עקוב אחר
Massimo Violante
Massimo Violante
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין polito.it - דף הבית
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
Soft-error detection using control flow assertions
O Goloubeva, M Rebaudengo, MS Reorda, M Violante
Proceedings 18th IEEE Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI …, 2003
Soft-error detection through software fault-tolerance techniques
M Rebaudengo, MS Reorda, M Torchiano, M Violante
Proceedings 1999 IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance …, 1999
Software-implemented hardware fault tolerance
O Goloubeva, M Rebaudengo, MS Reorda, M Violante
Springer Science & Business Media, 2006
A new reliability-oriented place and route algorithm for SRAM-based FPGAs
L Sterpone, M Violante
IEEE Transactions on Computers 55 (6), 732-744, 2006
Virtual interactive e‐learning application: An evaluation of the student satisfaction
MG Violante, E Vezzetti
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 23 (1), 72-91, 2015
Kano qualitative vs quantitative approaches: An assessment framework for products attributes analysis
MG Violante, E Vezzetti
Computers in industry 86, 15-25, 2017
Identification and classification of single-event upsets in the configuration memory of SRAM-based FPGAs
M Ceschia, M Violante, MS Reorda, A Paccagnella, P Bernardi, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 50 (6), 2088-2094, 2003
Analysis of the robustness of the TMR architecture in SRAM-based FPGAs
L Sterpone, M Violante
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 52 (5), 1545-1549, 2005
Low power BIST via non-linear hybrid cellular automata
F Corno, M Rebaudengo, MS Reorda, G Squillero, M Violante
Proceedings 18th IEEE VLSI Test Symposium, 29-34, 2000
A new partial reconfiguration-based fault-injection system to evaluate SEU effects in SRAM-based FPGAs
L Sterpone, M Violante
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 54 (4), 965-970, 2007
Experimentally evaluating an automatic approach for generating safety-critical software with respect to transient errors
P Cheynet, B Nicolescu, R Velazco, M Rebaudengo, MS Reorda, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 47 (6), 2231-2236, 2000
A source-to-source compiler for generating dependable software
M Rebaudengo, MS Reorda, M Violante, M Torchiano
Proceedings First IEEE International Workshop on Source Code Analysis and …, 2001
Evaluating the effects of SEUs affecting the configuration memory of an SRAM-based FPGA
M Bellato, P Bernardi, D Bortolato, A Candelori, M Ceschia, ...
Proceedings Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition …, 2004
Implementing a new approach for the design of an e‐learning platform in engineering education
MG Violante, E Vezzetti
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 22 (4), 708-727, 2014
Commonly used external TAM variables in e-learning, agriculture and virtual reality applications
IA Castiblanco Jimenez, LC Cepeda García, MG Violante, F Marcolin, ...
Future Internet 13 (1), 7, 2020
An FPGA-based approach for speeding-up fault injection campaigns on safety-critical circuits
P Civera, L Macchiarulo, M Rebaudengo, MS Reorda, M Violante
Journal of Electronic Testing 18, 261-271, 2002
A new analytical approach to estimate the effects of SEUs in TMR architectures implemented through SRAM-based FPGAs
L Sterpone, M Violante
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 52 (6), 2217-2223, 2005
Exploiting circuit emulation for fast hardness evaluation
P Civera, L Macchiarulo, M Rebaudengo, MS Reorda, M Violante
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 48 (6), 2210-2216, 2001
On the test of microprocessor IP cores
F Corno, MS Reorda, G Squillero, M Violante
Proceedings Design, Automation and Test in Europe. Conference and Exhibition …, 2001
An in-vehicle infotainment software architecture based on google android
G Macario, M Torchiano, M Violante
2009 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems, 257-260, 2009
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