The job demands-resources model of burnout. E Demerouti, AB Bakker, F Nachreiner, WB Schaufeli Journal of Applied psychology 86 (3), 499, 2001 | 19763 | 2001 |
The measurement of engagement and burnout: A two sample confirmatory factor analytic approach WB Schaufeli, M Salanova, V González-Romá, AB Bakker Journal of Happiness studies 3, 71-92, 2002 | 19083 | 2002 |
The job demands‐resources model: State of the art AB Bakker, E Demerouti Journal of managerial psychology 22 (3), 309-328, 2007 | 18393 | 2007 |
Job demands, job resources, and their relationship with burnout and engagement: A multi‐sample study WB Schaufeli, AB Bakker Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2004 | 16647 | 2004 |
The measurement of work engagement with a short questionnaire: A cross-national study WB Schaufeli, AB Bakker, M Salanova Educational and psychological measurement 66 (4), 701-716, 2006 | 11873 | 2006 |
Job demands–resources theory: Taking stock and looking forward. AB Bakker, E Demerouti Journal of occupational health psychology 22 (3), 273, 2017 | 6792 | 2017 |
Towards a model of work engagement AB Bakker, E Demerouti Career development international 13 (3), 209-223, 2008 | 6331 | 2008 |
Burnout and engagement in university students: A cross-national study WB Schaufeli, IM Martinez, AM Pinto, M Salanova, AB Bakker Journal of cross-cultural psychology 33 (5), 464-481, 2002 | 5790 | 2002 |
Burnout and work engagement among teachers JJ Hakanen, AB Bakker, WB Schaufeli Journal of school psychology 43 (6), 495-513, 2006 | 5646 | 2006 |
Work engagement: An emerging concept in occupational health psychology AB Bakker, WB Schaufeli, MP Leiter, TW Taris Work & stress 22 (3), 187-200, 2008 | 4938 | 2008 |
Using the job demands‐resources model to predict burnout and performance AB Bakker, E Demerouti, W Verbeke Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of …, 2004 | 4701 | 2004 |
The role of personal resources in the job demands-resources model. D Xanthopoulou, AB Bakker, E Demerouti, WB Schaufeli International journal of stress management 14 (2), 121, 2007 | 4674 | 2007 |
Job resources buffer the impact of job demands on burnout. AB Bakker, E Demerouti, MC Euwema Journal of occupational health psychology 10 (2), 170, 2005 | 4206 | 2005 |
Burnout and work engagement: The JD–R approach AB Bakker, E Demerouti, AI Sanz-Vergel Annual review of organizational psychology and organizational behavior 1 …, 2014 | 3893 | 2014 |
Job resources boost work engagement, particularly when job demands are high. AB Bakker, JJ Hakanen, E Demerouti, D Xanthopoulou Journal of educational psychology 99 (2), 274, 2007 | 3847 | 2007 |
Utrecht work engagement scale-9 WB Schaufeli, AB Bakker, M Salanova Educational and Psychological Measurement, 2003 | 3730 | 2003 |
How changes in job demands and resources predict burnout, work engagement, and sickness absenteeism WB Schaufeli, AB Bakker, W Van Rhenen Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2009 | 3674 | 2009 |
Reciprocal relationships between job resources, personal resources, and work engagement D Xanthopoulou, AB Bakker, E Demerouti, WB Schaufeli Journal of Vocational behavior 74 (3), 235-244, 2009 | 3160 | 2009 |
Work engagement: A handbook of essential theory and research AB Bakker, MP Leiter Psychology press, 2010 | 3153* | 2010 |
Development and validation of the job crafting scale M Tims, AB Bakker, D Derks Journal of vocational behavior 80 (1), 173-186, 2012 | 2918 | 2012 |