Internal networking and innovation ambidexterity: The mediating role of knowledge management processes in university research D Cabeza-Pullés, V Fernández-Pérez, MI Roldán-Bravo European Management Journal 38 (3), 450-461, 2020 | 93 | 2020 |
Predicting job satisfaction in military organizations: Unpacking the relationship between emotional intelligence, teamwork communication, and job attitudes in Spanish military … I Valor-Segura, G Navarro-Carrillo, N Extremera, LM Lozano, ... Frontiers in psychology 11, 875, 2020 | 68 | 2020 |
Supply network-enabled innovations. An analysis based on dependence and complementarity of capabilities MI Roldan Bravo, A Ruiz Moreno, FJ Llorens-Montes Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 21 (5), 642-660, 2016 | 58 | 2016 |
Examining desorptive capacity in supply chains: The role of organizational ambidexterity MI Roldan Bravo, A Ruiz-Moreno, FJ Llorens Montes International Journal of Operations & Production Management 38 (2), 534-553, 2018 | 55 | 2018 |
Open innovation in supply networks: An expectation disconfirmation theory perspective MI Roldan Bravo, FJ Llorens Montes, A Ruiz Moreno Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 32 (3), 432-444, 2017 | 55 | 2017 |
Open innovation and quality management: the moderating role of interorganisational IT infrastructure and complementary learning styles MI Roldán Bravo, FJ Llorens Montes, A Ruiz Moreno Production Planning & Control 28 (9), 744-757, 2017 | 49 | 2017 |
El proceso de co-creación de valor y su impacto en la estrategia de innovación en empresas de servicios A Ruiz-Moreno, T Ortega-Egea, C Haro-Domínguez, M Roldán-Bravo Intangible Capital 10 (2), 266-293, 2014 | 48 | 2014 |
Absorptive and desorptive capacity configurations in supply chains: An inverted U-shaped relationship MI Roldán Bravo, M Stevenson, AR Moreno, FJ Lloréns Montes International Journal of Production Research 58 (7), 2036-2053, 2020 | 38 | 2020 |
Effects of emerging leadership styles on engagement–a mediation analysis in a military context A Ruiz Moreno, MI Roldán Bravo, C García-Guiu, LM Lozano, ... Leadership & Organization Development Journal 42 (5), 665-689, 2021 | 23 | 2021 |
Factores clave para la búsqueda del aprendizaje organizacional en la cadena de suministro: una aproximación teórica BC Mateo, JT Torres, DC Pullés, MIR Bravo, AR Moreno Revista de Estudios Empresariales. Segunda Época, 2016 | 13 | 2016 |
How open innovation practices drive innovation performance: moderated-mediation in the interplay between overcoming syndromes and capabilities MI Roldán Bravo, A Ruiz Moreno, A Garcia Garcia, I Huertas-Valdivia Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 37 (2), 366-384, 2022 | 11 | 2022 |
Technical innovation: trigger or threat for organizational learning? A curvilinear relationship revisited MTO Egea, MIR Bravo, AR Moreno, CH Domínguez, DC Pullés Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 36 (3), 493-504, 2020 | 6 | 2020 |
Supply chain 4.0 ambidexterity and lean supply chain management: interrelationships and effect on the focal firm’s operational performance MI Roldán Bravo, JM Maqueira-Marin, J Moyano-Fuentes Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 28 (7), 112-128, 2023 | 5 | 2023 |
Modelo EFQM y organismo autónomo de entidad local:¿ Compatibilidad? AR Moreno, VC Sellés, DC Pulles, MIR Bravo Cuadernos de estudios empresariales 26, 33, 2016 | 5 | 2016 |
Promoting proactive extra-role service behaviors through empowering leadership: the role of mindfulness CA Albacete-Saez, AP Moreno-Marcial, MI Roldan Bravo, ... International Journal of Manpower, 2024 | | 2024 |
OPEN INNOVATION AND QUALITY: COMPLEMENTARITY? MI Roldán-Bravo, DC Pullés Dyna Management journal 2013 3 (1), 2015 | | 2015 |
Innovación abierta y calidad:¿ complementariedad? MI Roldán-Bravo, DC Pullés DYNA management 3 (1), 2015 | | 2015 |
Paper published in Journal of Business MT Ortega Egea, MI Roldán Bravo, A Ruiz Moreno, C Haro Domínguez | | |