Workplace happiness, well-being and their relationship with psychological capital: A study of Hungarian Teachers A Kun, P Gadanecz Current Psychology 41 (1), 185-199, 2022 | 359 | 2022 |
Development of the work-related well-being questionnaire based on Seligman’s PERMA model Á Kun, P Balogh, KG Krasz Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences 25 (1), 56-63, 2017 | 214 | 2017 |
Narcissism and the strategic pursuit of short-term mating: Universal links across 11 world regions of the International Sexuality Description Project-2 DP Schmitt, L Alcalay, J Allik, ICB Alves, CA Anderson, AL Angelini, ... Psychological Topics 26 (1), 89, 2017 | 74 | 2017 |
Happiness around the world: A combined etic-emic approach across 63 countries G Gardiner, D Lee, E Baranski, D Funder, International Situations Project PloS one 15 (12), e0242718, 2020 | 64 | 2020 |
A jóllétet meghatározó tényezők vizsgálata egészségügyi szakdolgozók körében S Deutsch, E Fejes, Á Kun, D Medves Alkalmazott pszichológia 15 (2), 49-71, 2015 | 50 | 2015 |
Be happy to be successful: A mediational model of PERMA variables PS Goh, YW Goh, L Jeevanandam, Z Nyolczas, A Kun, Y Watanabe, ... Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources 60 (3), 632-657, 2022 | 36 | 2022 |
Dark and Strong?! The associations between dark personality traits, mental toughness and resilience in Hungarian student, employee, leader, and military samples ZP Szabó, Á Kun, BE Balogh, E Simon, T Csike Personality and Individual differences 186, 111339, 2022 | 32 | 2022 |
Boldogság tényezők a pedagógusok munkájában Á Kun, A Szabó Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle 72 (3), 281-310, 2017 | 32 | 2017 |
Who in the world is trying to change their personality traits? Volitional personality change among college students in six continents. E Baranski, G Gardiner, D Lee, DC Funder Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 121 (5), 1140, 2021 | 30 | 2021 |
Exploring differences in the subjective well-being of teleworkers prior to and during the pandemic F Pataki-Bittó, Á Kun International Journal of Workplace Health Management 15 (3), 320-338, 2022 | 29 | 2022 |
Situational experience around the world: A replication and extension in 62 countries DI Lee, G Gardiner, E Baranski, International Situations Project, ... Journal of personality 88 (6), 1091-1110, 2020 | 22 | 2020 |
Van-e általános érvényű személyiségtaxonómia Á Kun Az ötfaktoros személyiségmodell, Alkalmazott pszichológia 1, 61-73, 1999 | 17 | 1999 |
Development of the hungarian version of the short dark triad questionnaire (SD3-HU): Psychometric properties and validity ZP Szabó, A Czibor, J Neve, P Restás, M Hadarics, L Szijjártó, E Simon, ... Current Psychology, 1-18, 2021 | 8 | 2021 |
10. Health, stress, well-being and positive affectivity A Kun | 7 | 2013 |
The bright side of the Dark Triad leaders: The relationship between dark personality traits, mental toughness, resilience, and character strengths Á Kun, ZP Szabó, EB Balogh Retrieved October 19, 2021 | 6 | 2021 |
The economic well-being of nations is associated with positive daily situational experiences G Gardiner, DI Lee, E Baranski, DC Funder, M Beramendi, B Bastian, ... Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology 4, 100088, 2023 | 5 | 2023 |
The Relationship Between Assessment Centre Outcomes and Personality Traits: A Confirmation of Nomological Validity ZP Szabó, E Simon, M Pinczés, R Laczai, Á Kun Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences 31 (2), 178-185, 2023 | 4 | 2023 |
Oktatói kézikönyv a tehetséggondozáshoz KÁT Ildikó Typotex Kiadó, Budapest, 2014 | 4 | 2014 |
The influence of perceived social support on support seeking across individualistic/collectivistic employees M Acikdeniz, YW Goh, PS Goh, Y Watanabe, I Noro, R Wang, J Jiang, ... International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 24 (1), 185-205, 2024 | 3 | 2024 |
Munkahelyi szocializáció, beillesztés és alternatív foglalkoztatási formák a megváltozott munkaképességű egyéneknél KUN Ágota JUHÁSZ Márta (szerk.): A foglalkozási rehabilitáció támogatása pszichológiai …, 2010 | 3 | 2010 |