Analytic hierarchy process: An overview of applications OS Vaidya, S Kumar European Journal of operational research 169 (1), 1-29, 2006 | 5105 | 2006 |
A supply chain network equilibrium model for operational and opportunism risk mitigation Y Daultani, S Kumar, OS Vaidya, MK Tiwari International Journal of Production Research 53 (18), 5685-5715, 2015 | 73 | 2015 |
Multi‐criteria supply chain performance evaluation: An Indian chemical industry case study O Vaidya, M Hudnurkar International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 62 (3), 293-316, 2013 | 64 | 2013 |
Efficiency ranking method using DEA and TOPSIS (ERM-DT): case of an Indian bank A Chitnis, OS Vaidya Benchmarking: An International Journal 23 (1), 165-182, 2016 | 49 | 2016 |
Achieving sustainable operational excellence through IT implementation in Indian logistics sector: an analysis of barriers S Chakraborty, A Sharma, OS Vaidya Resources, Conservation and Recycling 152, 104506, 2020 | 46 | 2020 |
Evaluating the performance of public urban transportation systems in India OS Vaidya Journal of Public Transportation 17 (4), 174-191, 2014 | 35 | 2014 |
MCDM applications in logistics performance evaluation: A literature review KC Chejarla, OS Vaidya, S Kumar Journal of Multi‐Criteria Decision Analysis 29 (3-4), 274-297, 2022 | 33 | 2022 |
Study of emerging issues in supply risk management in India M Ketkar, OS Vaidya Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 37, 57-66, 2012 | 33 | 2012 |
Performance assessment of tennis players: Application of DEA A Chitnis, O Vaidya Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 133, 74-83, 2014 | 32 | 2014 |
Performance evaluation in Indian corporate organizations: A survey O Vaidya, A Chitnis Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 37, 38-45, 2012 | 32 | 2012 |
Cross-docking centre location in a supply chain network: A social network analysis approach P Barsing, Y Daultani, OS Vaidya, S Kumar Global Business Review 19 (3_suppl), S218-S234, 2018 | 31 | 2018 |
Inclusive risk modeling for manufacturing firms: a Bayesian network approach Y Daultani, M Goswami, OS Vaidya, S Kumar Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 30, 2789-2803, 2019 | 28 | 2019 |
Developing ordering policy based on multiple inventory classification schemes M Ketkar, OS Vaidya Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 133, 180-188, 2014 | 28 | 2014 |
Prioritizing and ranking critical success factors for ERP adoption in SMEs V Bharathi, O Vaidya, S Parikh AIMS International Journal of Management 6 (1), 23-40, 2012 | 27 | 2012 |
Evaluating and ranking candidates for MBA program: Mahalanobis Taguchi system approach M Ketkar, OS Vaidya Procedia Economics and Finance 11, 654-664, 2014 | 25 | 2014 |
Efficiency ranking method using SFA and TOPSIS (ERM-ST): case of Indian banks A Chitnis, OS Vaidya Benchmarking: An International Journal 25 (2), 471-488, 2018 | 21 | 2018 |
A Comparative Evaluation of Public Road Transportation Systems in India Using Multicriteria Decision‐Making Techniques A Kumar, G Singh, OS Vaidya Journal of Advanced Transportation 2020 (1), 8827186, 2020 | 17 | 2020 |
Dependency and its predictions for systems and its components OS Vaidya, S Kumar International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 20 (9), 1096-1116, 2003 | 15 | 2003 |
Development of a balanced scorecard-based supplier collaborative performance index M Hudnurkar, U Rathod, SK Jakhar, OS Vaidya International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 67 (2), 401-425, 2018 | 14 | 2018 |
Evaluation of enablers of supply chain resilience and responsibility in India during large-scale disruptions: an ISM-ANP approach R Sindhwani, V Saddikuti, OS Vaidya International journal of operational research 48 (2), 178-220, 2023 | 13 | 2023 |