עקוב אחר
Setyani Dwi Lestari
Setyani Dwi Lestari
Universitas Budi Luhur
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין budiluhur.ac.id
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
Antecedents and consequences of innovation and business strategy on performance and competitive advantage of SMEs
SD Lestari, FM Leon, S Widyastuti, NA Brabo, AHPK Putra
The journal of Asian finance, economics and business 7 (6), 365-378, 2020
The mediating role of customer trust on the relationships of celebrity endorsement and e-WOM to Instagram Purchase intention
A Firman, GB Ilyas, HK Reza, SD Lestari, AHPK Putra
Jurnal Minds: Manajemen Ide dan Inspirasi 8 (1), 107-126, 2021
E-commerce performance based on knowledge management and organizational innovativeness
Journal of Distribution Science 18 (2), 49-58, 2020
The Influence of Work Environment, Competence and Compensation on Employee Performance through Intervening Variable Job Satisfaction at Bank BJB Tangerang Branch
SD Lestari, DA Syabarudin, C Zurnali, DF Murad
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences 8 …, 2018
Configure the Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Paths of Brand Equity and Relationship of Firm Created Content and User Generated Content as Antecedent
AHPK Putra, GB Ilyas, YT Samiha, SD Lestari
Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis 8 (1), 90-103, 2021
The Development of Augmented Reality educational media using think-pair-share learning model for studying Buginese language
M Hasbi, H Tolle, AA Supianto
Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science 5 (1), 38-56, 2020
Financial distress prediction with altman z-score and effect on stock price: empirical study on companies subsectors chemical listed in Indonesia stock exchange Period 2009-2014
SD Lestari, RF Oktaviani, W Arafah
International Journal of Business and Management Invention 5 (8), 30-39, 2016
Pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi remaja melalui media animasi terhadap perubahan pengetahuan dan sikap pada siswi SMP di Pondok Pesantren Nurul Jadid
YD Lestari, L Permatasari, N Hamidah
Ovary Midwifery Journal 3 (1), 1-9, 2021
Persepsi mahasiswa terhadap kuliah kewirausahaan dan pengaruhnya terhadap sikap dan intensi berwirausaha mahasiswa (Studi komparatif antara UBL VS UMB Jakarta)
A Kurniasih, SD Lestari, A Herminingsih
Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi dan Sosial 2 (2), 129-146, 2013
Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan, Lingkungan Kerja dan Stres Kerja Terhadap Turnover Intention.
S Soekotjo, SD Lestari
Jurnal Locus: Penelitian dan Pengabdian 3 (2), 2024
Comparison and implementation of environmental law policies in handling climate change in ASEAN countries: a comparative study of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand
SD Lestari, FM Leon, S Riyadi, AHPK Putra
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 14 (2), 687-700, 2024
Financial Literacy at Work: Enhancing Organizational Performance through Employee Training Investments
SD Lestari, E Muhdaliha, PM Firdaus, ES Suhendra, NA Brabo
Atestasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi 7 (2), 721-741, 2024
The Effect of Brand Page Commitment, Brand Awareness, Electronic Word Of Mouth and Brand Image on Purchase Intention of Xiaomi Smartphone on Social Media.
NA Brabo, AI Karif, SD Lestari, A Sriyanto
Journal of Management & Marketing Review (JMMR) 6 (4), 2021
Law Enforcement, Taxation Socialisation, and Motivation on Taxpayer Compliance with Taxation Knowledge as Moderating Variable.
P Andini, S Riyadi, SD Lestari
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 2018
Effect of Occupational Health and Safety, and Work Environment on Employee Performance with Working Satisfaction as Mediation Variable.
SD Lestari, P Nafiana, A Indrabudiman
Journal of Management & Marketing Review (JMMR) 6 (2), 2021
Pengaruh EPS, NPM, PER dan Inflasi Terhadap Return Saham Pada Perusahaan BUMN Go Public
S Lestari, RR Dewi, Y Chomsatu
Jurnal Bisnis Dan Akuntansi 10, 1-11, 2018
The role of Sukuk financing for sustainable development of smallholder farmers
S Soeleman, SD Lestari
Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal 8 (5), 2015
The Effect of Self-Efficacy, Perceived Organizational Support, and Organizational Commitments on Employee Organizational Citizenship Behavior at PT Surveyor Indonesia
SD Lestari, MTH Saputra
International Journal of Organizational Business Excellence 5 (2), 23-34, 2022
The Effect of Earnings Management, Profitability, Leverage and Transfer Pricing on Tax Avoidance in the P3 sector”(Plantation, Forestry and Mining) Empirical Study
I Imelda, S Riyadi, SD Lestari
International Journal of Social Service and Research 2 (11), 1189-1207, 2022
The Effect of Price and Ease of Use on Customer Loyalty: A Case Study of Repeat Transaction Interest Through the OVO Application
SD Lestari, S Riyadi, S Priyanto, A Suhermin
Golden Ratio of Marketing and Applied Psychology of Business 3 (1), 34-51, 2023
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