China's natural wetlands: past problems, current status, and future challenges S An, H Li, B Guan, C Zhou, Z Wang, Z Deng, Y Zhi, Y Liu, C Xu, S Fang, ... AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 36 (4), 335-342, 2007 | 388 | 2007 |
Preliminary studies on invasive model and outbreak mechanism of exotic species, Spartina alterniflora Loisel ZF Deng, SQ An, YB Zhi, CF Zhou, L Chen, CJ Zhao, SB Fang, HL Li Acta Ecologica Sinica 26 (8), 2678-2686, 2006 | 146* | 2006 |
Practices, perceptions, and implications of fertilizer use in East-Central China X Yang, S Fang(*) Ambio 44, 647-652, 2015 | 73 | 2015 |
Effects of Spartina alterniflora invasion on the abundance, diversity, and community structure of sulfate reducing bacteria along a successional gradient of coastal salt … J Cui, X Chen, M Nie, S Fang (*), B Tang, Z Quan, B Li, C Fang Wetlands 37, 221-232, 2017 | 47 | 2017 |
A method of identifying priority spatial patterns for the management of potential ecological risks posed by heavy metals SB Fang, XB Jia, XY Yang, YD Li, SQ An Journal of hazardous materials 237, 290-298, 2012 | 45 | 2012 |
基于土地利用分析的兰州市城市区域生态安全格局研究 方淑波, 肖笃宁, 安树青 应用生态学报 16 (12), 2284-2290, 2005 | 43 | 2005 |
Labile and Recalcitrant Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Pools in Tidal Salt Marshes of the Eastern Chinese Coast as Affected by Short‐Term C4 Plant Spartina alterniflora Invasion W Yang, S An, H Zhao, S Fang, L Xia, Y Xiao, Y Qiao, X Cheng Clean–Soil, Air, Water 43 (6), 872-880, 2015 | 35 | 2015 |
Using heavy metals to detect the human disturbances spatial scale on Chinese Yellow Sea coasts with an integrated analysis SB Fang, C Xu, XB Jia, BZ Wang, SQ An Journal of Hazardous Materials 184 (1-3), 375-385, 2010 | 32 | 2010 |
Coastal ecosystem service in response to past and future land use and land cover change dynamics in the Yangtze river estuary C Li, S Fang, X Geng, Y Yuan, X Zheng, D Zhang, R Li, W Sun, X Wang Journal of Cleaner Production 385, 135601, 2023 | 29 | 2023 |
Effects of long-term coastal reclamation on suitable habitat and wintering population size of the endangered Red-crowned Crane, Grus japonensis N Li, Z Wang, LU Xia, F Yan, L Xu, Y Qiao, X Li, S An, S Fang(*) Hydrobiologia 827, 21-29, 2019 | 28 | 2019 |
Reclamation history and development intensity determine soil and vegetation characteristics on developed coasts S Fang, X Jia, Q Qian, J Cui, G Cagle, A Hou Science of the Total Environment 586, 1263-1271, 2017 | 28 | 2017 |
Research progress on the ecological rehabilitating technologies with ecological landscape plant communities for degraded waterfront Y Zhang, J Jin, Y Dong, S Fang, T Duan, S Zhai, L Chen, M Zhang Ecology and Environmental Sciences 21 (7), 1366-1374, 2012 | 28* | 2012 |
Dispersal of invasive Phytolacca americana seeds by birds in an urban garden in China N Li, W Yang, S Fang, X Li, Z Liu, X Leng, S An Integrative Zoology 12 (1), 26-31, 2017 | 27 | 2017 |
Quantifying the dynamics and driving forces of the coastal wetland landscape of the Yangtze River Estuary since the 1960s M Wu, C Li, J Du, P He, S Zhong, P Wu, H Lu, S Fang(*) Regional Studies in Marine Science 32, 100854, 2019 | 25 | 2019 |
The priority pattern for managing the potential ecological risks associated with heavy metals of the top soil on Yancheng Coast S Fang, J Xiaobo, A Shuqing, Z Zheng Acta Geographica Sinica 67 (1), 27-35, 2012 | 24* | 2012 |
Regional ecosecurity pattern in urban area based on land use analysis: A case study in Lanzhou S Fang, D Xiao, S An Ying Yong Sheng tai xue bao= The Journal of Applied Ecology 16 (12), 2284-2290, 2005 | 24 | 2005 |
Characterizing the physical and demographic variables associated with heavy metal distribution along urban-rural gradient S Fang, Y Qiao, C Yin, X Yang, N Li Environmental monitoring and assessment 187, 1-14, 2015 | 23 | 2015 |
Overfertilization in the economically developed and ecologically critical Lake Tai region, China X Yang, S Fang, CL Lant, X Luo, Z Zheng Human Ecology 40, 957-964, 2012 | 21 | 2012 |
Differential contribution of frugivorous birds to dispersal patterns of the endangered Chinese yew (Taxus chinensis) N Li, S Fang, X Li, S An, C Lu Scientific Reports 5 (1), 10045, 2015 | 20 | 2015 |
Land use change and analysis on the driving forces in the coastal zone of Jiangsu Y Wang, X Jia, W Zhang, S Fang, Y Yao, S An Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 7-12, 2010 | 20* | 2010 |