עקוב אחר
Zacharie Segda
Zacharie Segda
Maître de Recherche, CNRST/INERA, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין fasonet.bf
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
Variability and determinants of yields in rice production systems of West Africa
A Niang, M Becker, F Ewert, I Dieng, T Gaiser, A Tanaka, K Senthilkumar, ...
Field crops research 207, 1-12, 2017
Yield-limiting macronutrients for rice in sub-Saharan Africa
K Saito, E Vandamme, JM Johnson, A Tanaka, K Senthilkumar, I Dieng, ...
Geoderma 338, 546-554, 2019
On-farm rice yield and its association with biophysical factors in sub-Saharan Africa
A Tanaka, JM Johnson, K Senthilkumar, C Akakpo, Z Segda, ...
European Journal of Agronomy 85, 1-11, 2017
Status quo of chemical weed control in rice in sub-Saharan Africa
J Rodenburg, JM Johnson, I Dieng, K Senthilkumar, E Vandamme, ...
Food Security 11, 69-92, 2019
Rice bacterial leaf blight in West Africa: preliminary studies on disease in farmers' fields and screening released varieties for resistance to the bacteria.
Y Sere, A Onasanya, V Verdier, K Akator, LS Ouedraogo, Z Segda, ...
Does reducing seed-P concentrations affect seedling vigor and grain yield of rice?
J Pariasca-Tanaka, E Vandamme, A Mori, Z Segda, K Saito, TJ Rose, ...
Plant and Soil 392, 253-266, 2015
Influence des phosphates naturels sur la qualité et la biodégradation d’un compost de pailles de maïs
F Lompo, Z Segda, Z Gnankambary, N Ouandaogo
Tropicultura 27 (2), 105-109, 2009
Combining field and simulation studies to improve fertilizer recommendations for irrigated rice in Burkina Faso
Z Segda, SM Haefele, MCS Wopereis, MP Sedogo, S Guinko
Agronomy Journal 97 (5), 1429-1437, 2005
Genotypic variation in grain P loading across diverse rice growing environments and implications for field P balances
E Vandamme, M Wissuwa, T Rose, I Dieng, KN Drame, M Fofana, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 1435, 2016
Agro‐economic characterization of rice production in a typical irrigation scheme in Burkina Faso
Z Segda, SM Haefele, MCS Wopereis, MP Sedogo, S Guinko
Agronomy journal 96 (5), 1314-1322, 2004
Yield gap analysis towards meeting future rice demand.
K Saito, P Oort, I Dieng, JM Johnson, A Niang, K Ahouanton, AD Alognon, ...
A Screening Protocol for Vegetative‐stage Tolerance to Phosphorus Deficiency in Upland Rice
K Saito, E Vandamme, Z Segda, M Fofana, K Ahouanton
Crop Science 55 (3), 1223-1229, 2015
JM Johnson, J Rodenburg, A Tanaka, K Senthilkumar, K Ahouanton, ...
Experimental Agriculture 55 (1), 117-131, 2019
Gestion de la fertilité du sol pour une production améliorée et durable du riz (Oryza sativa L.) au Burkina Faso. Cas de la plaine irriguée de Bagré
Z Segda
Thèse de Doctorat, Université de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 2006
Economic costs of drought and rice farmers coping mechanism
S Pandey, H Bhandari, B Hardy
International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Philippines 203, 2007
Gestion améliorée de la jachère par l'utilisation de légumineuses de couverture
Z Segda, V Hien, F Lompo, M Becker
Cover crops in West Africa contributing to sustainable agriculture …, 1998
The future of food security, environments and livelihoods in Western Africa: four socio-economic scenarios.
A Palazzo, L Rutting, R Zougmoré, JM Vervoort, P Havlík, A Jalloh, ...
Nitrogen use efficiency by selected NERICA varieties in Burkina Faso
Z Segda, LP Yameogo, M Sie, VB Bado, A Mando
African Journal of Agricultural Research 8, 1-8, 2014
Amélioration de la fertilité du sol par utilisation du compost en riziculture irriguée dans la vallée du Kou au Burkina Faso
Z Segda, F Lompo, M Wopereis, MP Sedogdrd
Agronomie africaine 13 (2), 45-58, 2001
Nitrogen Recoveries and Yields Improvement in Cowpea sorghum and Fallow sorghum Rotations in West Africa Savannah
BV Bado, F Lompo, A Bationo, Z Segda, MP Sedogo, MP Cescas, VC Mel
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. B 2 (7B), 758, 2012
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