ePortfolio use by university students in Australia: A review of the Australian ePortfolio Project G Hallam, T Creagh Higher Education Research & Development 29 (2), 179-193, 2010 | 141 | 2010 |
Educating the millennial generation for evidence based information practice H Partridge, G Hallam Library hi tech 24 (3), 400-419, 2006 | 123 | 2006 |
The double helix: A personal account of the discovery of the structure of [the information professional's] DNA H Partridge, G Hallam ALIA 2004 Biennial Conference: Challenging Ideas, 1-9, 2004 | 81 | 2004 |
Australian ePortfolio Project: ePortfolio use by university students in Australia: informing excellence in policy and practice, Final project Report August 2008 G Hallam, W Harper, C McCowan, K Hauville, L McAllister, T Creagh, ... Queensland University of Technology, Department of Teaching and Learning …, 2008 | 78 | 2008 |
The ePortfolio as a tool for lifelong learning: Contextualising Australian practice LM McAllister, GC Hallam, WE Harper International Lifelong Learning Conference 2008, 246-252, 2008 | 68 | 2008 |
A systematic review of information literacy programs in higher education: Effects of face-to-face, online, and blended formats on student skills and views AL Weightman, DJJ Farnell, D Morris, H Strange, G Hallam Evidence Based Library and Information Practice 12 (3), 20-54, 2017 | 52 | 2017 |
The right person, in the right job, with the right skills, at the right time: A workforce‐planning model that goes beyond metrics J Stokker, G Hallam Library Management 30 (8/9), 561-571, 2009 | 52 | 2009 |
Evaluation of transitional mentoring for new library and information professionals: What are the professional and personal outcomes for the participants? G Hallam, C Newton‐Smith Library Management 27 (3), 154-167, 2006 | 48 | 2006 |
Education for library and information service G Hallam Libraries in the Twenty-First Century: Charting Future Developments in …, 2007 | 46 | 2007 |
Creating a connected future through information and digital literacy: strategic directions at the University of Queensland Library G Hallam, A Thomas, B Beach Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association 67 (1), 42-54, 2018 | 43 | 2018 |
IFLA guidelines for continuing professional development: Principles and best practices J Varlejs, V Lewis, S Schnuer, J Jara de Sumar International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2016 | 37 | 2016 |
Trends in LIS education in Australia G Hallam Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Conference on Library and Information …, 2006 | 37 | 2006 |
ePortfolio use by university students in Australia: Informing excellence in policy and practice GC Hallam, WE Harper, CR McCowan, KL Hauville, LM McAllister, ... Queensland University of Technology, Department of Teaching and Learning …, 2008 | 36* | 2008 |
Great expectations? Developing a profile of the 21st century library and information student: a Queensland University of Technology case study GC Hallam, HL Partridge Libraries-a voyage of discovery. International Federation of Library …, 2005 | 33 | 2005 |
A Model for the Development of Virtual Communities for People with Long-Term, Severe Physical Disabilities. CM Tilley, CS Bruce, G Hallam, AP Hills Information Research: an international electronic journal 11 (3), n3, 2006 | 29 | 2006 |
The practitioner’s experience and conception of evidence based library and information practice: an exploratory analysis H Partridge, C Glanville, S Edwards, G Hallam Evidence Based Library and Information Practice: Abstracts of Papers and …, 2007 | 26 | 2007 |
Australia's health libraries: a research-directed future G Hallam, A Ritchie, C Hamill, S Lewis, C Newton-Smith, M Kammermann, ... Library Trends 59 (1), 350-372, 2010 | 23 | 2010 |
Different approaches: common conclusions. The skills debate of the twenty-first century B Fisher, G Hallam, H Partridge New review of academic librarianship 11 (1), 13-29, 2005 | 23 | 2005 |
neXus2. An investigation into the library and information services workforce in Australia: The institutional perspective. Final report prepared for the Australian Library and … G Hallam | 22 | 2009 |
DIFFERENT APPROACHES-COMMON CONCLUSIONS: THE SKILLS DEBATE OF THE 21^ s^ t CENTURY B Fisher, G Hallam, H Partridge IFLA publications 116, 41, 2005 | 22 | 2005 |