עקוב אחר
Panče Panov
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
A large-scale evaluation of computational protein function prediction
P Radivojac, WT Clark, TR Oron, AM Schnoes, T Wittkop, A Sokolov, ...
Nature methods 10 (3), 221-227, 2013
Estimating vegetation height and canopy cover from remotely sensed data with machine learning
D Stojanova, P Panov, V Gjorgjioski, A Kobler, S Džeroski
Ecological informatics 5 (4), 256-266, 2010
Combining bagging and random subspaces to create better ensembles
P Panov, S Džeroski
International symposium on intelligent data analysis, 118-129, 2007
OntoDM: An ontology of data mining
P Panov, S Džeroski, L Soldatova
2008 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, 752-760, 2008
Learning to predict forest fires with different data mining techniques
D Stojanova, P Panov, A Kobler, S Džeroski, K Taškova
Conference on data mining and data warehouses (SiKDD 2006), Ljubljana …, 2006
Multi-label classification via multi-target regression on data streams
A Osojnik, P Panov, S Džeroski
Machine Learning 106, 745-770, 2017
Ontology of core data mining entities
P Panov, L Soldatova, S Džeroski
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 28, 1222-1265, 2014
ML Schema: Exposing the Semantics of Machine Learning with Schemas and Ontologies
GC Publio, D Esteves, A Ławrynowicz, P Panov, L Soldatova, T Soru, ...
Enabling Reproducibility in Machine Learning MLTrain@RML (co-located with …, 2018
Generic ontology of datatypes
P Panov, LN Soldatova, S Džeroski
Information Sciences 329, 900-920, 2016
OntoDM-KDD: ontology for representing the knowledge discovery process
P Panov, L Soldatova, S Džeroski
Discovery Science: 16th International Conference, DS 2013, Singapore …, 2013
Phyletic profiling with cliques of orthologs is enhanced by signatures of paralogy relationships
N Škunca, M Bošnjak, A Kriško, P Panov, S Džeroski, T Šmuc, F Supek
PLoS computational biology 9 (1), e1002852, 2013
Tree-based methods for online multi-target regression
A Osojnik, P Panov, S Džeroski
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 50, 315-339, 2018
Towards an ontology of data mining investigations
P Panov, LN Soldatova, S Džeroski
Discovery Science: 12th International Conference, DS 2009, Porto, Portugal …, 2009
Machine learning ensemble methods in
S Džeroski, P Panov, B Ženko
Inductive databases and constraint-based data mining
S Džeroski, B Goethals, P Panov
Springer, 2010
Using Decision Trees to Predict Forest Stand Height and Canopy Cover from LANDSAT and LIDAR Data.
S Dzeroski, A Kobler, V Gjorgjioski, P Panov
EnviroInfo, 125-133, 2006
Representing entities in the OntoDM data mining ontology
P Panov, S Džeroski, LN Soldatova
Inductive Databases and Constraint-Based Data Mining, 27-58, 2010
ML schema core specification
D Esteves, A Lawrynowicz, P Panov, L Soldatova, T Soru, J Vanschoren
World Wide Web Consortium, Tech. Rep., Oct, 2016
Aitlas: Artificial intelligence toolbox for earth observation
I Dimitrovski, I Kitanovski, P Panov, A Kostovska, N Simidjievski, D Kocev
Remote Sensing 15 (9), 2343, 2023
OPTION: OPTImization Algorithm Benchmarking ONtology
A Kostovska, D Vermetten, C Doerr, S Džeroski, P Panov, T Eftimov
GECCO '21: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation …, 2021
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