Doubly fed induction generator model for transient stability analysis P Ledesma, J Usaola IEEE transactions on energy conversion 20 (2), 388-397, 2005 | 427 | 2005 |
Probabilistic load flow with correlated wind power injections J Usaola Electric Power Systems Research 80 (5), 528-536, 2010 | 225 | 2010 |
Incidence on power system dynamics of high penetration of fixed speed and doubly fed wind energy systems: study of the Spanish case JM Rodríguez, JL Fernández, D Beato, R Iturbe, J Usaola, P Ledesma, ... IEEE Transactions on power systems 17 (4), 1089-1095, 2002 | 224 | 2002 |
Probabilistic load flow with wind production uncertainty using cumulants and Cornish–Fisher expansion J Usaola International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 31 (9), 474-481, 2009 | 211 | 2009 |
Probabilistic load flow in systems with wind generation J Usaola IET generation, transmission & distribution 3 (12), 1031-1041, 2009 | 208 | 2009 |
Transient stability of a fixed speed wind farm P Ledesma, J Usaola, JL Rodriguez Renewable energy 28 (9), 1341-1355, 2003 | 190 | 2003 |
Combining hydro-generation and wind energy: Biddings and operation on electricity spot markets JM Angarita, JG Usaola Electric Power Systems Research 77 (5-6), 393-400, 2007 | 187 | 2007 |
Operation of concentrating solar power plants with storage in spot electricity markets J Usaola IET renewable power generation 6 (1), 59-66, 2012 | 154 | 2012 |
Optimal operation of a pumped-storage hydro plant that compensates the imbalances of a wind power producer ÁJ Duque, ED Castronuovo, I Sánchez, J Usaola Electric power systems research 81 (9), 1767-1777, 2011 | 153 | 2011 |
An optimal day-ahead load scheduling approach based on the flexibility of aggregate demands X Ayón, JK Gruber, BP Hayes, J Usaola, M Prodanović Applied Energy 198, 1-11, 2017 | 150 | 2017 |
Combined hydro-wind generation bids in a pool-based electricity market JL Angarita, J Usaola, J Martínez-Crespo Electric Power Systems Research 79 (7), 1038-1046, 2009 | 135 | 2009 |
What performance can be expected by short-term wind power prediction models depending on site characteristics? G Kariniotakis, I Marti, D Casas, P Pinson, TS Nielsen, H Madsen, ... European wind energy conference EWEC 2004, 2004 | 122 | 2004 |
Evaluation of advanced wind power forecasting models–results of the anemos project I Marti, G Kariniotakis, P Pinson, I Sanchez, TS Nielsen, H Madsen, ... European Wind Energy Conference, EWEC 2006, 9 pages, 2006 | 108 | 2006 |
Security-constrained optimal generation scheduling in large-scale power systems J Martínez-Crespo, J Usaola, JL Fernández IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 21 (1), 321-332, 2006 | 107 | 2006 |
Distribution-level flexibility market for congestion management A Esmat, J Usaola, MÁ Moreno Energies 11 (5), 1056, 2018 | 98 | 2018 |
Optimal management of wind and solar energy resources NS Thomaidis, FJ Santos-Alamillos, D Pozo-Vázquez, J Usaola-García Computers & Operations Research 66, 284-291, 2016 | 95 | 2016 |
Effect of neglecting stator transients in doubly fed induction generators models P Ledesma, J Usaola IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 19 (2), 459-461, 2004 | 91 | 2004 |
Bidding wind energy under uncertainty J Usaola, J Angarita 2007 International Conference on Clean Electrical Power, 754-759, 2007 | 89 | 2007 |
Transient stability studies in grids with great wind power penetration. Modelling issues and operation requirements J Usaola, P Ledesma, JM Rodriguez, JL Fernandez, D Beato, R Iturbe, ... 2003 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting (IEEE Cat. No. 03CH37491 …, 2003 | 86 | 2003 |
Benefits for wind energy in electricity markets from using short term wind power prediction tools; a simulation study J Usaola, O Ravelo, G González, F Soto, MC Dávila, B Díaz–Guerra Wind Engineering 28 (1), 119-127, 2004 | 79 | 2004 |