Applications of structural equation modeling in marketing and consumer research: A review H Baumgartner, C Homburg International journal of Research in Marketing 13 (2), 139-161, 1996 | 4252 | 1996 |
Marketingmanagement C Homburg, S Kuester, H Krohmer Gabler, 2003 | 3509* | 2003 |
A multiple-layer model of market-oriented organizational culture: Measurement issues and performance outcomes C Homburg, C Pflesser Journal of marketing research 37 (4), 449-462, 2000 | 2364 | 2000 |
Personal characteristics as moderators of the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty—an empirical analysis C Homburg, A Giering Psychology & marketing 18 (1), 43-66, 2001 | 2186 | 2001 |
Do satisfied customers really pay more? A study of the relationship between customer satisfaction and willingness to pay C Homburg, N Koschate, WD Hoyer Journal of marketing 69 (2), 84-96, 2005 | 2016 | 2005 |
Konzeptualisierung und Operationalisierung komplexer Konstrukte: ein Leitfaden für die Marketingforschung C Homburg, A Giering Marketing: Zeitschrift für Forschung und Praxis; ZFP 18 (1), 5-24, 1997 | 1939 | 1997 |
Customer experience management: toward implementing an evolving marketing concept C Homburg, D Jozić, C Kuehnl Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 45, 377-401, 2017 | 1734 | 2017 |
Buyer–supplier relationships and customer firm costs JP Cannon, C Homburg Journal of marketing 65 (1), 29-43, 2001 | 1410 | 2001 |
Does customer interaction enhance new product success? KE Gruner, C Homburg Journal of business research 49 (1), 1-14, 2000 | 1257 | 2000 |
Beurteilung von kausalmodellen: Bestandsaufnahme und anwendungsempfehlungen C Homburg, H Baumgartner Marketing: Zeitschrift für Forschung und Praxis, 162-176, 1995 | 1204 | 1995 |
Social identity and the service-profit chain C Homburg, J Wieseke, WD Hoyer Journal of Marketing 73 (2), 38-54, 2009 | 1065 | 2009 |
How organizational complaint handling drives customer loyalty: an analysis of the mechanistic and the organic approach C Homburg, A Fürst Journal of Marketing 69 (3), 95-114, 2005 | 1021 | 2005 |
Theoretische perspektiven zur Kundenzufriedenheit C Homburg, R Stock-Homburg Kundenzufriedenheit, 17-52, 2012 | 946 | 2012 |
Kundennähe von Industriegüterunternehmen: Konzeption—Erfolgsauswirkungen—Determinanten C Homburg Springer-Verlag, 2013 | 923 | 2013 |
Service orientation of a retailer's business strategy: Dimensions, antecedents, and performance outcomes C Homburg, WD Hoyer, M Fassnacht Journal of marketing 66 (4), 86-101, 2002 | 912 | 2002 |
Der Zusammenhang zwischen Kundenzufriedenheit und Kundenbindung C Homburg, A Giering, F Hentschel Reihe: Wissenschaftliche Arbeitspapiere/Institut für Marktorientierte …, 1999 | 908 | 1999 |
Neglected outcomes of customer satisfaction X Luo, C Homburg Journal of marketing 71 (2), 133-149, 2007 | 876 | 2007 |
Kundenbindungsmanagement C Homburg, M Bruhn Handbuch Kundenbindungsmanagement 5, 3-37, 2005 | 817 | 2005 |
The role of cognition and affect in the formation of customer satisfaction: a dynamic perspective C Homburg, N Koschate, WD Hoyer Journal of marketing 70 (3), 21-31, 2006 | 809 | 2006 |
Marketing's influence within the firm C Homburg, JP Workman Jr, H Krohmer Journal of marketing 63 (2), 1-17, 1999 | 777 | 1999 |