From natural to degraded rivers and back again: a test of restoration ecology theory and practice CK Feld, S Birk, DC Bradley, D Hering, J Kail, A Marzin, A Melcher, ... Advances in ecological research 44, 119-209, 2011 | 372 | 2011 |
The effect of river restoration on fish, macroinvertebrates and aquatic macrophytes: A meta-analysis J Kail, K Brabec, M Poppe, K Januschke Ecological Indicators 58, 311-321, 2015 | 253 | 2015 |
The use of large wood in stream restoration: experiences from 50 projects in Germany and Austria J Kail, D Hering, S Muhar, M Gerhard, S Preis Journal of Applied Ecology 44 (6), 1145-1155, 2007 | 252 | 2007 |
Effective river restoration in the 21st century: from trial and error to novel evidence-based approaches N Friberg, NV Angelopoulos, AD Buijse, IG Cowx, J Kail, TF Moe, H Moir, ... Advances in ecological research 55, 535-611, 2016 | 119 | 2016 |
Eco-hydrologic model cascades: simulating land use and climate change impacts on hydrology, hydraulics and habitats for fish and macroinvertebrates B Guse, J Kail, J Radinger, M Schröder, J Kiesel, D Hering, C Wolter, ... Science of the Total Environment 533, 542-556, 2015 | 114 | 2015 |
Limiting factors and thresholds for macroinvertebrate assemblages in European rivers: empirical evidence from three datasets on water quality, catchment urbanization, and river … J Kail, J Arle, SC Jähnig Ecological Indicators 18, 63-72, 2012 | 114 | 2012 |
The role of benthic microhabitats in determining the effects of hydromorphological river restoration on macroinvertebrates RCM Verdonschot, J Kail, BG McKie, PFM Verdonschot Hydrobiologia 769, 55-66, 2016 | 110 | 2016 |
Evaluating good-practice cases for river restoration across Europe: context, methodological framework, selected results and recommendations S Muhar, K Januschke, J Kail, M Poppe, S Schmutz, D Hering, AD Buijse Hydrobiologia 769, 3-19, 2016 | 105 | 2016 |
Contrasting the roles of section length and instream habitat enhancement for river restoration success: a field study of 20 European restoration projects D Hering, J Aroviita, A Baattrup‐Pedersen, K Brabec, T Buijse, F Ecke, ... Journal of Applied Ecology 52 (6), 1518-1527, 2015 | 97 | 2015 |
Influence of large woody debris on the morphology of six central European streams J Kail Geomorphology 51 (1-3), 207-223, 2003 | 91 | 2003 |
Coarse woody debris quantity and distribution in Central European streams D Hering, J Kail, S Eckert, M Gerhard, EI Meyer, M Mutz, M Reich, I Weiss International Review of Hydrobiology: A Journal Covering all Aspects of …, 2000 | 91 | 2000 |
The importance of the regional species pool, ecological species traits and local habitat conditions for the colonization of restored river reaches by fish S Stoll, J Kail, AW Lorenz, A Sundermann, P Haase PloS one 9 (1), e84741, 2014 | 82 | 2014 |
Using large wood to restore streams in Central Europe: potential use and likely effects J Kail, D Hering Landscape ecology 20, 755-772, 2005 | 78 | 2005 |
The influence of adjacent stream reaches on the local ecological status of Central European mountain streams J Kail, D Hering River Research and Applications 25 (5), 537-550, 2009 | 73 | 2009 |
Assessing restoration effects on hydromorphology in European mid-sized rivers by key hydromorphological parameters M Poppe, J Kail, J Aroviita, M Stelmaszczyk, M Giełczewski, S Muhar Hydrobiologia 769, 21-40, 2016 | 72 | 2016 |
Projected effects of climate‐change‐induced flow alterations on stream macroinvertebrate abundances K Kakouei, J Kiesel, S Domisch, KS Irving, SC Jähnig, J Kail Ecology and evolution 8 (6), 3393-3409, 2018 | 60 | 2018 |
Small and impoverished regional species pools constrain colonisation of restored river reaches by fishes S Stoll, A Sundermann, AW Lorenz, J Kail, P Haase Freshwater Biology 58 (4), 664-674, 2013 | 59 | 2013 |
Assessing restoration effects on river hydromorphology using the process-based morphological quality index in eight European river reaches B Belletti, L Nardi, M Rinaldi, M Poppe, K Brabec, M Bussettini, F Comiti, ... Environmental management 61, 69-84, 2018 | 50 | 2018 |
Analysis and evaluation of large‐scale river restoration planning in Germany to better link river research and management J Kail, C Wolter River Research and Applications 27 (8), 985-999, 2011 | 48 | 2011 |
Quantitative hydrological preferences of benthic stream invertebrates in Germany K Kakouei, J Kiesel, J Kail, M Pusch, SC Jähnig Ecological indicators 79, 163-172, 2017 | 44 | 2017 |