מאמרים עם הרשאות לגישה ציבורית - Lazaros Arestiלמידע נוסף
לא זמין באתר כלשהו: 1
Waste Heat Recovery Technologies: Recommendations on how to Overcome Barriers to their Adoption
P Christodoulides, L Aresti, V Messaritis, G Panayiotou, G Bianchi, ...
7th International Conference on "Energy, Sustainability and Climate Change …, 2020
הרשאות: European Commission
זמינים באתר כלשהו: 11
Preliminary assessment of waste heat potential in major European industries
GP Panayiotou, G Bianchi, G Georgiou, L Aresti, M Argyrou, ...
Energy Procedia 123, 335-345, 2017
הרשאות: European Commission, UK Research & Innovation
Estimating the waste heat recovery in the European Union Industry
G Bianchi, GP Panayiotou, L Aresti, SA Kalogirou, GA Florides, K Tsamos, ...
Energy, Ecology and Environment 4, 211-221, 2019
הרשאות: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, European Commission …
Waste heat recovery in the EU industry and proposed new technologies
R Agathokleous, G Bianchi, G Panayiotou, L Aresti, MC Argyrou, ...
Energy Procedia 161, 489-496, 2019
הרשאות: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, European Commission …
Waste heat recovery technologies revisited with emphasis on new solutions, including heat pipes, and case studies
P Christodoulides, R Agathokleous, L Aresti, SA Kalogirou, SA Tassou, ...
Energies 15 (1), 384, 2022
הרשאות: European Commission
Reviewing the modeling aspects and practices of shallow geothermal energy systems
P Christodoulides, A Vieira, S Lenart, J Maranha, G Vidmar, R Popov, ...
Energies 13 (16), 4273, 2020
הרשאות: European Commission
Adoption of waste heat recovery technologies: Reviewing the relevant barriers and recommendations on how to overcome them
P Christodoulides, L Aresti, GP Panayiotou, S Tassou, GA Florides
Operations Research Forum 3 (1), 3, 2022
הרשאות: European Commission
Thermal and physical characteristics of soils in Cyprus for use in shallow geothermal energy applications
R Ramos, L Aresti, L Yiannoukos, E Tsiolakis, J Pekris, A Vieira, ...
Energy, Ecology and Environment 4, 300-309, 2019
הרשאות: European Commission
Assessment and comparison of soil thermal characteristics by laboratory measurements
R Ramos, L Aresti, P Christodoulides, A Vieira, G Florides
Energy Geotechnics: SEG-2018, 155-162, 2019
הרשאות: European Commission
Energy geo-structures: A review of their integration with other sources and its limitations
L Aresti, MR Alvi, F Cecinato, T Fan, E Halaj, Z Li, O Okhay, SE Poulsen, ...
Renewable Energy, 120835, 2024
הרשאות: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, European Commission
The use of a residential building’s foundation as Energy Geo-Structures: A case study in the Mediterranean environment
L Aresti, G Florides, T Onoufriou, C Makarounas, P Christodoulides
Symposium on Energy Geotechnics 2023, 03-05 Oct, Delft, Netherlands, 2023
הרשאות: European Commission
Analysis of the wider potential for heat pump and geothermal energy integration in traditional systems and grids
R Valančius, J Černeckienė, A Jurelionis, L Aresti, N Rman, RM Singh
Energetika 69 (1), 2023
הרשאות: European Commission
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