עקוב אחר
Farhana Parvin
Farhana Parvin
Senior Research Fellow at Aligarh Muslim University
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין myamu.ac.in
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
GIS-based comparative assessment of flood susceptibility mapping using hybrid multi-criteria decision-making approach, naïve Bayes tree, bivariate statistics and logistic …
SA Ali, F Parvin, QB Pham, M Vojtek, J Vojteková, R Costache, NTT Linh, ...
Ecological Indicators 117, 106620, 2020
GIS-based landslide susceptibility modeling: A comparison between fuzzy multi-criteria and machine learning algorithms
SA Ali, F Parvin, J Vojteková, R Costache, NTT Linh, QB Pham, M Vojtek, ...
Geoscience Frontiers 12 (2), 857-876, 2021
A comparison among fuzzy multi-criteria decision making, bivariate, multivariate and machine learning models in landslide susceptibility mapping
QB Pham, Y Achour, SA Ali, F Parvin, M Vojtek, J Vojteková, N Al-Ansari, ...
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 12 (1), 1741-1777, 2021
Sanitary landfill site selection by integrating AHP and FTOPSIS with GIS: a case study of Memari Municipality, India
SA Ali, F Parvin, N Al-Ansari, QB Pham, A Ahmad, MS Raj, DT Anh, LH Ba, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28, 7528-7550, 2021
Accessibility and site suitability for healthcare services using GIS-based hybrid decision-making approach: a study in Murshidabad, India
F Parvin, SA Ali, SNI Hashmi, A Khatoon
Spatial Information Research 29, 1-18, 2021
Urban flood vulnerability assessment in a densely urbanized city using multi-factor analysis and machine learning algorithms
F Parvin, SA Ali, B Calka, E Bielecka, NTT Linh, QB Pham
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 149 (1), 639-659, 2022
Spatial prediction and mapping of the COVID-19 hotspot in India using geostatistical technique
F Parvin, SA Ali, SNI Hashmi, A Ahmad
Spatial Information Research 29, 479-494, 2021
An ensemble random forest tree with SVM, ANN, NBT, and LMT for landslide susceptibility mapping in the Rangit River watershed, India
SA Ali, F Parvin, QB Pham, KM Khedher, M Dehbozorgi, YW Rabby, ...
Natural Hazards 113 (3), 1601-1633, 2022
Detection of areas prone to flood-induced landslides risk using certainty factor and its hybridization with FAHP, XGBoost and deep learning neural network
R Costache, SA Ali, F Parvin, QB Pham, A Arabameri, H Nguyen, ...
Geocarto International 37 (25), 7303-7338, 2022
Flood vulnerability and buildings’ flood exposure assessment in a densely urbanised city: comparative analysis of three scenarios using a neural network approach
QB Pham, SA Ali, E Bielecka, B Calka, A Orych, F Parvin, E Łupikasza
Natural Hazards 113 (2), 1043-1081, 2022
Green HRM: Pathway towards environmental sustainability using AHP and FAHP in a nascent parsimony
A Khatoon, NA Khan, F Parvin, MS Wahid, MT Jamal, S Azhar
International Journal of Manpower 43 (3), 805-826, 2022
An integrated approach for evaluating the flash flood risk and potential erosion using the hydrologic indices and morpho-tectonic parameters
SA Abu El-Magd, HO Orabi, SA Ali, F Parvin, QB Pham
Environmental Earth Sciences 80, 1-17, 2021
Retrieval of land surface temperature from Landsat 8 OLI and TIRS: a comparative analysis between radiative transfer equation-based method and split-window algorithm
SA Ali, F Parvin, A Ahmad
Remote Sensing in Earth Systems Sciences 6 (1), 1-21, 2023
Spatial implementation of frequency ratio, statistical index and index of entropy models for landslide susceptibility mapping in Al-Balouta river basin, Tartous Governorate, Syria
HG Abdo, H Almohamad, AA Al Dughairi, SA Ali, F Parvin, A Elbeltagi, ...
Geoscience Letters 9 (1), 45, 2022
Green human resource management: a transformational vision towards environmental sustainability
A Khatoon, NA Khan, S Bharadwaj, F Parvin
International Journal of Business Environment 12 (3), 207-226, 2021
An integrated approach for evaluating the flash flood risk and potential erosion using the hydrologic indices and morpho-tectonic parameters
SAA El-Magd, HO Orabi, SA Ali, F Parvin, QB Pham
Environ Earth Sci 80 (20), 1-17, 2021
Multi-spectral remote sensing and GIS-based analysis for decadal land use land cover changes and future prediction using random forest tree and artificial neural network
QB Pham, SA Ali, F Parvin, V Van On, LM Sidek, B Đurin, V Cetl, ...
Advances in space research 74 (1), 17-47, 2024
Examining challenges and multi-strategic approaches in waste management during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review
SA Ali, F Parvin
Waste Management & Research 40 (9), 1356-1380, 2022
Examining the role of class imbalance handling strategies in predicting earthquake-induced landslide-prone regions
QB Pham, Ö Ekmekcioğlu, SA Ali, K Koc, F Parvin
Applied Soft Computing 143, 110429, 2023
GIS-based comparative assessment of flood susceptibility mapping using hybrid multi-criteria decision-making approach, naïve Bayes tree, bivariate statistics and logistic …
SA Ali, F Parvin, QB Pham, M Vojtek, J Vojteková, R Costache, NTT Linh, ...
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