, 91-100, 2019 | 156 | 2019 |
Customer restaurant choice: an empirical analysis of restaurant types and eating-out occasions BL Chua, S Karim, S Lee, H Han International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (17), 6276, 2020 | 151 | 2020 |
Understanding airline travelers’ perceptions of well-being: The role of cognition, emotion, and sensory experiences in airline lounges HC Kim, BL Chua, S Lee, HC Boo, H Han Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 33 (9), 1213-1234, 2016 | 151 | 2016 |
Malaysia as a culinary tourism destination: international tourists’ perspective/M. Shahrim Ab. Karim, Bee-Lia Chua and Hamdin Salleh MS Ab Karim, BL Chua, H Salleh Journal of Tourism, Hospitality & Culinary Arts (JTHCA) 1 (3), 1-16, 2009 | 145 | 2009 |
Consequences of cruise line involvement: A comparison of first-time and repeat passengers BL Chua, S Lee, H Han International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 29 (6), 1658-1683, 2017 | 135 | 2017 |
Volunteer tourism (VT) traveler behavior: Merging norm activation model and theory of planned behavior B Meng, BL Chua, HB Ryu, H Han Journal of Sustainable Tourism 28 (12), 1947-1969, 2020 | 125 | 2020 |
Role of service encounter and physical environment performances, novelty, satisfaction, and affective commitment in generating cruise passenger loyalty S Lee, BL Chua, H Han Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 22 (2), 131-146, 2017 | 114 | 2017 |
International volunteer tourism and youth travelers–an emerging tourism trend H Han, B Meng, BL Chua, HB Ryu, W Kim Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 36 (5), 549-562, 2019 | 113 | 2019 |
The role of brand personality, self-congruity, and sensory experience in elucidating sky lounge users’ behavior BL Chua, HC Kim, S Lee, H Han Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 36 (1), 29-42, 2019 | 113 | 2019 |
Tourists’ outbound travel behavior in the aftermath of the COVID-19: Role of corporate social responsibility, response effort, and health prevention BL Chua, A Al-Ansi, MJ Lee, H Han Journal of Sustainable Tourism 29 (6), 879-906, 2020 | 108 | 2020 |
Role of coffeehouse brand experiences (sensory/affective/intellectual/behavioral) in forming patrons’ repurchase intention: Impact of switching costs H Han, KS Lee, HJ Song, S Lee, BL Chua Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights 3 (1), 17-35, 2020 | 83 | 2020 |
Eliciting customers’ waste reduction and water saving behaviors at a hotel H Han, BL Chua, SS Hyun International Journal of Hospitality Management 87, 102386, 2020 | 81 | 2020 |