Dynamic optimization for minimal HVAC demand with latent heat storage, heat recovery, natural ventilation, and solar shadings LA de Araujo Passos, P van den Engel, S Baldi, B De Schutter Energy Conversion and Management 276, 116573, 2023 | 42 | 2023 |
Performance mapping of packed-bed thermal energy storage systems for concentrating solar-powered plants using supercritical carbon dioxide FG Battisti, LA de Araujo Passos, AK da Silva Applied Thermal Engineering 183, 116032, 2021 | 33 | 2021 |
Model predictive control of a thermal chimney and dynamic solar shades for an all-glass facades building LA de Araujo Passos, TJ Ceha, S Baldi, B De Schutter Energy 264, 126177, 2023 | 21 | 2023 |
Time-dependent behavior of a recompression cycle with direct CO2 heating through a parabolic collector array LA de Araujo Passos, SL de Abreu, AK da Silva Applied Thermal Engineering 140, 593-603, 2018 | 20 | 2018 |
Feasibility study of using domestic solar hot water systems as alternative to reduce the electricity peak demand in Brazil L Passos, JM Cardemil, S Colle Energy Procedia 57, 2487-2495, 2014 | 19 | 2014 |
Economic and environmental assessment of a CO2 solar-powered plant with packed-bed thermal energy storage FG Battisti, LA de Araujo Passos, AK da Silva Applied Energy 314, 118913, 2022 | 15 | 2022 |
Optimal scale of solar-trough powered plants operating with carbon dioxide LA de Araujo Passos, SL de Abreu, AK da Silva Applied Thermal Engineering 124, 1203-1212, 2017 | 13 | 2017 |
A short-and long-term demand based analysis of a CO2 concentrated solar power system with backup heating LA de Araujo Passos, SL de Abreu, AK da Silva Applied Thermal Engineering 160, 114003, 2019 | 11 | 2019 |
Performance of a Phase Change Material Battery in a Transparent Building. P den Engel, M Malin, NK Venkatesh, LA de Araujo Passos Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 19 (3), 2023 | 6 | 2023 |
Converge: Low energy with active passiveness in a transparent highly occupied building PJW van den Engel, RMJ Bokel, E Brembilla, LA de Araujo Passos, ... CLIMA 2022-14th REHVA HVAC World Congress: Towards digitalized, healthy …, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
Model predictive control for optimal integration of a thermal chimney and solar shaded building TJ Ceha, LA de Araujo Passos, S Baldi, B De Schutter 2021 29th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 21-26, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Uma estimativa dos impactos técnicos e econômicos da agregação do aquecimento solar de água nos domicílios brasileiros LA PASSOS Florianópolis, 2011 | 3 | 2011 |
Uma análise de sistemas de aquecimento solar de água para uso doméstico no Brasil S Colle, AR Starke, LA de Araujo Passos, CE da Veiga Anais Congresso Brasileiro de Energia Solar-CBENS, 2010 | 3 | 2010 |
Um Estudo sobre os Impactos Técnicos da Introdução de Sistemas de Aquecimento Solar no Brasil L Passos, S Colle, JM Cardemil XV Congresso Ibérico e X Iberoamericano de Energía Solar. Vigo, Espanha, 2012 | 2 | 2012 |
Simulaçao e análise do desempenho de um sistema de aquecimento solar controlado por informaçoes de previsao de tempo T Koller, L Passos, S Colle Re-construyendo el futuro sostenible: libro de actas del XV Congreso Ibérico …, 2012 | | 2012 |
COZINHA ESCOLA EXPERIMENTAL SOLAR EM SERGIPE OA Teixeira, PMM de Araújo, VB Biriba, OAV Brazil, ACA Leão, ... Anais Congresso Brasileiro de Energia Solar-CBENS, 2008 | | 2008 |
Determination of the Interface Toughness from Coatings Deposited for Spray Thermal Applying the Interfacial Indentation Technique MLA Passos | | 2006 |