Engineering biochar with multiwalled carbon nanotube for efficient phase change material encapsulation and thermal energy storage DG Atinafu, S Wi, BY Yun, S Kim Energy 216, 119294, 2021 | 111 | 2021 |
A comparative analysis of biochar, activated carbon, expanded graphite, and multi-walled carbon nanotubes with respect to PCM loading and energy-storage capacities DG Atinafu, BY Yun, S Wi, Y Kang, S Kim Environmental Research 195, 110853, 2021 | 102 | 2021 |
Structurally advanced hybrid support composite phase change materials: Architectural synergy DG Atinafu, BY Yun, S Yang, H Yuk, S Wi, S Kim Energy Storage Materials 42, 164-184, 2021 | 94 | 2021 |
Optimal energy retrofit plan for conservation and sustainable use of historic campus building: Case of cultural property building HM Cho, BY Yun, S Yang, S Wi, SJ Chang, S Kim Applied Energy 275, 115313, 2020 | 81 | 2020 |
Introduction of eicosane into biochar derived from softwood and wheat straw: Influence of porous structure and surface chemistry DG Atinafu, BY Yun, YU Kim, S Wi, S Kim Chemical Engineering Journal 415, 128887, 2021 | 80 | 2021 |
Comparative analysis of the PCM application according to the building type as retrofit system JH Park, J Jeon, J Lee, S Wi, BY Yun, S Kim Building and Environment 151, 291-302, 2019 | 77 | 2019 |
Impact of a passive retrofit shading system on educational building to improve thermal comfort and energy consumption JH Park, BY Yun, SJ Chang, S Wi, J Jeon, S Kim Energy and Buildings 216, 109930, 2020 | 69 | 2020 |
Circular reutilization of coffee waste for sound absorbing panels: A perspective on material recycling BY Yun, HM Cho, YU Kim, SC Lee, U Berardi, S Kim Environmental Research 184, 109281, 2020 | 69 | 2020 |
Integrated analysis of the energy and economic efficiency of PCM as an indoor decoration element: Application to an apartment building BY Yun, JH Park, S Yang, S Wi, S Kim Solar Energy 196, 437-447, 2020 | 67 | 2020 |
Analysis of biochar-mortar composite as a humidity control material to improve the building energy and hygrothermal performance JH Park, YU Kim, J Jeon, BY Yun, Y Kang, S Kim Science of The Total Environment 775, 145552, 2021 | 55 | 2021 |
Design and analysis of phase change material based floor heating system for thermal energy storage BY Yun, S Yang, HM Cho, SJ Chang, S Kim Environmental research 173, 480-488, 2019 | 50 | 2019 |
Mechanical and thermal properties of artificial stone finishing materials mixed with PCM impregnated lightweight aggregate and carbon material YU Kim, JH Park, BY Yun, S Yang, S Wi, S Kim Construction and Building Materials 272, 121882, 2021 | 48 | 2021 |
Evaluation of thermal properties of phase change material-integrated artificial stone according to biochar loading content YU Kim, BY Yun, J Nam, JY Choi, S Wi, S Kim Construction and Building Materials 305, 124682, 2021 | 41 | 2021 |
Field study on the improvement of indoor air quality with toluene adsorption finishing materials in an urban residential apartment J Jeon, JH Park, S Wi, BY Yun, T Kim, S Kim Environmental Pollution 261, 114137, 2020 | 34 | 2020 |
Exterior insulation finishing system using cementitious plaster/microencapsulated phase change material for improving the building thermal storage performance S Wi, S Yang, BY Yun, S Kim Construction and Building Materials 299, 123932, 2021 | 32 | 2021 |
Thermal and characteristic analysis of shape-stabilization phase change materials by advanced vacuum impregnation method using carbon-based materials J Lee, S Wi, BY Yun, SJ Chang, S Kim Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 70, 281-289, 2019 | 32 | 2019 |
Evaluation of thermal/acoustic performance to confirm the possibility of coffee waste in building materials in using bio-based microencapsulated PCM JY Choi, BY Yun, YU Kim, Y Kang, SC Lee, S Kim Environmental Pollution 294, 118616, 2022 | 30 | 2022 |
Updated results on the integration of metal–organic framework with functional materials toward n-alkane for latent heat retention and reliability DG Atinafu, BY Yun, S Yang, Y Kang, S Kim Journal of Hazardous Materials 423, 127147, 2022 | 28 | 2022 |
Energy usage and cost analysis of passive thermal retrofits for low-rise residential buildings in Seoul S Yang, HM Cho, BY Yun, T Hong, S Kim Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 151, 111617, 2021 | 27 | 2021 |
Development and evaluation of gypsum/shape-stabilization phase change materials using large-capacity vacuum impregnator for thermal energy storage J Lee, S Wi, BY Yun, S Yang, JH Park, S Kim Applied energy 241, 278-290, 2019 | 26 | 2019 |