Achievement of a table-like magnetocaloric effect in the dual-phase ErZn2/ErZn composite L Li, Y Yuan, Y Qi, Q Wang, S Zhou Materials Research Letters 6 (1), 67-71, 2018 | 144 | 2018 |
Giant low field magnetocaloric effect and field-induced metamagnetic transition in TmZn L Li, Y Yuan, Y Zhang, T Namiki, K Nishimura, R Pöttgen, S Zhou Applied Physics Letters 107 (13), 2015 | 132 | 2015 |
Sec‐eliminating the SARS‐CoV‐2 by AlGaN based high power deep ultraviolet light source S Liu, W Luo, D Li, Y Yuan, W Tong, J Kang, Y Wang, D Li, X Rong, ... Advanced functional materials 31 (7), 2008452, 2021 | 90 | 2021 |
Large refrigerant capacity induced by table-like magnetocaloric effect in amorphous Er0.2Gd0.2Ho0.2Co0.2Cu0.2 ribbons L Li, C Xu, Y Yuan, S Zhou Materials Research Letters 6 (8), 413-418, 2018 | 81 | 2018 |
Extended Infrared Photoresponse in -Hyperdoped at Room Temperature M Wang, Y Berencén, E García-Hemme, S Prucnal, R Hübner, Y Yuan, ... Physical Review Applied 10 (2), 024054, 2018 | 75 | 2018 |
Deep‐ultraviolet micro‐LEDs exhibiting high output power and high modulation bandwidth simultaneously D Li, S Liu, Z Qian, Q Liu, K Zhou, D Liu, S Sheng, B Sheng, F Liu, Z Chen, ... Advanced Materials 34 (19), 2109765, 2022 | 67 | 2022 |
Breaking the doping limit in silicon by deep impurities M Wang, A Debernardi, Y Berencen, R Heller, C Xu, Y Yuan, Y Xie, ... Physical Review Applied 11 (5), 054039, 2019 | 66 | 2019 |
Chiral Helimagnetism and One‐Dimensional Magnetic Solitons in a Cr‐Intercalated Transition Metal Dichalcogenide C Zhang, J Zhang, C Liu, S Zhang, Y Yuan, P Li, Y Wen, Z Jiang, B Zhou, ... Advanced Materials 33 (35), 2101131, 2021 | 60 | 2021 |
Irradiation effects on the structural and optical properties of single crystal β-Ga2O3 C Liu, Y Berencén, J Yang, Y Wei, M Wang, Y Yuan, C Xu, Y Xie, X Li, ... Semiconductor Science and Technology 33 (9), 095022, 2018 | 47 | 2018 |
Critical behavior of intercalated quasi-van der Waals ferromagnet C Zhang, Y Yuan, M Wang, P Li, J Zhang, Y Wen, S Zhou, XX Zhang Physical Review Materials 3 (11), 114403, 2019 | 42 | 2019 |
Interplay between localization and magnetism in (Ga, Mn) As and (In, Mn) As Y Yuan, C Xu, R Hübner, R Jakiela, R Böttger, M Helm, M Sawicki, T Dietl, ... Physical Review Materials 1 (5), 054401, 2017 | 39 | 2017 |
Magnetic phase transitions and large magnetic entropy change with a wide temperature span in HoZn L Li, Y Yuan, Y Zhang, R Pöttgen, S Zhou Journal of Alloys and Compounds 643, 147-151, 2015 | 36 | 2015 |
Spin-wave modes in transition from a thin film to a full magnonic crystal M Langer, RA Gallardo, T Schneider, S Stienen, A Roldán-Molina, Y Yuan, ... Physical Review B 99 (2), 024426, 2019 | 35 | 2019 |
Drive high power UVC‐LED wafer into low‐cost 4‐inch era: effect of strain modulation S Liu, Y Yuan, L Huang, J Zhang, T Wang, T Li, J Kang, W Luo, Z Chen, ... Advanced Functional Materials 32 (19), 2112111, 2022 | 32 | 2022 |
Magnetic properties and giant reversible magnetocaloric effect in GdCoC 2 L Meng, C Xu, Y Yuan, Y Qi, S Zhou, L Li Rsc Advances 6 (78), 74765-74768, 2016 | 31 | 2016 |
Lattice polarity manipulation of quasi‐vdW epitaxial GaN films on graphene through interface atomic configuration F Liu, T Wang, Z Zhang, T Shen, X Rong, B Sheng, L Yang, D Li, J Wei, ... Advanced Materials 34 (5), 2106814, 2022 | 30 | 2022 |
3D Local Manipulation of the Metal–Insulator Transition Behavior in VO2 Thin Film by Defect‐Induced Lattice Engineering Q Jia, J Grenzer, H He, W Anwand, Y Ji, Y Yuan, K Huang, T You, W Yu, ... Advanced Materials Interfaces 5 (8), 1701268, 2018 | 29 | 2018 |
Resistive switching behavior in single crystal SrTiO3 annealed by laser X Pan, Y Shuai, C Wu, W Luo, X Sun, Y Yuan, S Zhou, X Ou, W Zhang Applied Surface Science 389, 1104-1107, 2016 | 29 | 2016 |
Suppressing the cellular breakdown in silicon supersaturated with titanium F Liu, S Prucnal, R Hübner, Y Yuan, W Skorupa, M Helm, S Zhou Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49 (24), 245104, 2016 | 28 | 2016 |
Magnetocrystalline anisotropy and exchange probed by high-field anomalous Hall effect in fully compensated half-metallic thin films C Fowley, K Rode, YC Lau, N Thiyagarajah, D Betto, K Borisov, ... Physical Review B 98 (22), 220406, 2018 | 27 | 2018 |