עקוב אחר
James E Connell
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
Treatment Implementation Following Behavioral Consultation in Schools: A Comparison of Three Follow-Up Strategies
KJL Noell GH, Witt JC, Slider NJ, Connell JE, Williams KL, Resetar JL
School Psychology Review 34, 87-106, 2005
Sleep in children with autism spectrum disorder
MC Souders, S Zavodny, W Eriksen, R Sinko, J Connell, C Kerns, ...
Current psychiatry reports 19, 1-17, 2017
Training teachers to use evidence‐based practices for autism: Examining procedural implementation fidelity
AC Stahmer, S Rieth, E Lee, EM Reisinger, DS Mandell, JE Connell
Psychology in the Schools 52 (2), 181-195, 2015
Application of a Three-Tiered Response to Intervention Model for Instructional Planning, Decision Making and the Identification of Children in Need of Services
KJL Ardoin SJ, Witt JC, Connell JE
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 23, 362-380, 2005
Consultation, Follow-Up, and Implementation of Behavior Management Interventions in General Education
CJE Noell GH, Duhon GJ, Gatti SL
School Psychology Review 31, 217-234, 2002
Examining the Incremental Benefits of Administering a MAZE and Three Versus One Curriculum-Based Measurement Reading Probes When Conducting Universal Screening
WKL Ardoin SP, Witt JC, Suldo SM, Connell JE, Koenig JL, Resetar JL, Slider NJ
School Psychology Review 33, 118-133, 2004
Practical Considerations in Creating School-Wide Positive Behavior Support in Public Schools
PB Handler MH, Rey J, Connell JE, Thier K
Psychology in the Schools 44, 29-40, 2007
Increasing teachers’ Use of a 1:1 Praise to behavior Correction Ratio to Decrease Student Disruption in General Education Classrooms
AS Pisacreta J, Tincani M, Connell JE
Classrooms. Behavioral Interventions 26, 243-339, 2011
Dismantling the active ingredients of an intervention for children with autism
M Pellecchia, JE Connell, RS Beidas, M Xie, SC Marcus, DS Mandell
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 45, 2917-2927, 2015
Adapting cognitive behavioral techniques to address anxiety and depression in cognitively able emerging adults on the autism spectrum
CM Kerns, AM Roux, JE Connell, PT Shattuck
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 23 (3), 329-340, 2016
A Systematic Replication and Extension Using Incremental Rehearsal to Improve Multiplication Skills: An Investigation of Generalization
CJE Codding R, Archer J
Journal of Behavioral Education 19, 93-105, 2010
Child characteristics associated with outcome for children with autism in a school-based behavioral intervention
M Pellecchia, JE Connell, CM Kerns, M Xie, SC Marcus, DS Mandell
Autism 20 (3), 321-329, 2016
A review of behavioral interventions for anxiety‐related behaviors in lower‐functioning individuals with autism
TE Rosen, JE Connell, CM Kerns
Behavioral Interventions 31 (2), 120-143, 2016
Applications of Computer-Based Instruction: Using Specialized Software to Aid Letter-Name and Letter-Sound Recognition
WJ Connell JE
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 37, 67-72, 2004
Fixed-Time Schedule Effects as a Function of Baseline Reinforcement Rate
CJE Ringdahl J, Vollmer T, Borrero J
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 34, 1-16, 2001
Development and initial examination of the school psychology multicultural competence scale
CM Malone, C Briggs, E Ricks, K Middleton, S Fisher, J Connell
Contemporary School Psychology 20, 230-239, 2016
The medical home for children with autism spectrum disorder: an essential element whose time has come
C Todorow, J Connell, RM Turchi
Current opinion in pediatrics 30 (2), 311-317, 2018
Consultation, follow-up, and behavior management intervention implementation in general education
GH Noell, GJ Duhon, SL Gatti, JE Connell
School Psychology Review 31 (2), 217-234, 2002
Universal autism screening for toddlers: Recommendations at odds
DL Robins, LB Adamson, M Barton, JE Connell, T Dumont-Mathieu, ...
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 46, 1880-1882, 2016
We're all in this together now: Group performance feedback to increase classroom team data collection
M Pellecchia, JE Connell, D Eisenhart, M Kane, C Schoener, K Turkel, ...
Journal of School Psychology 49 (4), 411-431, 2011
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