Current applications and new opportunities for the use of pulsed electric fields in food science and industry FJ Barba, O Parniakov, SA Pereira, A Wiktor, N Grimi, N Boussetta, ... Food research international 77, 773-798, 2015 | 731 | 2015 |
Chemical composition and antibacterial and antioxidant properties of commercial essential oils B Teixeira, A Marques, C Ramos, NR Neng, JMF Nogueira, JA Saraiva, ... Industrial crops and products 43, 587-595, 2013 | 686 | 2013 |
Chemical composition and bioactivity of different oregano (Origanum vulgare) extracts and essential oil B Teixeira, A Marques, C Ramos, C Serrano, O Matos, NR Neng, ... Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 93 (11), 2707-2714, 2013 | 438 | 2013 |
Emerging opportunities for the effective valorization of wastes and by-products generated during olive oil production process: Non-conventional methods for the recovery of high … E Roselló-Soto, M Koubaa, A Moubarik, RP Lopes, JA Saraiva, ... Trends in Food Science & Technology 45 (2), 296-310, 2015 | 347 | 2015 |
Main groups of microorganisms of relevance for food safety and stability: General aspects and overall description JM Lorenzo, PE Munekata, R Dominguez, M Pateiro, JA Saraiva, ... Innovative technologies for food preservation, 53-107, 2018 | 337 | 2018 |
Edible flowers: A review of the nutritional, antioxidant, antimicrobial properties and effects on human health L Fernandes, S Casal, JA Pereira, JA Saraiva, E Ramalhosa Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 60, 38-50, 2017 | 334 | 2017 |
Effect of thermal blanching and of high pressure treatments on sweet green and red bell pepper fruits (Capsicum annuum L.) SM Castro, JA Saraiva, JA Lopes-da-Silva, I Delgadillo, A Van Loey, ... Food chemistry 107 (4), 1436-1449, 2008 | 317 | 2008 |
European pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) from Portugal: Chemical composition of essential oil and antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of extracts and essential oil B Teixeira, A Marques, C Ramos, I Batista, C Serrano, O Matos, NR Neng, ... Industrial Crops and Products 36 (1), 81-87, 2012 | 316 | 2012 |
Landmarks in the historical development of twenty first century food processing technologies NN Misra, M Koubaa, S Roohinejad, P Juliano, H Alpas, RS Inácio, ... Food Research International 97, 318-339, 2017 | 309 | 2017 |
Fruit juice sonication: Implications on food safety and physicochemical and nutritional properties KG Zinoviadou, CM Galanakis, M Brnčić, N Grimi, N Boussetta, MJ Mota, ... Food Research International 77, 743-752, 2015 | 267 | 2015 |
Chemical and physical methodologies for the replacement/reduction of sulfur dioxide use during winemaking: Review of their potentialities and limitations MC Santos, C Nunes, JA Saraiva, MA Coimbra European Food Research and Technology 234, 1-12, 2012 | 244 | 2012 |
Antimicrobial activity of pomegranate peel extracts performed by high pressure and enzymatic assisted extraction EMC Alexandre, S Silva, SAO Santos, AJD Silvestre, MF Duarte, ... Food research international 115, 167-176, 2019 | 231 | 2019 |
High value-added compounds from fruit and vegetable by-products–Characterization, bioactivities, and application in the development of novel food products JP Trigo, EMC Alexandre, JA Saraiva, ME Pintado Critical reviews in food science and nutrition 60 (8), 1388-1416, 2022 | 230 | 2022 |
Characterization of fish protein films incorporated with essential oils of clove, garlic and origanum: Physical, antioxidant and antibacterial properties B Teixeira, A Marques, C Pires, C Ramos, I Batista, JA Saraiva, ML Nunes LWT-Food Science and Technology 59 (1), 533-539, 2014 | 210 | 2014 |
Recent advancements in lactic acid production-a review I Eş, AM Khaneghah, FJ Barba, JA Saraiva, AS Sant'Ana, SMB Hashemi Food Research International 107, 763-770, 2018 | 207 | 2018 |
Methods for determining bioavailability and bioaccessibility of bioactive compounds and nutrients DI Santos, JMA Saraiva, AA Vicente, M Moldão-Martins Innovative thermal and non-thermal processing, bioaccessibility and …, 2019 | 205 | 2019 |
Fresh fish degradation and advances in preservation using physical emerging technologies J Tavares, A Martins, LG Fidalgo, V Lima, RA Amaral, CA Pinto, AM Silva, ... Foods 10 (4), 780, 2021 | 185 | 2021 |
Evaluation of the effect of high pressure on total phenolic content, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of citrus peels R Casquete, SM Castro, A Martín, S Ruiz-Moyano, JA Saraiva, ... Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 31, 37-44, 2015 | 171 | 2015 |
Microorganisms under high pressure—Adaptation, growth and biotechnological potential MJ Mota, RP Lopes, I Delgadillo, JA Saraiva Biotechnology advances 31 (8), 1426-1434, 2013 | 158 | 2013 |
Reaction kinetics analysis of chemical changes in pressure-assisted thermal processing R Ramirez, J Saraiva, C Pérez Lamela, JA Torres Food Engineering Reviews 1, 16-30, 2009 | 141 | 2009 |