עקוב אחר
Tri Prartono
Tri Prartono
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין ipb.ac.id
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
Mikroalga potensi dan pemanfaatannya untuk produksi bio bahan bakar
M Kawaroe, T Prartono, A Sanuddin, D Wulansari, D Augustine
IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2010
The deposition of atmospheric microplastics in Jakarta-Indonesia: The coastal urban area
AIS Purwiyanto, T Prartono, E Riani, Y Naulita, MR Cordova, AF Koropitan
Marine Pollution Bulletin 174, 113195, 2022
Seasonal distribution and geochemical fractionation of heavy metals from surface sediment in a tropical estuary of Jeneberang River, Indonesia
T Prartono, HS Sanusi, IW Nurjaya
Marine pollution bulletin 111 (1-2), 456-462, 2016
Speciation of aluminium, chromium and titanium in the NW Mediterranean
CMG van den Berg, M Boussemart, K Yokoi, T Prartono, MLAM Campos
Marine Chemistry 45 (4), 267-282, 1994
Pengaruh lingkungan terhadap bentuk pertumbuhan terumbu karang di perairan teluk lampung
BS Barus, T Prartono, D Soedarma
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis 10 (3), 699-709, 2018
Organic geochemistry of lacustrine sediments: a record of the changing trophic status of Rostherne Mere, UK
T Prartono, GA Wolff
Organic Geochemistry 28 (11), 729-747, 1998
The association of Cassidula nucleus (Gmelin 1791) and Cassidula angulifera (petit 1841) with mangrove in banggi coast, Central Java, Indonesia
D Ariyanto, DG Bengen, T Prartono, Y Wardiatno
Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation 11 (2), 348-361, 2018
Abundance of phytoplankton in the coastal waters of South Sumatera
R Aryawati, DG Bengen, T Prartono, H Zulkifli
Ilmu Kelautan 22 (1), 31-39, 2017
Marine microalgae Tetraselmis suecica as flocculant agent of bio-flocculation method
M Kawaroe, T Prartono, A Sunuddin, D Saputra
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 23 (2), 62-66, 2016
The relationship between content of particular metabolites of fallen mangrove leaves and the rate at which the leaves decompose over time
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 19 (3), 730-735, 2018
Konsentrasi kadmium (cd) dan tembaga (cu) dalam air, seston, kerang dan fraksinasinya dalam sedimen di perairan delta Berau, Kalimantan Timur
A Afriansyah, T Prartono, Z Arifin
Program Studi Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan. Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu …, 2009
Sebaran logam berat terlarut dan terendapkan di perairan teluk Jakarta
AH Kusuma, T Prartono, AS Atmadipoera, T Arifin
Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan 6 (1), 41-49, 2015
Sediments quality based on Geo-Accumulation Index in heavy metals (Pb, Cu, and Cd) of Cengkok coastal waters, Banten Bay
NK Wardani, T Prartono, S Sulistiono
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia 9 (4), 574-582, 2020
The physicochemical factors and litter dynamics (Rhizophora mucronata lam. and Rhizophora stylosa griff) of replanted Mangroves, Rembang, Central Java, Indonesia
D Ariyanto, DG Bengen, T Prartono, Y Wardiatno
Environment and Natural Resources Journal 17 (4), 11-19, 2019
Laju pertumbuhan spesifik dan kandungan asam lemak pada Mikroalga Spirulina platensis, Isochrysis sp. dan Porphyridium cruentum (Specific growth rate and fatty acid content of …
M Kawaroe, T Pratono, A Rachmat, DW Sari, D Augustine
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 17 (3), 125-131, 2012
Fatty acid composition of three diatom species Skeletonema costatum, Thalassiosira sp. and Chaetoceros gracilis
T Prartono, M Kawaroe, V Katili
Int. J. Environ. Bioenerg 6, 28-43, 2013
Keterkaitan sedimentasi dengan persen tutupan terumbu karang di perairan Teluk Lampung
BS Barus, T Prartono, D Soedarma
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis 10 (1), 49-57, 2018
Konsentrasi logam berat (Cu dan Pb) di Sungai Musi bagian hilir
WAE Putri, DG Bengen, T Prartono, E Riani
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis 7 (2), 453-463, 2015
Distribution and abundance of Cerithideopsilla djadjariensis (Martin 1899)(potamididae) on Avicennia marina in Rembang, Central Java, Indonesia
D Ariyanto, D G Bengen, T Prartono, Y Wardiatno
Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries 24 (3), 323-332, 2020
Possible food sources of macrozoobenthos in the Manko mangrove ecosystem, Okinawa (Japan): A stable isotope analysis approach
Y Wardiatno, T Prartono, M Tsuchiya
Tropical life sciences research 26 (1), 53, 2015
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