Sundanese Ethnomathematics: Mathematical Activities in Estimating, Measuring, and Making Patterns D Muhtadi, Sukirwan, Warsito, RCI Prahmana Journal on Mathematics Education 8 (2), 185-198, 2017 | 265 | 2017 |
Improving the reasoning ability of elementary school student through the indonesian realistic mathematics education. M Saleh, RCI Prahmana, M Isa Journal on Mathematics Education 9 (1), 41-54, 2018 | 242* | 2018 |
Learning Geometry and Values from Patterns: Ethnomathematics on the Batik Patterns of Yogyakarta, Indonesia RCI Prahmana, U D'Ambrosio Journal on Mathematics Education 11 (3), 439-456, 2020 | 240 | 2020 |
Design Research (Teori dan Implementasinya: Suatu Pengantar) RCI Prahmana Depok: Rajawali Pers, 2017 | 217* | 2017 |
Likert Scale in Social Sciences Research: Problems and Difficulties B Tanujaya, RCI Prahmana, J Mumu FWU Journal of Social Sciences 16 (4), 89-101, 2022 | 187 | 2022 |
Ethnomathematics: Exploration in javanese culture I Risdiyanti, RCI Prahmana Journal of Physics: Conference Series 943 (1), 012032, 2017 | 170 | 2017 |
Mathematics instruction, problems, challenges, and opportunities: A case study in Manokwari regency, Indonesia B Tanujaya, RCI Prahmana, J Mumu World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education 15 (3), 287-291, 2017 | 168 | 2017 |
The instruments of higher order thinking skills S Ahmad, RCI Prahmana, AK Kenedi, Y Helsa, Y Arianil, M Zainil Journal of Physics: Conference Series 943 (1), 012053, 2017 | 167 | 2017 |
Learning multiplication using Indonesian traditional game in third grade RCI Prahmana, Zulkardi, Y Hartono Journal on Mathematics Education 3 (2), 115-132, 2012 | 160 | 2012 |
Penyebab kesulitan belajar geometri dimensi tiga R Novita, RCI Prahmana, N Fajri, M Putra Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Matematika 5 (1), 18-29, 2018 | 139 | 2018 |
Single Subject Research (Teori dan Implementasinya: Suatu Pengantar) RCI Prahmana Yogyakarta: UAD Press, 2021 | 136 | 2021 |
Etnomatematika: eksplorasi dalam permainan tradisional Jawa I Risdiyanti, RCI Prahmana Journal of Medives: Journal of Mathematics Education IKIP Veteran Semarang 2 …, 2018 | 125 | 2018 |
Ethnomathematics: Pranatamangsa System and the Birth-Death Ceremonial in Yogyakarta RCI Prahmana, W Yunianto, M Rosa, DC Orey Journal on Mathematics Education 12 (1), 93-112, 2021 | 124 | 2021 |
Using ASSURE learning design to develop students’ mathematical communication ability R Sundayana, T Herman, JA Dahlan, RCI Prahmana World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education 15 (3), 245-249, 2017 | 102 | 2017 |
Analisis kesalahan siswa dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan operasi bentuk aljabar D Malihatuddarojah, RCI Prahmana Jurnal pendidikan matematika 13 (1), 1-8, 2019 | 99 | 2019 |
The Integration of technology in teaching mathematics D Muhtadi, BG Kartasasmita, RCI Prahmana Journal of Physics: Conference Series 943 (1), 012020, 2017 | 86 | 2017 |
Model problem based learning, guided inquiry, dan kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis OF Yanti, RCI Prahmana JRPM (Jurnal Review Pembelajaran Matematika) 2 (2), 120-130, 2017 | 81 | 2017 |
Teaching materials of algebraic equation SA Widodo, RCI Prahmana, AS Purnami Journal of Physics: Conference Series 943 (1), 012017, 2017 | 77 | 2017 |
The hypothetical learning trajectory on research in mathematics education using research-based learning RCI Prahmana, YS Kusumah Pedagogika 123 (3), 42-54, 2016 | 75 | 2016 |
Community radio-based blended learning model: A promising learning model in remote area during pandemic era RCI Prahmana, D Hartanto, DA Kusumaningtyas, RM Ali, Muchlas Heliyon 7 (7), e07511, 2021 | 70* | 2021 |