עקוב אחר
Francesco Pavani
Francesco Pavani
Full Professor of Experimental Psychology, University of Trento
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צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
Visual capture of touch: Out-of-the-body experiences with rubber gloves
F Pavani, C Spence, J Driver
Psychological science 11 (5), 353-359, 2000
Crossmodal links between vision and touch in covert endogenous spatial attention.
C Spence, F Pavani, J Driver
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 26 (4 …, 2000
Synchronous multisensory stimulation blurs self-other boundaries
MP Paladino, M Mazzurega, F Pavani, TW Schubert
Psychological science 21 (9), 1202-1207, 2010
Spatial constraints on visual-tactile cross-modal distractor congruency effects
C Spence, F Pavani, J Driver
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 4 (2), 148-169, 2004
Are perception and action affected differently by the Titchener circles illusion?
F Pavani, I Boscagli, F Benvenuti, M Rabuffetti, A Farnè
Experimental Brain Research 127, 95-101, 1999
Multisensory contributions to the 3-D representation of visuotactile peripersonal space in humans: evidence from the crossmodal congruency task
C Spence, F Pavani, A Maravita, N Holmes
Journal of Physiology-Paris 98 (1-3), 171-189, 2004
Left tactile extinction following visual stimulation of a rubber hand
A Farne, F Pavani, F Meneghello, E Ladavas
Brain 123 (11), 2350-2360, 2000
Visual abilities in individuals with profound deafness a critical review
F Pavani, D Bottari
Action-specific remapping of peripersonal space
C Brozzoli, L Cardinali, F Pavani, A Farnè
Neuropsychologia 48 (3), 796-802, 2010
The role of hand size in the fake-hand illusion paradigm
F Pavani, M Zampini
Perception 36 (10), 1547-1554, 2007
A common cortical substrate activated by horizontal and vertical sound movement in the human brain
F Pavani, E Macaluso, JD Warren, J Driver, TD Griffiths
Current Biology 12 (18), 1584-1590, 2002
Acoustical vision of neglected stimuli: interaction among spatially converging audiovisual inputs in neglect patients
F Frassinetti, F Pavani, E Ladavas
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 14 (1), 62-69, 2002
Neglect and extinction: within and between sensory modalities
C Brozzoli, ML Demattè, F Pavani, F Frassinetti, A Farnè
Restorative neurology and neuroscience 24 (4-6), 217-232, 2006
Grasping actions remap peripersonal space
C Brozzoli, F Pavani, C Urquizar, L Cardinali, A Farnè
Neuroreport 20 (10), 913-917, 2009
Reappraising the apparent costs of attending to two separate visual objects
G Davis, J Driver, F Pavani, A Shepherd
Vision research 40 (10-12), 1323-1332, 2000
Enhanced reactivity to visual stimuli in deaf individuals
D Bottari, E Nava, P Ley, F Pavani
Restorative neurology and neuroscience 28 (2), 167-179, 2010
Effect of prism adaptation on left dichotic listening deficit in neglect patients: glasses to hear better?
S Jacquin-Courtois, G Rode, F Pavani, J O'shea, MH Giard, D Boisson, ...
Brain 133 (3), 895-908, 2010
Losing one's hand: visual-proprioceptive conflict affects touch perception
A Folegatti, F De Vignemont, F Pavani, Y Rossetti, A Farnè
PLoS One 4 (9), e6920, 2009
Binding personal and extrapersonal space through body shadows
F Pavani, U Castiello
Nature neuroscience 7 (1), 14-16, 2004
Bilateral representations of touch in the primary somatosensory cortex
L Tamè, C Braun, NP Holmes, A Farnè, F Pavani
Cognitive Neuropsychology 33 (1-2), 48-66, 2016
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