Wired for innovation: how information technology is reshaping the economy E Brynjolfsson, A Saunders The MIT Press, 2009 | 859* | 2009 |
Materials synthesis insights from scientific literature via text extraction and machine learning E Kim, K Huang, A Saunders, A McCallum, G Ceder, E Olivetti Chemistry of Materials 29 (21), 9436-9444, 2017 | 469 | 2017 |
Valuing IT-Related Intangible Assets A Saunders, E Brynjolfsson MIS Quarterly 40 (1), 83-110, 2016 | 243 | 2016 |
Machine-learned and codified synthesis parameters of oxide materials E Kim, K Huang, A Tomala, S Matthews, E Strubell, A Saunders, ... Scientific data 4 (1), 1-9, 2017 | 181 | 2017 |
What the GDP gets wrong (Why managers should care) E Brynjolfsson, A Saunders MIT Sloan Management Review 51 (1), 95-6, 2009 | 44 | 2009 |
El impacto de la tecnología en el crecimiento y el empleo A Saunders Open Mind https://www. bbvaopenmind. com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/BBVA …, 2018 | 42 | 2018 |
Open Scholarship and Peer Review: a Time for Experimentation D Soergel, A Saunders, A McCallum | 39 | 2013 |
Data assets and industry competition: Evidence from 10-K filings A Saunders, P Tambe Available at SSRN 2537089, 2015 | 19 | 2015 |
A measure of firms’ information practices based on textual analysis of 10-K filings A Saunders, P Tambe Work. Pap, 2013 | 18 | 2013 |
Wired for innovation. How technology is reshaping the economy E Brynjolfsson, A Saunders Cambridge, Massachusetts, London: MIT Press, 2010 | 18 | 2010 |
La era de la Perplejidad: Repensar el mundo que conocíamos. El impacto de la tecnología en el crecimiento y el empleo A Saunders Madrid, BBVA, OpenMind, Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial. Recuperado de …, 2017 | 10 | 2017 |
Has Information Technology Leveled the Competitive Playing Field? A Saunders Essays on Information Technology and Intangible Capital 59, 2011 | 7 | 2011 |
Information technology and organizational capital E Brynjolfsson, LM Hitt, A Saunders Proceedings of the Workshop on Information Systems Economics (WISE 2007 …, 2007 | 5 | 2007 |
The value and durability of patents in high-tech firms A Saunders Essays on Information Technology and Intangible Capital, 109, 2011 | 4 | 2011 |
Competition and cooperation in the bundled software market D Croson, A Saunders Workshop on Information Systems and Economics, 2004 | 3 | 2004 |
Essays on information technology and intangible capital A Saunders Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011 | 2 | 2011 |
The Value of Data: Evidence from a Textual Analysis of 10-Ks A Saunders, P Tambe Working Paper, January, 2012 | 1 | 2012 |
Organizational Capital E Brynjolfsson, A Saunders MIT Press, 2009 | 1 | 2009 |
IT's Contributions to Productivity and Economic Growth E Brynjolfsson, A Saunders MIT Press, 2009 | 1 | 2009 |
Technology, innovation, and productivity in the information age E Brynjolfsson, A Saunders MIT Press, 2009 | 1 | 2009 |