עקוב אחר
Dr. Antony P J
Dr. Antony P J
Vice Principal, Professor and Head-Department of Computer Science & Engg. A J Institute of
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין ajiet.edu.in
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
Machine Translation Approaches and Survey for Indian Languages
A P. J
Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing 18 (1), 47-78, 2013
SVM based part of speech tagger for Malayalam
PJ Antony, SP Mohan, KP Soman
2010 international conference on recent trends in information …, 2010
Parts of speech tagging for Indian languages: a literature survey
PJ Antony, KP Soman
International Journal of Computer Applications 34 (8), 0975-8887, 2011
Kernel based part of speech tagger for kannada
PJ Antony, KP Soman
2010 International conference on machine learning and cybernetics 4, 2139-2144, 2010
Computational morphology and natural language parsing for Indian languages: a literature survey
PJ Antony, KP Soman
International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 3, 1-11, 2012
Machine transliteration for indian languages: A literature survey
PJ Antony, KP Soman
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, IJSER 2, 1-8, 2011
Kernel method for English to Kannada transliteration
PJ Antony, VP Ajith, KP Soman
2010 International Conference on Recent Trends in Information …, 2010
A novel approach for English to South Dravidian language statistical machine translation system
P Unnikrishnan, PJ Antony, KP Soman
International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering 2 (08), 2749-2759, 2010
A rule based kannada morphological analyzer and generator using finite state transducer
R Veerappan, PJ Antony, S Saravanan, KP Soman
International Journal of Computer Applications 27 (10), 45-52, 2011
Data mining and machine learning approaches on engineering materials—a review
PJ Antony, P Manujesh, NA Jnanesh
2016 IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics …, 2016
Haar features based handwritten character recognition system for Tulu script
PJ Antony, CK Savitha, UJ Ujwal
2016 IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics …, 2016
A framework for recognition of handwritten South Dravidian Tulu script
PJ Antony, CK Savitha
2016 Conference on Advances in Signal Processing (CASP), 7-12, 2016
Statistical method for English to Kannada transliteration
PJ Antony, VP Ajith, KP Soman
International Conference on Business Administration and Information …, 2010
Document image analysis using imagemagick and tesseract-ocr
ML Smitha, PJ Antony, DN Sachin
International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and …, 2016
Machine learning approaches for recognition of offline Tulu handwritten scripts
CK Savitha, PJ Antony
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1142 (1), 012005, 2018
Penn treebank-based syntactic parsers for south dravidian languages using a machine learning approach
PJ Antony, NJ Warrier, KP Soman
International Journal of Computer Applications 7 (8), 14-21, 2010
Paradigm based morphological analyzer for kannada language using machine learning approach
PJ Antony, MA Kumar, KP Soman
International Journal on Advances in Computational Sciences and Technology …, 2010
Analysis of malignancy using enhanced graphcut-based clustering for diagnosis of bone cancer
BS Vandana, PJ Antony, SR Alva
Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development …, 2020
Automated segmentation using histopathology images as a diagnostic confirmatory tool in detection of bone cancer
BS Vandana, PJ Antony
International Journal of Computer Applications 57 (11), 2012
Machine learning approach for flexural characterization of smart material
MR Prajna, PJ Antony, NA Jnanesh
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1142 (1), 012007, 2018
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