Emerging organic surface chemistry for Si anodes in lithium‐ion batteries: advances, prospects, and beyond Z Chen, A Soltani, Y Chen, Q Zhang, A Davoodi, S Hosseinpour, ... Advanced Energy Materials 12 (32), 2200924, 2022 | 146 | 2022 |
Failure analysis of cracks occurred on SS304L tubes of shell and tube heat exchanger during its first start up in phases 2&3 gas refinery of South Pars gas complex A Soltani, M Najafi, R Ghorbani, R Danaei Eur Corros Congress, EUROCORR 4, 3090-3100, 2016 | 1 | 2016 |
Failure analysis of corroded and cracked flare tip of material SS310 in phase 12 gas refinery of South Pars Gas Complex A Soltani, K Farzanfar, R Zarei Eur. Corros. Congr 2016, 3079-3089, 2016 | 1 | 2016 |
Emerging Organic Surface Chemistry for Si Anodes in Lithium‐Ion Batteries: Advances, Prospects, and Beyond (Adv. Energy Mater. 32/2022). Z Chen, A Soltani, Y Chen, Q Zhang, A Davoodi, S Hosseinpour, ... Advanced Energy Materials 12 (32), 2022 | | 2022 |
Reliable level of corrosion inhibitor’s residual concentration in wet gas-condensate pipelines A Soltani Eurocorr 2020 Virtual Conference, 2020 | | 2020 |
pH stabilization as a technique for corrosion control in sour wet gas-condensate pipelines, Applicability conditions, merits and limitations A Soltani Eurocorr 2019 ( Lecture Presentation in Annual Business Meeting of Working …, 2019 | | 2019 |
An Investigation of the Corrosion Reduction Factor of MEG on API 5L-X65 in the Presence of a Domestic Amine-Based Corrosion Inhibitor by an RCE Setup AA Askar Soltani NACE Northern Area Eastern Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 2019 | | 2019 |
An investigation of transverse cracks and pitting on the weldment and heat affected zone of AISI321 acid gas transmission pipeline in south Pars gas Complex KF Askar Soltani, Reza Zareie Eurocorr 2019, Oral Presentation, Seville, Spain, 2019 | | 2019 |
Investigation of the behavior of Amine based corrosion inhibitors in the presence of Mono Ethylene Glycol on API 5LX65 in a glass cell with rotating cylinder electrode setup AA Askar Soltani Eurocorr 2019, Oral Presentation, Seville, Spain, 2019 | | 2019 |
Corrosion and Integrity operating window in amine units A Soltani Eurocorr 2019 (Lecture Presentation in Working Party 15 , Corrosion in oil …, 2019 | | 2019 |
Corrosion detection by IR thermography A Soltani Eurocorr 2019 (Lecture Presentation in Annual meeting of Working Party 15 …, 2019 | | 2019 |
Amine Corrosion in H2S removal units: HSAS or poor operating conditions, Which one is more responsible A Soltani Eurocorr 2019, Poster Presentation, Seville-Spain, 2019 | | 2019 |
A Comparison Between pH-stabilization Technique and Corrosion Inhibitor Injection Method in Corrosion Mitigation in Sour Gas Transmission Pipelines: A Field Study in South Pars … A Soltani, R Zareie, K Farzanfar Eurocorr 2018, Oral PresentationAt: Krakow-Poland, 2018 | | 2018 |
- 850 mV CP applied controversial criterion in protecting bare bottom plates of large storage tanks in South Pars Gas Complex, Trustworthy or Deceptive? AA Askar Soltani Eurocorr 2017, Oral Presentation, Prague-Czech Republic, 2017 | | 2017 |
Failure analysis of corroded and cracked flare tip of material SS310 in phase 12 gas refinery of South Pars Gas Complex ASKFR Zarei Eurocorr 2017, Oral Presentation, Prague-Czech Republic, 2017 | | 2017 |
Root Cause Analysis of Crack Occurrence on SS304L tubes of a Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger in Reception Unit, A Case Study within South Pars Gas Complex A Soltani, R Zareie, K Farzanfar Eurocorr 2019 ( Lecture Presentation), Prague-Czech Republic, 2017 | | 2017 |