עקוב אחר
Nilesh Marathe
Nilesh Marathe
Associate Professor
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין djsce.ac.in
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
Feature selection based hybrid anomaly intrusion detection system using K means and RBF kernel function
U Ravale, N Marathe, P Padiya
Procedia Computer Science 45, 428-435, 2015
Implementing and improving the performance of AODV by receive reply method and securing it from Black hole attack
DR Choudhury, L Ragha, N Marathe
Procedia Computer Science 45, 564-570, 2015
Hybrid IDS using SVM classifier for detecting DoS attack in MANET application
V Justin, N Marathe, N Dongre
2017 International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics …, 2017
Intelligent dynamic time quantum allocation in mlfq scheduling
D Maste, L Ragha, N Marathe
International Journal of Information and Computation Technology 3 (4), 311-322, 2013
ITCA, an IDS and trust solution collaborated with ACK based approach to mitigate network layer attack on MANET routing
N Marathe, SK Shinde
Wireless Personal Communications 107 (1), 393-416, 2019
Improved ALERT protocol in MANET with strategies to prevent DOS & MITM attacks
P Patil, N Marathe, V Jethani
2016 International Conference on Automatic Control and Dynamic Optimization …, 2016
A survey on Finite Automata based pattern matching techniques for network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS)
PM Rathod, N Marathe, AV Vidhate
2014 International Conference on Advances in Electronics Computers and …, 2014
Design of efficient web vulnerability scanner
S Patil, N Marathe, P Padiya
2016 International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT …, 2016
AODV based secure routing algorithm against Sinkhole attack in wirelesses Sensor Networks
VB Salve, L Ragha, N Marathe
2015 IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication …, 2015
A generic request/reply based algorithm for detection of blackhole attack in MANET
SP Bhagat, P Padiya, N Marathe
2017 International Conference On Smart Technologies For Smart Nation …, 2017
Phishing-inspector: detection & prevention of phishing websites
T Doke, P Khismatrao, V Jambhale, N Marathe
ITM Web of Conferences 32, 03004, 2020
Improved itca method to mitigate network-layer attack in manet
NR Marathe, SK Shinde
Data Communication and Networks: Proceedings of GUCON 2019, 245-253, 2020
IAMTT-new method for resisting network layer denial of service attack on MANET
SA Ahir, N Marathe, P Padiya
2014 Fourth International Conference on Communication Systems and Network …, 2014
Multidimensional multi-attribute approach to counter the routing attacks on MANET
NR Marathe, SK Shinde
Wireless Personal Communications 119 (3), 1993-2016, 2021
Improved EAACK scheme for detection and isolation of a malicious node in MANET
A Patil, N Marathe, P Padiya
2015 International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Computing and …, 2015
Attribute reduction based hybrid anomaly intrusion detection using K-means and SVM classifier
U Ravale, N Marathe, P Padiya
International Journal of Computer Applications 82 (15), 2013
Rainfall Prediction using Different Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms
A Mahadware, A Saigiridhari, A Mishra, A Tupe, N Marathe
2022 2nd Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology (ASIANCON), 1-8, 2022
A generic request/reply based algorith for detection of blackhole attack in MANET: simulation result
S Bhagat, P Padiya, N Marathe
2017 8th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking …, 2017
Preventing DOS & MITM Attacks in “anonymous location based efficient routing protocol” in MANET
P Patil, N Marathe, V Jethani
2016 IEEE International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICETECH …, 2016
Survey of privacy preservation in vanets
P Patil, N Marathe, V Jethani
IRACST-International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology …, 2016
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מאמרים 1–20