עקוב אחר
Weidong Yu
Weidong Yu
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין mail.sysu.edu.cn
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
RAMA: The Research Moored Array for African–Asian–Australian Monsoon Analysis and Prediction *
MJ Mcphaden, G Meyers, K Ando, Y Masumoto, VSN Murty, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 90 (4), 459-480, 2009
Projected response of the Indian Ocean Dipole to greenhouse warming
W Cai, XT Zheng, E Weller, M Collins, T Cowan, M Lengaigne, W Yu, ...
Nature geoscience 6 (12), 999-1007, 2013
Bimodal character of cyclone climatology in the Bay of Bengal modulated by monsoon seasonal cycle
Z Li, W Yu, T Li, VSN Murty, F Tangang
Journal of Climate 26 (3), 1033-1046, 2013
Understanding the origins of interannual thermocline variations in the tropical Indian Ocean
W Yu, B Xiang, L Liu, N Liu
Geophysical research letters 32 (24), 2005
How can anomalous western North Pacific subtropical high intensify in late summer?
B Xiang, B Wang, W Yu, S Xu
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (10), 2349-2354, 2013
The global tropical moored buoy array
MJ McPhaden, K Ando, B Bourles, HP Freitag, R Lumpkin, Y Masumoto, ...
Proceedings of OceanObs 9, 668-682, 2010
Cause of severe droughts in Southwest China during 1951–2010
L Feng, T Li, W Yu
Climate Dynamics 43, 2033-2042, 2014
Recent wind-driven change in Subantarctic Mode Water and its impact on ocean heat storage
L Gao, SR Rintoul, W Yu
Nature Climate Change 8 (1), 58-63, 2018
Global warming shifts Pacific tropical cyclone location
T Li, MH Kwon, M Zhao, JS Kug, JJ Luo, W Yu
Geophysical Research Letters 37 (21), 2010
Indian Ocean variability in the CMIP5 multi-model ensemble: the zonal dipole mode
L Liu, SP Xie, XT Zheng, T Li, Y Du, G Huang, WD Yu
Climate dynamics 43, 1715-1730, 2014
Characteristics, vertical structures, and heat/salt transports of mesoscale eddies in the southeastern tropical I ndian O cean
G Yang, W Yu, Y Yuan, X Zhao, F Wang, G Chen, L Liu, Y Duan
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 120 (10), 6733-6750, 2015
Structures and mechanisms of the first-branch northward-propagating intraseasonal oscillation over the tropical Indian Ocean
K Li, W Yu, T Li, VSN Murty, S Khokiattiwong, TR Adi, S Budi
Climate Dynamics 40, 1707-1720, 2013
Dynamic and thermodynamic air–sea coupling associated with the Indian Ocean dipole diagnosed from 23 WCRP CMIP3 models
L Liu, W Yu, T Li
Journal of Climate 24 (18), 4941-4958, 2011
Upper ocean variability in the Bay of Bengal during the tropical cyclones Nargis and Laila
K Maneesha, VSN Murty, M Ravichandran, T Lee, W Yu, MJ McPhaden
Progress in Oceanography 106, 49-61, 2012
Target observations for improving initialization of high-impact ocean-atmospheric environmental events forecasting
M Mu, W Duan, D Chen, W Yu
National Science Review 2 (2), 226-236, 2015
Behavior of the Wyrtki Jet observed with surface drifting buoys and satellite altimeter
Y Qiu, L Li, W Yu
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (18), 2009
A sustained ocean observing system in the Indian Ocean for climate related scientific knowledge and societal needs
JC Hermes, Y Masumoto, LM Beal, MK Roxy, J Vialard, M Andres, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 355, 2019
Contrasting impacts of radiative forcing in the Southern Ocean versus southern tropics on ITCZ position and energy transport in one GFDL climate model
B Xiang, M Zhao, Y Ming, W Yu, SM Kang
Journal of Climate 31 (14), 5609-5628, 2018
Differential impacts of conventional El Niño versus El Niño Modoki on Malaysian rainfall anomaly during winter monsoon
E Salimun, F Tangang, L Juneng, SK Behera, W Yu
Int. J. Climatol 34 (8), 2763-2774, 2014
Oceanic internal wave amplitude retrieval from satellite images based on a data-driven transfer learning model
X Zhang, H Wang, S Wang, Y Liu, W Yu, J Wang, Q Xu, X Li
Remote Sensing of Environment 272, 112940, 2022
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